

After I was told about my engagement, I've been doing research on my 'fiance'. He seems to be a nice enough person. He often participates in charities and visits orphanages. But I doubt he's like that in private. Otherwise, why would big sis run?

Just as I was about to open another article on him I hear a knock on my door. "Miss, your mother has called for you to eat dinner." A servant says. I didn't respond as I wasn't hungry, nor did I want to hear the nonsense doting she has for father. "Miss, your mother is calling for you for dinner." The servant again says, this time I could hear the impatience in the servant's voice. The servant repeats the phrase again, getting louder, and obviously more agitated "Miss, your moth-" "FINE." I yell out loudly. I stood up from my desk, and stomped out of my room, not even bothering to glance at that disrespectful servant.

When I left my room, and went into the dining room, and to my surprise, I saw my mother, father, brother Marcus, and grandmother sitting together at a table filled with a grand amount food. "Victoria, come sit down with us." My mother called. I sat down and the cold atmosphere only got colder. My father sighs. "Victoria, about your engagement." He says. "Can't I refuse it? Don't I still have a choice in this matter?" I asked my father nearly begging him.

My father sighs again. "Do you think that anyone would want to marry you?" My brother cuts in. "Do you think that we want you to shame our family by marrying you off? It's much better you cause trouble inside this house than make even more outside! This time we have no choice, but to marry you off! Fucking hell Victoria, even with our company in this state, you can't even stop being selfish and marry for the sake of our family? Do we even matter?" "How could you say that?! It's my marriage you're talking about! What the hell! I'm still young, and you want me to settle down, and get married already?!" I respond, glaring at Marcus. "You're not gonna be young forever Victoria! Everyone fucking grows up, it's about time you do as well! Father has been indulging in you way too much!" "YOU-" "He's right, your father has been pampering you too much, even if he didn't have to say it that harshly, Marcus is right. It's not like we can really do anything about this." Grandmother says a bit distantly. "But he-" "Marcus, and mother is right, honey, you know how much I love you, but you have to do this. You have to, for the sake of our company..." Mother says, glancing at me apologetically. "This isn't fair! I haven't even finished college yet!" "You can finish college Victoria." My father finally speaks. "I can?" "Yes. We can't call off the engagement, but I've been able to hold off the wedding. You only have enough time to finish your current degree though. If we wait any longer than that, then I'm afraid they will call off the engagement, leaving our company to slowly go bankrupt." He says. "What? That's not at all long enough!" "Long enough for you to learn some manners." Marcus mumbled in a rather loud tone. I glare at him annoyed. "You're getting married anyways, why not learn some manners so you won't embarass us!" Marcus says, this time not mumbling at all. "Marcus, you shut your mouth! You have no right to speak to me that way!" I say to him. "The hell do you mean? A little illegitimate child talking to me, someone who is a legitimate heir to this company! Not only that, you're a fucking girl, you have no rights taking over the company even if you were a legitimate child!" "SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH! YOU'RE AN HEIR TO A COMPANY WHOSE FATE IS UP TO ME! SO YOU BETTER WATCH IT YOU LITTLE-" "VICTORIA!!" Father yells. "Your brother is stressed enough about the company even without your threats! This matter about your marriage cannot and will not be changed." Father says getting up, and leaving the house to go to work. Marcus gets up, gives me an infuriating, smug look, then follows father out. "Your brother, and father is right, Victoria. Even if it's unfair, for the sake of our company..." Grandmother says before leaving as well. As always they took his side. And Mother as always, didn't say anything, just gives me an apologetic, and remorseful look, before leaving the house as well. Probably going to suck up to Marcus, or some shit like that.

At the table still was a meal made for a family, untouched.

I think I might update once a week after school starts, but otherwise, I'll try to update everyday.

Achylscreators' thoughts