
Name's Sigurd.

Four months, four whole months, since being transported here.

It's quite Trippy to think that I once have, a fairly normal life. Being born in a well-off household and kind, and quite religious parents.

But that all changed, when I got hit by a damn car that came out of nowhere. Like how the fuck did it get two floors, and somehow able hit me when I was talking a dump.

Like that has to be a cosmic joke.

The universe is feeling a bit devious that day.

Back to my current life, when I died, in a blink of an eye I was here. Sitting in an unfamiliar desk and an unfamiliar room.

And somehow, new memories suddenly flooded back in an instant. My new name is now Sigurd, or Sig for short, my new parents apparently like the old German legend and I was named because of their fondness of that legend. And my new dad is German.

And my new home is in the quiet town of Dei Lux, which is in the state of California. Now that's strange, cause not once did I hear nor learn any Dei Lux in this sorry ass state.

And, this place is unfortunately quite religious, having Christianity as the dominating belief in this town. Not that I hate religion, in fact to me it is quite interesting to learn about these types of things. Hell back then, I was planning to learn Theology.

But, the reason why it's quite unfortunate, is now I have to deal with going to church on the weekends. And I hate having to go out during my supposed resting days. Shit I used to argue with my old man about me not going to church; of course he wins, the fuck does a 50 year old geezer listen to a goddamn teenager.

And, the same goes now. But even more intense, should I say. My new old man is quite religious, never missing a day of going to church. And when having an argument he never runs out religious quotes to throw at me.

In fact, he's talking to me right now.

"Sig! Are you done changing? We're running out of time, it's already 6:30! " The Hoarse voice of my new father echoed angrily.

"Almost done!" I shouted back.

"Hurry up!"

Annoyed, I scratch my head.

"Why did I have to be reborn as a teenager again? This shit sucks."

I now have to deal with uncontrollable hormones, and puberty. And worst of all School.

"I guess I have to thug it out until 20."

As much as I find this annoying, I'm still quite grateful I was granted this new life. Cause I assume God, or whoever reincarnated me here don't give this chance like free samples at Costco.

"Sigurd!" The door of my room flinged open with force, and revealed the angry figure that is Soleil. " Boy, what is taking you so long?"

"Geez! I'm still brushing my teeth old man! Could you be more patient?" I said, annoyed.

"Goddamn... " I fasten the brushing of my teeth.

" Hear, my son, your father's instruction, and forsake not your mother's teaching. Proverbs 1:8." And of course he pulled another bible verse. " Don't talk to me with that tone, Sig. "

I rolled my eyes. This old man really liked using those quotes as ammunition when I remotely tried to talk back to him. It's annoying.

My eyes narrowed, and I resisted biting the toothbrush. " Sorry, old man." I shrugged.

The icy gaze of my father turned soft, and shook his head. " You're becoming more and more, as the day goes on Sig. Have you not been listening to your mother's words?"

I side eye the old man," Of course I listened. It's just that you're the one that keeps testing my good behavior, old man. "

Soleil punched my head, making me spit the foam of the toothpaste. "Hurry up! No more arguing, the mass is about to start!"

"Rahhh!" I grumble in anger.

(3-Hours later)

" Thank god that's done with. " I tiredly muttered, " now peace at last. "

My body falls to my soft and comfortable bed, my figure being swallowed inside the comforting warmness of the sheets. And as I rested my head.

" System. "

The moment I uttered those words, a futuristic looking panel formed in a pixelated manner. It's bluish hue enlightened my face, and stings my eyes a bit.

" I can never get used to this. "

[Name: Sigurd F. Williams

Race: Human


Str: 6

Def: 7

Wis: 12

Vit: 12 


"Not much change..." I muttered in slight ire.

I've been exercising a shit ton, to the point I get a nose every so often; I don't know if that's normal. And my stats didn't change an amount worth shit.

"Sigh, I guess that's to be expected. I'm just a normal human, and magic unfortunately don't exist in this world. 

I shook my head, and swiped my hand.

[ Inventory:

Gacha card! (Locked)



Survival Knife(Worn out)

Stolen Cash(50$)



My eyes narrowed, "it's still locked huh. What's the point of a Gacha feature if you can't even fucking use it. The one who made this system really hates me."


Don't ask about the 50$.

" Tsk. "

I gritted my teeth in thought. This really has no point in making my body be the top of this world. There's no threat, aside from wars that's happening in this era; but I don't plan on staying in this country. And, being at the top will be pointless if you don't have anything to challenge you.

" Tch, this is really a waste. Giving me a system in this magicless world. "

But, I'm still grateful for it. Because with this I could confidently say my future is set in a good path.

Well no matter, I got school tomorrow. And I should really start doing my homework, lest I want Miss Martha's spit all over me.


"Sig! It's dinner! Come down!" A feminine voice ring inside my room.

"Coming!" I responded.

I cleaned my desk, and went downstairs as fast as I could. Not even reaching bottom I already smell the delicious food that mom cooked, and my stomach rumbles like an animal

"Take you long enough, young man," Mira Willaims smiled gently, " I cooked yours, and your dad's today."

Without responding, I went to see the smoking pot, and see the delicious chunk of both vegetables and meat floating on a scrumptious looking broth.

I can feel my drool leaking, but I immediately wipe it; can't be seen with saliva on your mouth, that's gross.

I took a bowl and scooped a nice portion of the stew. I looked at it intently, resisting the urge to put the hot liquid in my mouth.

Once down, I tried to sneak back to my room but the ever strange awareness of my mom prevented me.

"Ah, ah~ young man, your gonna eat on the table with you and your father tonight, so no eating in your room like a rat." My mom's voice is gentle, but I coud feel I'm testing her patience.

Change of plans.

Deflated, I walked back to the table and sat down. I noticed that the geezer is still not here.

"Mom, where's dad?" I asked.

Mom finished arranging the plates, sat down and said, " Your father is still washing himself, so be patient my dear." She said,

I mentally grumble.

I tap my fingers on the table to break the boring silence, and to distract myself to the food; as to not eat it.

'How long is that geezer showering?! Jesus Christ, is he putting make-up on? Cause no man takes this long of a time when washing themselves. '

My eyes twitch as the minutes go by, my patience running low.

My mother, on the other hand, still had the same smile as she sat there patiently.


'That's it-' I was about to Storm towards the bathroom, when the old man walked down wiping his face with a piece of cloth.

"Sorry, did I take too long?" He said smiling, as he kissed mom on the cheeks. Mom of course giggled like a school girl.

I winced in cringe, and I looked away, "what do you think?" I muttered, annoyed.

"Well, before we eat, we have to pray first. "Mom said.

" Of course, of course, "Dad said, nodding his head.

To not have a headache, I resisted grumbling and just went along with it.


" So how was school dear? " Mom suddenly asked, breaking me from the process of eating.

" It was okay, same as always. " I said nonchalantly.

"Really? Did you do something again. " Dad asked.

My eyebrows lowered, " Do what? "

My dad stared at me with an unreadable gaze, an awkward silence took over the room for about a second, before he break it with speaking.

" Nothing. It's just I've heard a bunch of text book was stolen and-"

" And what? That I have something to do with it. Please why would I waste my energy on stealing a bunch of crusty and rotten books. " I said, continuing on eating the food.

" Oh, cut it you two," Mom jumped in to stop the incoming argument.

"Sol, our son will never do what you are thinking, and if he did, " Mom stares at me with a smile, but I know better than to think it's a kind one, " Well, let's just say you wouldn't see the sun for a while. "

"... "

She is kinda scary sometimes, even dad knows not to get to her bad side.

" No matter, it's not our concern, so let's just set that aside and eat. " Mom's jolly voice came back as fast as it went.

I continued my food, and looked towards the tv. Quite an old tech, I haven't seen one of these in my previous life. Analog has been fully replaced by digital after all.

The news channel up, and I noticed dad seems to be glued to the tv.

"Major Tom here, reporting on the recent killings in the Streets of Abraham. " The gruff voice of the middle age news reporter grabs my attention." Report says the victims were teenagers, and they did not elaborate further, for the privacy of the victims. "

The reporter flips the page of his paper. " Though this tragic event seems to not be connected to the serial killer, "The Night Strangler" as the autopsy done recently seems to not inline with the methods of the new killer."

Hmm, a serial Killer. Well not that strange for this era, with the limited way information could flow and be shared, the Killers of this era are quite hard to find and identify. And with the lack of Dna sampling it is near impossible to track this human scams.

" Oh no that's terrible! Those poor kids... " Mom exclaimed in pity and fear, " Sig, that's why you need to immediately go home once school is done school, cause lord have mercy, we don't know. "

" Oh calm down there, Darling. Our boy is too smart for him to do something like that, " He looked at me, smug," Right, son. "

I crossed my arm, and looked away. Seriously I hate this smug bastard.

" But, it's unfortunate how those kids' futures were robbed of them, by that demonic monster." Dad's voice turns serious, "We could only hope, and pray will bring righteous judgment on that monster."

Yeah, I hope so.

But, I don't need to worry. With my athletic and quite amazing stamina I could confidently run away, or even fight the bastard. After all, his-- or her, is only human, a well placed punch or stone to the head will bring even world champions to their knees.

And that's not being arrogant, simply stating facts.

Though I do find it strange, a serial killer appeared when that weird ass group moved in. To be honest they look like a cult, and knowing it's the 80s it ain't an impossibility that they have something to do with it.

Well, I just have to mind my own business. Cause the fuck does a teenager gonna do, fight them hell nah even I know not to test my luck.

Finishing my plate, I washed my hands and brushed my teeth.

"Make sure not to stay all night playing games, Sig you still have school tomorrow. "Dad said.

" Yeah, yeah. " I nonchalantly replied.


When I was reborn here, I was greeted by a futuristic looking hologram that only I could say.

Of course, to anyone who has read any works from Japan, or Korea, you will know that this is a system. A cheat-like ability. That allows the user to see their growth, learn skills stupidly fast, and to individually hone each stat.

When I realized it's one of those, I was ecstatic! Finally I could live my teenage fantasy of having a system and level up, was my thought process 4 months ago.


The more I utilize the system, the more I realize how it's not like the ones in manga, or manhwa. 

For one, it's fucking hard to even level up a stat, without the use of stat points. For example, I wanted to increase my strength stats, so I exercised. And I'll tell you now, I exercise every fucking day I did not rest for four whole months. And the results you will think will be significant.

Hahahahaha, oh how wrong you are.

The strength stat only rose to three points. I repeat, Three fucking points! Four months of continuous cardio and calisthenics amounts to only three points! And remember the stats points I talk about, I don't even if that's a fucking in the fucking system, cause I don't know how to get one.

The system didn't give me any quest to gain the points, nor did it give me a starting pack, like the ones I've read.

The moment I realize it, my motivation sinks a bit. And my body aches like fucking hell, because of my dumbassery, cause you know exercising with no proper rest.

The same goes for the other stats, and I would even argue, it's harder to raise the other stat compared to strength. Like Wisdom for example, I had only seen this stat level up to one stat point. 

Sigh, thinking about this is making me angry.

So let's talk about something else. Like the inventory, the most useful feature in this damn system. Allowing me to store non living items inside an infinite pocket dimension, at least I think it's a pocket dimension I don't know cause I didn't go inside it.

Back to the inventory. I may or may not use it to steal a shit ton amount of things from my local market.

Hey, don't look at me like that! It was for an experiment, in the name of science!

And actually there's a weird item that came along the inventory.

The Gacha Card.

To this day it's still locked, I don't know how to activate it. My mind has been plagued by this enigma, and I'm fucking going insane due to it.

I don't know if the system is trolling me, or I need to do a specific action, and requirement. This one singular item is the cause of my current obsession with trying to unlock it. But frustratingly, my efforts have not been fruitful.

I scratch my head.

It's fucking annoying, but now I kinda just ignoring it now, there's no use in me wasting my energy on this bullshit, were this no a single hint of progress. 

So what use does this system have to me? Well a lot, aside from me stealing using the inventory I just use it to gauge my progress with exercising and studying. I think of it as a motivator, no matter how hard it is to increase a singular stat. Though, if one stat actually increases then I'm on the right track.

Though, I wonder if this system will let me learn skills fast? You know doing a skill, then the AI or whatever program this thing runs on, will register the skill and let me increase it. Though with the lack of appearance on the Stat point, I don't think it's a feature.

Next chapter