
Chapter 12- Let the Training Begin! Part 1

Going back to when Yuriy first entered the Inheritance realm

Floating without form, without thought, I was not aware of what had transpired within the universe, nor the fate of my family in Ohmdorra. I was but a wisp of my former self, or at least that is what I was supposed to be. I was tasked with testing my descendants and determining if they ae worthy to bear my name and all that comes with it.

I don't know how long it has been since someone last entered this realm, nor do I know how long it will take for the next to enter. All I know is whoever enters next will be the last person. I will impart this trial to them since the energy from the blood powering this inheritance spell is running thin.

As I slumbered, awaiting the next to enter, I was unaware a certain someone had already entered the realm. They apparently were freaking out like they had never been in an illusion realm before. Then again…maybe not given how young they appeared.

Didn't my "real self" request the dark elven clan to only allow those who were of age and were about to begin their rite of passage journey to come here? Why is this little boy no more than 5 or 6 Here? As I trained my full awareness on the little brat and noticed something… something oddly familiar.

An energy foreign to this world radiated from him as he seemed to stare into space like some kind of invalid. His eyes were completely blank and his face expressionless. Next he mumble something incoherent as he limply plummeted to the ground, lying there for about 5 minutes.

It was at this moment, the energy radiating from the lad fed the realm the needed energy. Additionally, the brat's memories, doubts, emotions, and everything in between flooded my mind. Gasping, I reviewed the child's past lives and noticed his first life was lived on a distant planet called Earth. There, he spent an odd amount of time with a wily old man who had way too many secrets hidden inside his cloudy eyes. Without warning, the old man somehow made eye contact with me and said,

"Blood of my past, soul of my future! Take in and remember the life of this junior."

After saying this chant in the celestial language, an insurmountable sea of memories, emotions and lifetimes all flooded me, giving me a full understanding of who I am, and what Life I had lived outside of this realm. Looking down at the slowly standing boy, I nearly wept for the fate and burden he would now have to bear alone…

"Are you finished playing with yourself, descendent? Or should I say, are you done with the ~System Menu~, Little Yuriy?"

"AAaa!!" Caught off guard, he yelped and looked around to see if he could find me.

"Hello! Who's there? It's not nice to spy on people"

"It's also not nice to make someone wait for you after barging into their home, little Yuriy." I said sounding disappointed, as I attempt to hide my sorrow.

"It seems all I taught you has gone to waste, shame."

"Taught me, who are you? Only one person taught me anything, and their dead."

"Oh! Am I now?"

After saying so, I condensed myself into a physical form for the young boy to see. Once fully formed, the snot nose brat before me looked upon me, aghast by the sight,

"Uncle… Is that you?"

"In the flesh… Well, blood. Have you forgotten my voice after not seeming me for a while, little Yuriy?"

I responded to the lad, seeing the joy in his eyes to find his beloved uncle was here, and at the same time sorrow for the fate of all on Earth. I too shared this feeling but was constantly reminded of how little time I now had left. Not wasting any time, I informed little Yuriy of everything he needed to know about our clan's past, and the task he will need to take up in my stead. Once I was done, we began the endless training that awaited.

During the first few Earth years of his training, I was worried I might dissipate before teaching him everything he needed to know. Yet for some reason, the energy from the system provided to him by the accursed Nexus was powering this realm on its own. Oddly enough, another more subtle and unknowable wave of energy isolated the realm from the prying eyes of those bastards.

I hope this was the doing of my Earthly self during all the time I spent with the brat of a nephew. With this extra energy, I poured out everything I could for him to absorb, learn and grow while here. Despite his whining, he took everything I offered and exceeded my expectations.

Regarding mana manipulation, I thought he was gonna pass out after puking the first mouthful of bile as he refined his organs. Instead, he endured the training and kept at it with no complaints. He was even able to complete 100 circulations from stage 1 to stage 8 within an hour of meditation after practicing for only 2 Earth years! This completely outclassed the previous descendants who came here before.

By 50 Earth years, little Yuriy was fluent in celestial speech, elven speech and the passive spell Thought Speech as if they were his first language. He absorbed magic theory almost like a drug addict which made me a little nervous for some reason.

I later cast that aside as there was not much time left for us, and there was still a large amount of work we needed to do. When 80 Earth years passed, the boy was using magoi while wielding all different weapons. He was able to create magic circles in a matter of minutes and seemed to be trying to develop his own arcane arts, fabulous!

After 90 Earth years, little Yuriy had asked me to teach him many different spells and schools of magic in case his travels led him into situations calling for this knowledge. After seeing how hard working he was, I couldn't deny his request and spent another 10 Earth years teaching him everything I knew. Of course, I naturally wasn't going to tell him that! I don't want to ruin my impression of being an all wise and powerful uncle the lad had of me; we can't have that now can we?

As I looked at my nephew, I recalled my own sons and daughters on Earth, and almost wept in front of little Yuriy. I can only hope they too were sent to other worlds like he was, but the thought of the opposite being true was too much for me to bear. I can only hope little Yuriy will succeed where I have failed and reunite our family either in this world or another.

Anyway, I was able to sense my time with little Yuriy was coming to an end after all I have taught him. Spreading my magoi senses to the area outside the realm, I noticed 3 adults, all dark elves and 2 young children who shared small amounts of my blood. It looks like the brat must have triggered something outside to forcibly send him here. Well he's not going to like knowing 12 hours have passed…

-End of Chapter

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