
Unwanted Encounter

A girl faces a tragic encounter at a very young age. She doesn't realize that she gained something from it other than misery. When she meets an anonymous, masked being, she realizes her potential but assumes it's a curse. Keep reading to find out how these unwanted encounters help Jasmine Juhana with living her life...

tasminnisha_126 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"Mamma, please don't leave me. I'll do anything to save you," I cried as the nurses pull out the stretcher from the ambulance, " just hold on a bit longer, yeah?"

"Don't worry, sweety, I'm fine. It's just a little blood."

"Mamma, please save your breathe for now. Don't talk much. We'll be right there mamma. Please just a little more."

"No, darling. Listen to me. Don't worry much about us yeah? We'll all be watching over you. We are at a better place, honey."

"Mamma please stop! Don't speak like that. They will save you. Just a bit more," I sob away as we continue to enter the elevator.

She chuckles a bit with discomfort holding my hands tighter and says," I'm pretty sure it's my time now. After all your dad-," suddenly she started taking heavy breathes. I run along with the nurses to the ER until a nurse stops me from going further.

Another nurse calls for me, " Excuse me, miss? You have to sign this. It says that if anything happe-"

" Yeah sure here," I quickly signed as I didn't want to hear the rest of that sentence.

I don't stay infront of the ER as I need to clear my head and I'll lose myself if I stay. I make my way up to the terrace of the hospital, shut the door behind me, stare at the sky with utmost rage. With all my might, I let out a wail and drain my energy for as long as I can.

"Wha- how did it happen? Why am I losing everyone as I blink? Please don't take my mom away too. None survived and mom's injured pretty badly. I'll lose myself if she leaves me now."

The flashback of previous day hits me hard enough to lose control. I gasp harder to catch my breathe but it feels like I'm drowning. Those horrifying images keep appearing before my very eyes. As if those memories are pulling me down an abandoned lake with no means of saving myself. Shutting my eyes doesn't help either.

When I manage to pull myself together, I take a deep breathe and let the cool breeze flow through me. "Not fair. It should be daggers slicing through my insides. I shouldn't be alive."

"You are not the one to decide miss."

I whip my head to find the source of voice. It's a young man with white-washed jeans and denim jacket over a dark t-shirt and a pink mask covering his lower face leaning against the railing of the terrace. He's somehow sipping away at the mango juice held in his hands. I can't make out his face due to the distance and a huge contrast of his clothes and mask. Plus the sun is blazing hot!

He looks pretty startled as his eyes went as big as saucers.

I glare at him to mask the feeling of embarrassment on witnessing my private moment.

"And why don't you go mind your own business?" I retort before making my way to the terrace door.

"You can see me?!"

"Look mister. I am not in the mood to deal with your crap. Just let me be as I am."

"I was minding my own shit until I felt someone was almost thinking about taking their own life without thinking about how their mom felt while bringing them to this world," he smirked my way as if he wasn't shocked a few moments ago. His words threw me into another trance. I knew that but a part of my brain didn't want to acknowledge it. It's not like I was actually thinking of killing myself!

"Still, I don't like you talking to me and interfering with whatever moments I was having with myself."

"Ah, ok then. But here's the thing," he came a bit closer to an arm's distance and stood before me," I bet you'd love me." With that being said, he threw the juice box at a nearby bin which I didn't notice earlier and left through the terrace door.

Ahhh what is he? What does he even mean? It's not like he got a right to say those stuffs. I don't know why but I already feel myself hating that man. Whoever he might be?! If only I could have seen his face, at least then I'd have a face to hate on.

I brush my dress a bit to straighten it up and make my way to the ER on the 2nd floor. As I walk, all the horrors I've felt earlier comes back, crashing into me.

As I enter the 2nd floor, I notice it's a mess. As if people missed their means of transportation all at once. The nurses and doctors are rushing about from here and there. It's not long till I realize it has something to do with my mom.

I quickly rush towards the ER and try speaking to one of the nurses or doctors to know about my mother's condition. But no one is paying attention.

A nurse rushes into the ER leaving the door wide open. It must have been stuck to something. But as long as I get so see my mom, it's fine.

The inner view made my blood run cold and soul leave my body. A doctor was using a defibrillator on my mom's bare chest.

"On three?! One, two, and go?! The doctor said it loudly as he pressed the electrodes to her chest. She jerked up front a bit but didn't gain consciousness. Her body remains as stiff as a statue.

The doctor carries the procedure a few more times until I've lost counts.

I began praying for her wellbeing and crying loudly. My heart shattered into pieces.

"No, no, it can't be. NO!!! MOM PLEASE HOLD ON. MOM DON'T LEAVE ME!!!"

Two nurses rushed to shut the door of the ER but a sudden beep from the ECG made everyone stop about their business. It suddenly got silent and I knew this was it...