
Wand Selection Ceremony [3]

As Caius stood in the center of the wand inventory with his eyes closed and his right hand extended, confusion spread among the students. They couldn't understand what he was doing.

Some students wore mocking smiles, and Adeline was among them.

She scoffed inwardly, thinking, 'Pftt, you're embarrassing yourself, Caius. Do you really believe the wands will choose you as their owner and come flying towards you?'

Fiona, on the other hand, felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her as her friends exchanged side glances, silently questioning what her brother was up to.

'Argh, this guy! He's going to ruin my social life,' she gritted her teeth in frustration.

But there were others who looked on with curiosity, their gazes fixed on Caius.

'What is Caius up to this time?' Ember, Aria, and Scarlett pondered, their thoughts aligned.

They didn't believe that Caius was acting without reason; they were convinced he had a motive behind his actions.

Amidst the anticipation and scrutiny, Caius completed his whispered chant of the code for the wand mastery achievement.

"W-M-S-T-2-0-2-X-2-1," he enunciated slowly and clearly before finally opening his eyes.

For a moment, nothing seemed to happen, leaving Caius confused.

'...Did I make a mistake?' He thought, uncertainty creeping in. However, suddenly, the entire room began to shake.

Shudder— Shudder


"Wh-What's going on?" One of the professors exclaimed, bewildered by the sudden earthquake-like sensation.

The shelves, tables, desks—everything in the room started vibrating. Then, one by one, all the wands placed on them began to fly toward Caius.

Swish— Swish— Swish

The wands circled around him, creating an orbit of magic, before coming to a halt in front of him. It was as if they were waiting for him to make his selection.

But what shocked everyone even more was that wands that already had owners willingly left their previous masters and joined the array of wands before Caius.

Swish— Swish—

Gasps filled the room as the unprecedented spectacle unfolded. Even Ember's newly bonded Phoenix Heart wand left her side and stood alongside the others before Caius. What was even more astonishing was that even the professors' wands were not exempt, including Scarlett's own wand.

Swish— Swish—

"...W-What the hell is happening here?" The Honors class professor exclaimed, his tightly gripped wand slipping from his grasp and joining the others before Caius.

Meanwhile, Scarlett was rendered speechless, her mind unable to process the extraordinary sight unfolding before her eyes.

All the wands present in the room floated in front of Caius, appearing like humble servants bowing to their king.


Gasps of surprise and exclamations filled the air, but Caius paid no attention to the reactions around him as he confidently walked toward the wand he intended to choose.

Before him lay a collection of remarkable wands, including Scarlett's legendary wand and numerous epic-grade wands belonging to the professors.

The onlookers held their breath, their minds filled with questions. What would happen if Caius chose Scarlett's legendary wand? Would the bond between Scarlett and her wand be severed, and would Caius become its new owner?

Such an event had never occurred before, leaving everyone uncertain of the outcome. Even the professors felt a twinge of nervousness as Caius showed interest in their cherished wands.

However, Caius passed by the professors' wands without hesitation. He paused briefly before Scarlett's legendary grade wand, seemingly contemplating his decision.


But to everyone's surprise, he walked past it as well and confidently seized the wand Celestia's Star.

"I choose this wand!" he declared, his voice resonating with determination.


The room fell into a hushed silence, as everyone tried to comprehend the significance of Caius's choice.

Immediately, all the other wands began to return to their designated places, and those with owners rejoined their rightful owners, eliciting collective sighs of relief from the room.

Without further ado, Caius pricked his finger to draw blood and used his mana to establish a bond with Celestia's Star wand.

The wand glowed intensely, engulfing the entire room and prompting everyone to shield their eyes. After a moment, the light subsided, and the Celestia's Star had finally found its true owner.

Caius held the wand in his hand, admiring its appearance. Celestia's Star was a sleek, ebony wand with intricate silver engravings that shimmered like starlight. Its handle was adorned with a translucent gemstone that pulsed with a gentle, radiant glow.

Grinning with satisfaction, Caius spoke a command, "Sword!"


He waved the wand downward, and in an instant, it transformed into a magnificent sword. The blade gleamed with celestial radiance, its hilt embellished with the same gemstone as the wand, now embedded at its pommel.

The sword cleaved through the air effortlessly, its weight perfectly balanced and its blade slicing through space with grace and precision. Caius felt a surge of exhilaration as he experienced the weapon's formidable prowess.

"Wand!" he muttered, swinging the sword back and forth, and like a mesmerizing enchantment, it seamlessly reverted to its original wand form.


The ability to transform the wand into a sword was one of the perks of the Wand Mastery achievement.


A brief silence fell over the room as everyone struggled to process what they had just witnessed.

They were unsure which aspect to be more astonished by—the fact that every wand in the room, including those already owned, had resonated with Caius, his decision to ignore Scarlett's legendary wand in favor of the epic wand Celestia's Star, or the wand's astonishing ability to transform into a magnificent sword, a testament to its unparalleled versatility.

'It's nice to have you again, Celestia,' Caius pondered inwardly as he calmly made his way back to his original spot, unfazed by the chaos he had caused.

Celestia's Star was typically associated with the protagonist Arden, but in the game, players could utilize their Wand Mastery achievement to choose any wand for other characters as well.

Among all the wands available, Caius was most accustomed to using Celestia's Star. Although it was only an Epic-grade wand, it held a unique advantage: it was the only wand in the academy's inventory that could be upgraded and customized.

This was precisely why Caius had chosen Celestia's Star over Scarlett's legendary-grade wand. He knew that with time and dedication, he could unlock the true potential of his chosen wand.

Caius was well aware that his decision to choose Celestia's Star over Scarlett's legendary-grade wand had raised eyebrows and generated disbelief among onlookers. However, he remained composed and returned to his previous spot.

'Well, the response to using that code was certainly more extravagant than I anticipated,' Caius contemplated inwardly, fully aware that his actions would be the topic of discussion throughout the entire academy for days to come.

Taking a deep breath, he cleared his throat and spoke aloud to capture everyone's attention.

"Shall we continue with the wand selection ceremony?" he announced, his voice cutting through the lingering astonishment and capturing everyone's attention.


The professor, shaken from his thoughts, regained his composure and responded, "Y-Yes, indeed. The next student is Aria Jadester. Please step forward and choose your wand."

Aria nodded silently and moved to the center of the room, but her mind was filled with turmoil. Thoughts raced through her head, questioning how Caius had managed such a feat.

'How did he manage to accomplish that?' she wondered. 'Did he possess some undisclosed power? Could I possibly possess similar abilities?'

For a moment, she paused, tempted to replicate Caius's actions, but she quickly dismissed the notion, not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention from her adversaries.

Instead, she focused on selecting the same wand she had used before her regression, aiming to maintain a sense of familiarity and avoid raising any suspicions.

As Aria stood in the center of the room, she glanced at the array of wands before her. The room was still buzzing with whispers and lingering awe from Caius's remarkable display. Determined to stay composed, she took a deep breath and extended her hand toward the wands, her eyes scanning their intricate designs.

Aria's heart pounded in her chest as she remembered the feel of her previous wand, the connection she had forged with it. She longed for that familiar bond, knowing it would provide her with a sense of comfort and familiarity in the challenges ahead.

With a steady hand, Aria reached out and grasped the wand she had used before, known as the Moonlight Whisper. As she held it, a wave of warmth washed over her, reaffirming her decision. It was as if the Moonlight Whisper recognized her, resonating with her magical essence.


The room fell silent as Aria made her choice. She returned to her place after making her bond with it, clutching the wand tightly, a mixture of relief and determination shining in her eyes. Now, equipped with her trusted wand, she was ready to face whatever trials awaited her.

"Next student, please come forward and choose your wand..."

As the wand selection ceremony continued, each student stepped forward, their anticipation mixed with a touch of awe.

However, throughout the entire ceremony, Scarlett's gaze remained fixated on Caius. A cold bead of sweat formed on her forehead as she grappled with the astonishing display of power she had witnessed. The realization of Caius's true capabilities sent a shiver down her spine.

"...He possesses unimaginable power," Scarlett whispered to herself, her voice filled with concern. "If not guided properly, that power could become a destructive force capable of incinerating the very foundations of our world."

Her realization of Caius's immense potential, akin to a double-edged sword, both fascinated and unnerved her. She understood that his powers had the capacity for great good, but also carried the risk of unfathomable destruction.

As the other students made their choices and the ceremony neared its end, Scarlett's eyes never wavered from Caius. Determination mixed with apprehension in her expression, knowing that their journey together would be a delicate balance of nurturing his extraordinary abilities while safeguarding against their potential devastation.

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