
Urban Primordial System

Long shin was depressed as his relationship with his girlfriend ended when she told him to break up in front of everyone feeling depressed he walk towards the park as it was night time there was no one in the park he seat on a cliff Orb of the Primordial Chaos is an artifact which contained infinite powers of the Primordial Chaos very few even know about its existence while no one knows how it came to be but there was a saying that whoever gets the inheritance of the orb of the Primordial Chaos will Rule over the Infinite Cosmos and multiple dimensions from the highest peaks of the Nine Heavens to the depths of the Nine Hells and Chaos no one will be able to stand against the inheritor of the Orb of Primordial Chaos as it contains within it very mysterious but omnipotent power. After many years this saying will prove itself as many will remember the saying and the man who even gods were afraid to offend It was unknown where he came from or which race he belonged to many gods hated him many demons fear him many arrogant immortals were slain by him. Each of the gods and demons had their huge armies of uncountable soldiers fearless elite's and mighty generals They had powers to shatter the heavens and level the earth Destroying the very universe with but a wave of their hand Many of the gods and demons decided to band together by using their uncountable number of soldiers they tried to fight him but the result was terrifying He painted the cosmos with their blood imprisoned their souls and refined their corpses into energy With his one word, the uncountable number of beings powerful enough to destroy a galaxy came to a halt in the next second with a wave of his hands their souls left their bodies imprisoned within his realm. After the heavens shattering battle of the gods and demons no god or demon ever tried to offend him they cursed him behind his back but never dared to scheme against him as whenever he goes somewhere even the gods have to lower their heads and give way Wherever he goes the Dark Army follows He is the sovereign of the Darkness, he is the slayer of the demons, he is the enemy of the gods, the destroyer of the heavens, controller of the chaos. he has some call him devil, some call him god, some call him a saint In his journey, he had made many sworn friends, natural enemies and met many beauty's There is no shortage of women throwing themselves on him, he had many wives from mortal to goddesses and demoness. Join us in this journey of a mortal who fought his way to the apex of existence. _________________________________ this is my first-time writing, I'm only writing for fun if you are someone who cares about Grammars and stuff then this novel is not for you. ______________________________

Dark_Sovereign_28 · Urban
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112 Chs

Liu Minger Showing Her Domineering Side, Zhu Zedong Going Crazy.

"Wang Xiaojian, does this name songs any bells in your head, Mr.Zhu"

The words that came out of Liu Minger's rosy soft lips made Zhu Zedong tremble internally for a moment, it would be a lie to say that he didn't saw this coming , she might know something regarding the deal with 'Wang family' but at the same time he also denied this possibility, only because there were less then 1% probability of her knowing anything useful.

'She knows it? NO that's impossible I carefully hid my tracks and every records, she might just be talking about the surface information, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE FOR HER TO KNOW ANY REAL INFORMATION!!' She Zedong remained calm on the outside, but internally he was very greatly panicking internally.

He refused to believe that Liu Minger knew everything about the deal that occurred between him and Wang Xiaojian.

After all, in the end there was very little chance of Liu Minger knowing the real truth behind the scenes.

He feigned ignorance and denying all the possibilities of being exposed.

"Ohh, might you be talking about young master Wang, young miss?"

"I recall that our company has a joint project with the Wang family and he is the one they sent to supervise it from their side"

"Is there any problem with the project young miss?" his eyes flashed with a strange glint, even though he wasn't the brightest person and was even lustful by nature, it has to be said that his acting skills were plenty good already if it weren't for Liu Minger knowing the ins and out she would probably also think that this person was but an innocent bystander, one had to know Liu Minger had met many people, she had seen many acts, betrayal, and backstabbing, yet if even her eyes were clouded by his acting skills it could be imagined how much the guy had control over his facial expressions.

'So even after this you still wont talk, huh'

Liu Minger looked at Zhu Zedong who had lowered his head for a second "I see, forgive me for calling you here even though you are so busy Mr.Zhu, but you see Cha Yin gave me a few files about the projects you have supervised, there were a few things which I didn't understand so I called you here" in the end this was all she said.

'If you won't talk with this, then I'll use drastic measures to make you spit out the truth even if I have to break your jaws in the process' a cold glint passed through her eyes which went unnoticed by both the other people present in the room because of how fast it came and went away.

Hearing this Zhu Zedong who had lowered his head let out a relieved sigh internally, he didn't lose his composure.

Liu Minger's response had indeed stunned him a bit 'What, that's all? Was the previous talk about that basterd Wang Xiaojian just a randomly brought subject' Zhu Zedong was contemplating internally, but he didn't show that on his face, nor did he let down his guard just yet.

He mustered the most gentlemanly smile he could "Although I don't know how much help I can provide, I shall try my best"

Even though he was smiling through his face, internally he was deeply frowning, he tried to think about what the next move might come at him from the cerulean-haired beauty sitting with calmness and serenity but to no avail.

No matter how much he tried he couldn't make out Liu Minger's thought process.

"Cha Yin bring over those files" Liu Minger signaled Cha Yin.

"Right away young miss" Cha Yin carried out her orders without a single him of disobedience and got to her work, but not before casting a last gaze over Zhu Zedong filled with anger and a little hint of pity.

Zhu Zedong who felt something strange from the way the lady looked at him was a little confused, but because the former didn't look at him for more than a moment he didn't feel anything but a strangeness that came and went within a moment.

After a few minutes or so Cha Yin returned with a few files in her hands.

In these past minutes, Zhu Zedong had tried several times to initiate a conversation with Liu Minger only responded to him with a slight nod from time to time, sometimes he was even entirely ignored.

From the moment he stepped into the office the face of the cerulean-haired beauty was filled with nothing but emotionless calm and serenity.

Not even the slightest hint of a smile was seen on her face from the beginning.

As if the person in front of him isn't a human but an ice statue.

Seeing the files in her hand Zhu Zedong also finally calmed his tense nerves a little, thinking that the previous subject might really be something that came randomly.

'Now that I think about it, there is no strangeness that she asked my help, instead of a crisis this might become the opportunity I was desperately waiting for to make this beautiful women mine'

Zhu Zedong thought internally, now that a perfect opportunity presented itself in front of him to boast himself, why would he let it go to waste?

He might arouse curiosity about himself in Liu Minger…

Just thinking about it made his foul mood from before vanish without a trace.

Liu Minger shifted her gaze in between the files and a dazed Zhu Zedong, a strange yet dangerous glint flashed within them.

"Take a look at them and tell me your opinion" the calm voice coming from the rosy but soft lips of the cerulean-haired beauty whole him up.

At this time, Zhu Zedong unknowingly let down any defenses both physical and mental he had against her, her fairy-like voice made his mind go soft.

Cha Yin opened them all in front of him to let him look at them.


In the next second his whole body froze stiff.

His eyes contracted to the size of needles.

On the files in his hands every details of the project he had ever undertaken since coming in the Liu Industries were written, this included his deal with Wang Xiaojian.

If it was just that he wouldn't even care an eye, clause it was normal for a company to record every one of these details, but… The things weren't that simple.

These files contained the original information about every project, the information that should've been lost In their entirety… were written in these files without missing a single event or details.

"H-H…How…c-can…th-this…even…be…pos-ible?" Zhu Zedong's low voice sounded in the client room, his tone was low, his voice was trembling, and his words were stuttering, even being cut off in between.

"Surprise, Surprise. Weren't these files already edited by you, no? Then how did they become like this?"

"questions… Everyone has them but few can get their answers" a calm yet at the same time somewhat cold voice sounded around him, making him raise his head to look at the personage who spoke.

In the normal times, Zhu Zedong might even get mesmerized by this mermaid's lullaby-like voice, soft yet gentle making the very strings of the person's soul tremble.

But currently this voice wasn't so soothing or calming to Zhu Zedong, the words sounding near his ears were no different then devil's whispers threatening to take him to the very depths of the dark abyss.

When Zhu Zedong saw her face , he only saw her having mocking smirk plaster on her beautiful face, yet her eyes were cold sending chills down his spine.

"You Mr.Zhu are a lucky one, you'll get the answer o you question which is simple, Every record that enters the database of the Liu Industries no matter from which branch will be saved within the central servers, so even if someone somehow managed to edit them, the copy in the central servers will still remain" Liu Minger said calmly.

In fact it wasn't like this from the very beginning, when Liu Minger took up the position of the CEO she invested a hefty amount of money to make a software capable of recording every entry in the central servers present not eh main branch, Liu Family can't maintain the loyalty of such a huge international empire no matter how much they try, there is always one bad egg in the bucket.

So to not drown a business empire worth hundreds of billions of dollars Liu Minger devised this plan herself, even if someone was disloyal as long as they get to know in time they can stop their doing at once.

The cost of this thing was astronomical be it developing the software or organizing the hardware, but whenever Liu Minger was in situations like theses she always gets the felling that her division to invest huge amount of money on this was well worth it.

Liu Minger looked in his eyes  "Do you know why I asked you to come here?"

"Because I wanted to see this despaired and frightened look on your face" in actuality Liu Minger wouldn't have taken things in her hands to deal with this guy personally in normal times, but when she heard he was colluding with Wang family coupled with the fact that his eyes were filled with lust when he previously looked at her.

She decided to play with him allowing him to feel the true despair , even if we olled out the fact that he started at her with lust like she was some sort of trophy , just the crime of betraying Liu Industries and the fact that he was betraying the Liu Industries with the help 'Wang' family disgusted and angered her.

She hated betrayal and she also hated the word 'Wang family'

Knowing that this guy wasn't just betraying the Liu Industries her family took so much effort to create, but also doing it with the Wang's help, she didn't even thought for a moment that he was mercy deserving guy.

Zhu Zedong who looked at the current Liu Minger couldn't help but get the feeling that he was staring at a demoness.

'This women is a scary person, not someone who is to be provoked' this thought unknowingly emerged in his mind.

Even though Liu Minger behaves like a spoiled teen age girl in front of Long Shin, as the person who could manage such a large multi-national company like Liu Industries, how could Liu Minger be your average kind and ordinary beautiful young lady from some rich family?

Liu Minger who saw the light in Zhu Zedong's eyes dimming knew that he was already useless, and she can't play with him anymore.

'But I'm not done yet'

She coat swayed in the air as she stood up and looked down upon Zhu Zedong.

"From now onwards you are fired, you are forbidden from ever stepping even a foot in the Liu Industries" like a verdict from than emperor her voice rebounded filled with Majesty through out the room.  

Zhou Zedong took several breaths of time just to come out of his thinking space and process her words properly, for a moment he even thought that he was hearing things, everything in his mind went blank.

His mind like a white colored space , stopped functioning for a moment.

He Zhou Zedong who had always lived lavishly, and was respected by hundreds of employees in the Liu Industries river town city branch.

He the only son of one of the shareholders of the company… was fired?

Just like that… fired without any warning whatsoever, it was difficult to accept this reality, specially to him who had always gotten his hands on whatever he wanted, and because of having a powerful father as long as he didn't offend top over the top people would never get into trouble.

Hearing Liu Minger's verdict was no different from having a roller coaster ride for him, from reaching the heavens in one step and being dragged down to the he'll in the next second.

For that he couldn't process the words for few breaths, but when he finally understood what happened…

"NOOO!" he cried like a hypocrite, he couldn't afford to lose his job, his father had used his own connection to get it for him with great difficulties, more so when he has already made a deal with Wang Xiaojian, if the latter were to be informed that he is now useless, he doesn't want to even imagine what might occur in the coming future…

Even though Zhou Zedong wasn't particularly talented in anything, he was still sitting on a really high position in the pyramid of power in this particular branch.

If a beggar were to become an emperor he would take at most a few hours to get used to the lifestyle of an emperor, but if an emperor were to be made into a beggar instead, even if an entire lifetime were to passed he won't be able to get used to the lifestyle of a beggar.

Moving to luxury from being a commoner isn't hard, but adapting to being a commoner from the previous luxury is torturous.

Not to mention at the time of need when if you don't have power your life won't guaranteed.


Liu Minger looked at him calmly and asked "Ohh, Why is that?"

"Even-even though I did make a mistake, I ha e served the Liu Industries for years now, you can't just overlook my contribution for the Liu Industries, you can't just fire me because you want to, on what bases are you firing me?!" looking at Zhu Zedong anyone can tell that the guy was almost on the verge of losing his reasoning.

Liu Minger's eyes went cold and on her face a some filled with disdain appeared "Do you even know yourself how hypocrite your words are sounding currently"

Without giving him even a moment to intervene she continued " On what bases I'm firing you, was it?" she didn't shy away , this wasn't re first time she had seen people lose their reasoning because of doing mistakes and losing their job, home, etc.

Blaming it on someone else and going crazy in the next second, she had seen this many times, she was involve in these many times as well…

In her eyes these people who don't even admit their own mistakes and just blame it on someone else while even go crazy not thinking with a reasonable mind are nothing but pathetic low life bunch, and people like Zhou Zedong were even more lower then these lowlife, these people don't just blame their own mistakes on someone else, they even take that everything should revolve around them and it's only proper that they get forgiven for whatever they had done wrong.

"Then allow me to tell you the bases of firing you, peel your dog ears and listen closely"

"I'm firing you on the bases of you using your power and position to current the Liu Industries from inside like some filthy parasite"

"I'm firing you on the bases of you making blunders while carrying out tasks, you didn't acknowledge your mistakes and blamed someone else for that"

"I'm firing you on the bases of you being nothing but an incompetent leach parasitizing and leaching the blood of the Liu Industries"

"I'm firing you on the bases of you betraying the Liu Industries and colluding with the outsiders, biting the hand that feeds you"

"if all these aren't enough, then how about this. I'm firing you because I'm the CEO of the Liu Industries and the young lady of the Liu Family"

Each and every word was spoken with confidence and domineer of a female boss.

Every word she spoke pierced Zhou Zedong's pride like thousands of needles, one by one she listed all of his incapability, he failed in many projects, he blamed the other employee making their life difficult, he caused the Liu industries to lose a large amount of money, he betrayed the hands that feeds him, he colluded with outsiders, and the most piercing needles that attacked him were undoubtedly when she brazenly said that he was nothing but an incompetent person, and that his status was very low.

Yes, Liu Minger had intentionally mentioned the last part making him ashamed of even his background.

Every words were said in a tone that made it impossible for Zhou Zedong to refute.

Liu Minger came a little closer to him while still maintaining a formal distance "let me tell you something ungrateful dog, I hate betrayal and I don't tolerate being betrayed, not to mention the fact that you have colluded with someone I personally hate very much, even after listing all these reasons do you think I don't have bases to fire you?" her tone was cold yet the hint of mockery contained within them was noticeable, she didn't even bothered to hide it.

"You-" Zhou Zedong's eyes became bloodshot, looking at Liu Minger right now he didn't have any perverted thoughts of pressing this beautiful sexy women under him on bed, he simply wanted to kill her to appease his anger.

"BITCH, DON'T THINK YOU'LL REMAIN UNSCATHED AFTER HUMILIATING ME SO MUCH, PAY FOR IT WITH YOU LIFE" in the fit of anger he didn't even care about the enormous difference between their status.

Cha Yin who was silent until now suddenly launched a shrill cry "Young miss look out!!"

As the saying goes even a cornered rat will bite back to cut a piece of your meat.

Zhou Zedong was a no different at the moment, knowing that his everything be it his position in the company, his social standing, or his luxury was no more, he charged at the culprit with bloodshot eyes.

"Stop" Liu Minger calmly uttered under her breath, but it was loud enough for the two people around her to listen.

"I WILL KILL YOU" Zhu Zedong thought that Liu Minger got frightened by his sudden charge, but he couldn't be anymore wrong.

Even before he moved to attack Liu Minger, her shadow began to tremble, a predator deep within her shadow had set its eyes upon him.

In the mind of this existence, only thought of protecting it's mistress and killing every and all threats visible.

Everything that tries to harm her life must die…

This was the command given by the SOVEREIGN, the creature within her shadow hadn't forgotten this command.

Just when the beast within her shadow was about to charge at Zhu Zedong in return, Liu Minger stopped it, at first the Tempest wolf was reluctant, but still knowing that the weak creature is far from being able to harm it's mistress, with reluctance it returned to her shadow.

Of course that doesn't mean the tempest wolf had gone back completely, it still kept its beastial eyes upon Zhu Zedong's figure, every single minuscule movement then be it the movement of his limbs or movements of his hairs was within the watchful eyes of the beast.

If the tempest wolf detects any danger, it would immediately charge out of Liu Minger's shadow to protect her and dismember Zhu Zedong's head.


AN: well first I will apologize for there being no updates recently, secondly I have written a new novel with the TITLE: WHAT? I WAS REBORN AS A DRAGON AT THE TIME OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENING!

Its about your average boy being REBORN not reincarnated in a world that is about to awaken it's sentience and awaken it's spiritual energy AS A DRAGON.

This story will about him, how he will survive in this cruel world with his 'wives' and find how the hell did a dragon's egg came in this world.

But will his journey and when he finds his origin let's find out together.

Lastly because this chapter was little too long, even though I have double checked it, I can't guarantee that everyone of the spelling mistakes blah blah blah have been cleared, so if you see any mistake in the chapter, you can comment on the paragraph, with that all being said enjoy the chapter, peace out.

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