
The dream

"Open the door mom", yelled Tara urging to the toilet at late night . "Wait a couple of minutes Tara", replied Mrs Williams."Mom I cannot wait please open the door ",Tara shouted out of urgency. Mrs Williams opened the door and Tara went into the toilet and then came back to bed. Clear sky, no one around , beautiful flowers smiled and sun kissed .Was walking through the larn with a cup of tea in hand, far from there saw a man coming near by . black tee and grey tracks even a orange with grey coloured sandal, hair falling in his forehead ,mask in his face and with a bag in his shoulder,he casually adjusted his hair . With a gentle smile at the flowers he moved into the opposite building . Two more accompanied him yet he was the only one who was noticed . Never showed interest in men and even not looked at them .Was thinking about it, after a hour he came out again and a lady came to pick him from that place. Was hoping that it was his mom yet not sure. A huge annoying sound hit and everything turned black . Tara opened her eyes and realized it was a dream . Through the windows she peeped out but there wasn't any such building, yet Tara did not forget that face though she did not see his full face.She had not admired anyone like this, despite people loving others with their appearance Tara was different . The boy seemed to be handsome but she did not even think about his appearance, she felt something inside the second after seeing him in her dream but later on while doing things, she literally forgot the dream but not him . She was still curious and wanted to know about him.Meanwhile, Mr Williams called Tara for breakfast and he had a glow in his face , Tara asked her dad what's the reason behind his happiness . He replied Tara that he got a promotion and they want to leave this house and go to some other place .Tara was too excited to move to another place and she started packing all things and she noticed a dress with the same pattern of the bag of her dream boy .

She was literally confused . Mrs williams called Tara to pack her study materials so she moved there to pack things .