
Unwanted Luna

Jade Nightshade, a beautiful 18 year old she-wolf of the Blood Lust pack has always dreamed of finding her mate and growing a family together, living happily ever after but as each day passed it seemed like that would never happen. As Jade grew up she noticed she could do most things before the other children could and made sure to only tell her best friend Melina of it. She noticed she could run faster and was stronger than other wolves, not as strong as an Alpha but she was strong. She was capable of mind linking other wolves even though she wasn't an Alpha or anyone of a higher ranking. At the age of ten Jade was getting bullied and beat up in the hallway at school when she shifted and ripped their heads off in a matter of seconds. After that Jade was expelled and put in a cyber charter school. Since then her dad, Curtis beat her every day of her life until her mom, Holly left him to be with her mate taking her with, good right? Sadly that was not the case. Jade's mother made her into her slave to do anything she wanted. When wolves turn eighteen they are able to find their mates so Holly made sure to keep Jade hidden away as much as she could when she reached eighteen.

Keenasnovels · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Beep! Beep!

I groan at the usual annoying sound of my alarm alerting me that it's time to start another miserable day. I get out of bed and throw on a loose blue crop top sweater and a pair of grey sweatpants. My mother would never buy me a crop top as she says only sluts wear revealing clothes so I cut it into one anyways just to piss her off. I walk downstairs and get to work on breakfast for my mother and her asshole boyfriend. Once done I set the table and serve it as they walk down the stairs hand in hand. I go to walk past them until my mother grabs my arm harshly stopping me in my tracks, "We are going to a party at the pack house hosted by the Alpha in an hour, be ready you're going but don't expect to have fun you're just driving us there and back. Stupid little sluts don't deserve to have fun". She looked at my shirt in disgust before releasing my arm and I continue to walk back to my room. "Like she needs another excuse to drink her life away", my wolf Athena grumbles. "I'm used to it at this point", I respond normally. They always go anywhere they can that involves alcohol so they can get drunk off their asses and make me drive them home. I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror at my hair and clothes. I haven't been allowed out of the house in months so this maybe my only chance to dress up. My mother's voice echoes through the house," Don't think you're getting out of the housework either!". I roll my eyes and go do as much housework as I can making sure to leave a few minutes to get changed before I would have to leave. I return to my room and decide on a pair of black ripped jeans and a light blue crop top that ties in the front. Luckily my best friend sneaks me some clothes when she can. I go into the bathroom and look at my dark black wavy hair and brush it. I decide to do a middle part as my wavy hair flows down to my shoulders while I brush. I slip on my blue sandals and meet my mother at the front door. She scolds me on my top and states she's burning it as I roll my eyes and walk out the door to the car. When we arrive my mouth drops at the size of this building, I mean it makes sense considering every high ranking wolf that finds their mate moves in there but it's still amazing. I park and walk inside with my mother and her boyfriend, they spot the bar and instantly go that way. I decide to mind link Melina and see if she's here. She replies yes and is shocked I was allowed out of the house. I start walking around looking for her until I collide with a tall muscular body and fall backwards slightly. I get up and start to apologize as I look up, "Oh my gosh I am so sor.." I don't even get to finish my sentence when my eyes meet his and I feel sparks all through my body. "This sexy man is my mate?!", Athena squealed. He looks me up and down and growls but not in the way I had hoped. His eyes go black with rage, "There must have been a mistake, my mate isn't some weak little girl like you!". I could feel my heart break slightly as the words leave his mouth. By this time everyone's eyes were on us including my mother who was now standing next to us in shock. "Sadly I can't just ignore that this happened and I'm not going to let you go through the pain of rejection until you have suffered more. Mrs. Nightshade this daughter of yours will be coming with me but I can't say I'll take good care of her", he chuckles angrily. James pushes me to the Alpha laughing, "Have her Alpha, no one wants her pathetic ass". The Alpha grabs my shoulder harshly and walks with me until we reach a room and he opens the door. This place looked like a prison filled with cells but smelled of blood and death. "Jade he's going to lock us up" Athena whimpers lowly. He starts to unlock a cell and I look up at him as rage fills my body, "You're seriously going to lock up your own mate, the one person you are meant to be with?!". He slapped me hard across the face causing me to stumble backwards until he grabs me and shoves me to the ground inside in the cell. His eyes still black with rage as he looks at me through the bars, "You'll be the pack punching bag for all I care, be a good little bitch and behave when someone comes into your cell". He walks out as rage radiates off of him leaving me in tears and sore from the sudden impact. Athena curses a ton, "How could someone do this to their fucking mate! We're supposed to be together for fuck sakes!". My mind filled with only sadness and confusion as I have nothing left to do but cry. After what felt like forever but the one nice guard had told me was only a week, I was told my father wanted to meet up with me. I was terrified, it had been years since I had seen my father who had abused me since I was 10 years old. The Alpha drives me to my fathers house and stands outside leaning against his car as I enter. My father lets me in and hugs me, I am beyond confused. He asks me to sit on the couch so I do. He sits across from me on the other couch, "We need to talk"