
Unveiling : A Starless Sky

4000 years has passed since humanity's near extinction and annihilation from an unknown event that wiped out almost all of the population and drove the rest to live underground. Since then, warnings have been passed on from generation to generation to teach humanity never to go back to the surface again, for horrors of un-imaginable proportions lay there, awaiting to devour humanity once and for all. Aexial, a young boy and one of the underground dwellers was different, he wanted to learn of what really lies on the surface and to go find the night sky full of stars often spoken in many stories told to him. So he will go on a journey to finally unveil the truth of the world. However, things are as not they seem and fate seems to have a bigger plan for him.

Hooligan90 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 - Dancing with the Devil

I had a tiring day.

I was beaten by a guard, I worked my ass off at the farm and got home late.

I could only sigh at my exhaustion. After my dinner and a little talk with mom about earlier which was followed by a lengthy lecture I finally retreated to my room.

I layed my tired body on my bed and stared at the ceiling aimlessly.

'A dark sky filled with little lights' old man's Grison words were repeating in my head again.

I stared at the ceiling and thought about his words.

They kept getting louder and all I could think about was this world.

The ceiling started taking a black color and slowly but surely I could see a million yellow lights full it, just like the old man said.

'How beautiful' I whispered as I tried to reach for it with my hands.

"Aexial.." a voice came. "Aexial" it repeated and woke me up from my daze. I turn around to see who it was.

"Dreaming as always huh?" George stood by the door and leaned on its frame with his arms folded. He was giving me a smugged smile.

"What are you doing here? it's late." I asked George.

"Couldn't sleep...Hey, wanna go to Grison's place?" With that question I gave out a sly smile and got up from my bed.

"Of course, how can I say no when his stories are the only good non-boting thing about this place"

After giving me a smile of his own George nodded and we got out from my room.

I checked on my parents and the both of them were asleep. After confirming their status I tiptoed towards the exit door slowly.

"Where are you two heading?" I heard an ominous familiar voice. Me and George slowly turned around.

My mother stood behind us by her door with her arms folded and her brow raised.

"George?" She asked with a scary tone.

"Ah, um, h-hi Mrs Moonstone. Hehe we um were just"

"Save it" my mom said as she let out a sigh.

"We won't be long mom I promise"

"Just..be back here in an hour promise?" He said with worries in her voice and eyes.

"Yes mom" I told her with a smile to assure her.

"Another went missing again from the west block. Be careful alright" my mom said.

She reminded me of the strange cases recently. People from Harvio have been going missing for the past few months.

Harvio is a small town, so to go missing like that was baffling. There wasn't just one either there were more cases. And most of them were from the west block.

Or, the slums as they'd call it. Where the lowest of the lowest resided. Most were orphans left behind either abandoned or parents too poor to raise them.

"Yes Mrs Moonstone, we'll be careful" George said with a smile.

"Alright you two, off you go now." She said and with that we left.

"What are your thoughts on what what mom warned us about?" I asked George curiously as we walked towards Mr Grison's house.

"Hm, the missing people cases you mean?" George replied as he placed his finger on his chin and had a perplex expression on his face.

"Yes, everyone seems to be on the edge because of it. Mom and Dad too." I said.

"It started a 5 months ago right. Wasn't it a miner? People thought it was a case of a miner getting lost in the mines but a body was never found. Then it was three more who started going missing."

"Most of them were from Harvio" I asked worriedly.

"Yes that's concerning in of itself. My aunt reminds me everyday that I should be careful." George said.

"How is she? You aunt." I asked hesitantly

George gave me a wryly smile after i asked him that. Maybe I shouldn't have him such a question. I mentally slapped myself for my insensitivity. I looked at George warily and awaited  his answer.

"You know how it is. She's still the same. Just yesterday she started coughing out a lot of blood. But she's strong unlike me. It's very hard for me to look at her in that state she's all I have after all. She tends to look at me with that warm smile of her. I know she must be in a lot of pain."

I placed my hand on George's shoulder and in respond he gave me a defeated look along with a tired smile.

"Hey man, I know it's hard, if there's anything I can do for you" I told him that but at this rate all I can give him are my words. I feel helpless and I can't imagine how much worse George must be feeling right now too.

Like he said, she's his only family left. His parents died a long time ago in the mines. They had the same sickness his aunt had. The violent coughs, the bleeding eyes and ears.

Even after the medical experts say it's because of the mining. Most just call it the mine's curse.

Either way.

The sickness took away most of his family and now it's his aunt who's bearing the curse

"But your aunt barely stepped inside the mine"

"Yeah, that's why the doctors said she's just unlucky" George said with a defeated laugh. "Maybe when I get into the academy and become a city guard, I can finally get the funds for her healthcare. Even if there's no known cure, I still want to give her something."

"I see, if that's your goal. Knowing you I'm sure you'll achieve it" I tried to assure him the best I can but I was still sincere. I know George. He's one of the smartest people I know. The smartest of anyone around his age. He had a knack for figuring things out easily. He worked hard too and he always had an end goal.

Unlike me. All I ever do is day dream.

If you asked about my end goal.

I don't have any. Working in the farms is boring, but I'm content with it either way. I was pathetic like that.

"Cmon man don't give me that look" George said..

"What look?"

"That look like you're appraising me highly again and thinking of yourself beneath. You should stop that."

"Uh I.."

George slapped my back twice and put his arms around my shoulder like he was trying to strangle

"O-oow mother-fuc-.." with that he gave me another slap


"Language" he said with a sly grin. I could only sigh in defeat.

"You're more amazing than I am you know that. You always tend to look at the bigger picture." He said.

"What do you mean?"? I asked curiously.

"I'm not that amazing. Unlike me, you're the one who's not willing to let yourself bound by anything... Or anyone. Now, I'm not saying I'm being bound by anyone. But it's just"

I hit his shoulder with my first and gave out a chuckle.

"Haha, it's alright man. I get it, I think."

With that I continued walking as I laughed more and more. George was always a straight forward guy, so his behaviour today was weird and I didn't want to make it awkward for him. I know he has his problems

I wanted to show him that I'm here for him.

"Hey Aexial" George spoke out behind me.

"Mhm yeah?" I answered as I turned around.

It happened all too fast.

Or should I say all too slow? I couldn't understand. Everything around me was being covered in a white light and my ears. Everything was slowing down. It felt like I was being dragged into a dream.

Or was this a nightmare?

My ears were starting to ring so badly. I wanted to cover them but my hands were weak. I couldn't move. No, the world around me moved instead. Everything was white and bright and my eyes were basking in the abnormal light.

To say everything hurt was an understatement. My whole body, rang in a terrible,  terrible pain.

I was breathless, I was in a dazed and my head was hurting like a bitch.

I wanted it all to stop.

"You-.." a voice rang out. It felt distant. But it felt similar too.

"You should ..... And we'll.... See...again" the voice came again. It was nearer this time.

"Im sorry. I.....you and..." It came again. This time. It was very near too. But I couldn't tell who it was from or where the person is. But it felt familiar.

"Hey Aexial." I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar silhouette of someone. Their face was  covered in the white light. But, they felt..they felt like someone I knew. Someone close. Someone. Just who..

"Who are you?" I spoke out. My head hurting only more as I did. "Shit" my head was having little to no mercy on me, the pain kept getting worse.

"It'll be fine." The person said.

"Wh-what th-.." it was hard to speak but I had to ask. "Wh-what...  what the fuck are you talking about!?" I scream.

"Haha, still the same as ever. My old friend. You'll see, soon enough." The person said. Now why are you talking like that! Do I look like a wise old sage to you?  How the hell was I suppose to interpret all that shit you just said?

"You'll see" they continued. I tried my hardest to catch a glimpse at the face of the person but all I could see was a sad smile. A smile that made my heart ache.


Why do I feel like this?

Why are you smiling like that?

Just who are you?

"I'm sorry, I couldn't..." The person words were starting to get weird. I can see them talking and moving their lips but trying to hear what they were trying to say was starting to get hard.

"Y-you couldn't what?" I asked desperately. Damn it this was all too much for me.

That person only gave me that same sad smile again.

Just why?

"You got this" the person said. Then everything went silent. They were starting to fade and becoming one with the whiteness. I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or not anymore.

This all felt way too real

I turned my gaze towards them as they started to fade and I saw their mouth moving again. But I couldn't hear anything. I tried my hardest to interpret what they were trying to say. I couldn't.

The only word I think I'm sure they said.

Was "..save"

Save who and why?

"AEXIAL" George voice rang out. He was standing inform me his hands on my shoulder. His face had a worried expression and he he was breathless.

"What happened?" I asked as I try to grasp what just happened.

I couldn't really remember anything.

"You fell into a daze. You wouldn't respond no matter how much I called. What happened man?"

"I-i don't know" I said as I winced and held my head because I was bombarded with the nastiest headache.

George gave me a worried look as he tried to make sense of what just happened to me. It was hard to remember, it happened too fast, but then again it felt like an eternity. All I can remember is that voice. That same familiar voice.

I tried to remember what the strange figure told me. But I couldn't. Maybe being stuck in Harvio all my life has finally made me insane. Or it could be from a concussion I could've gotten when that guard beat my ass earlier or was it the exhaustion from working in the farms.

Honestly I couldn't tell. 

"You okay there? You sweating like crazing" He asked worriedly

"I-i I'm fine." I said with a wave.

"You're clearly not. We  should get you home."

"No, let's continue walking" I said to George. I wasn't kidding around I really wanted to go and hear Mr Grison's stories again. I won't let some strange headache stop me.

"Persistant as ever" George said defeatedly. With that we started walking forward.

"If start acting like that again we're heading home man."

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just my exhaustion probably. I had a long day" i said trying to put his mind at peace.

"We're here" I declared as I stared at a rugged run down looking hut with a roof made of wood that looked like it could collapse any minute and a front door that was barely hanging on to the wooden frame with it's rusted hinges.

We entered the torn down house through the front door slowly making sure  we'd not break the door as we tried to move it. 

Inside there was around a dozen or so people mostly youngsters around my age seated quietly and there was Mr Grison on a wooden podium in front of everyone. He looked the same as always with his strange thick jacket covered in leaves and was a brown shade but it looked like it had seen better days. It had many pockets and they always seem to be filled with strange things he'd often take out and show us. Like this one time he took out a small cylindrical object which look like it had some transparent liquid inside.

"This is call a lighter and the ancient ones use this to light up many different things for example this"  he said as he took out a his wooden pipe and lighted the tobacco inside by pressing the blue button of the 'Lighter' and then proceeds to  inhale the smoke and puffed it out.

The responds of the spectators was a well timely uuuu sound.

He a long shite beard which was unkept and a worn out straw hat. A few of his teeth were missing and he had a large scar over his eye. 

"Is everyone seated?" he asked.

With that me and George took and seat and as always he started with his story, of a world unlike this one.

"I see everyone is here" Grison said in his old croak voice. 

"When I was young I saw, a world unlike this one. A world, where water flows between huge rocks called mountains. A world with a body of water call the ocean which is so vast the end cannot be seen. A land covered with endless trees. With strange plants that grow everywhere and even more stranger flowers. Where strange animals roam the land and swim inside the ocean."

"A world where the sun moves above our head, a warm and bright sun where it rises from the east and sets in the west. And when it sets a night sky occurs. A black sky which looks endless, a dark sky covered in billion and billion of tiny lights called 'The stars'"

At this point I was all ears. All I do was try to picture this amazing world that old man Grison was talking about. A world that I wish was in right now.

"Food and water is abundant. Meat, vegetables or fruits they can be found anywhere. The air is fresh and the grasses green. The sun is warm as it embraces you in its light. The nights are cool and long and full with sounds of nocturnal creatures. The rain comes with huge dark cotton looking like objects called rain clouds. On non rainy and sunny days they aren't as abundant or as dark and they roam freely in the blue sky without restriction, only being guided by the wind to a destination unknown."

I gripped my fist tightly with that sentence from Old man Grison. A pang of envy came onto my heart. I was envious of a cotton like object called a cloud because it had freedom to go anywhere. Only guided by the wind. 

Unlike me. Stuck on this city, doing the same thing over and over again. I let out a chuckle because being jealous over such a thing was kind of stupid but I couldn't help it.

I continued listening to the old man and held my ears up keenly.

"I was young when I stumbled onto such a world, the memory is vague but I can't never forget it's beauty."

"No matter how many times you've told us this story I still find it to be full of crap" Said a young boy around nine years old. He was the son of Mr Branson near our own house. 

Every visit after listening to the old man's story he would leave a snarky remark. it was annoying and it was getting old. But there was thing that hasn't change. It was the slap he'd get from his older brother Jacob who would sit besides him.

"Ow bro." he yelled in pain.

"I said stop that Cory, he's just saying a story." Jacob rebutted as his younger brother. 

"C'mon bro. Do you really believe that nonsense he's saying? The only proof he has of going to such a world is that stupid thing he called a lighter. He could've made it himself for all we know. We all know, everyone in Harvio knows Old man Grison is just and insane old man who's just telling us fantasy stories."

Old man Grison had no expression in his face as he listen to the little kid. He just sat there, not moving an inch. I on the other hand was annoyed. But in the corner of my mind I know the kid was on to something.

Of course I tend to question the legitimacy of such a world. Such a world, a wonderful beautiful world where we could do anything and go anywhere.

Being stuck in Harvio all my life has made me think that only this one exist. Only Subterria exists. Where we are subjected to the same thing everyday. Where we are being watch over by a watchful eye. Where people with higher statuses bully the ones with lower standings. Where the lives of us on the lower levels are often taken for granted. To dream of such a world unlike this one is understandable. 

And me? Well you can call me the biggest dreamer. That's why the kid's statement annoyed me. Not only was he being disrespectful he was also calling my dream a load of crap.

Even if the that world isn't real, I want to believe it's real . I want to believe that there is more than what we've been told.

And if such a world exist then I want to go there.

Jacob let out as he stared at his brother and the room was full of silence. Perhaps we were all thinking the same thing. Perhaps, we're all wired to do so.

If that's the case then I had a question. What made Mr Grison different? Why does he keep preaching about a world no one knows about or have even seen. What secrets is the old man hiding.

"HAHAHAHA youngsters these days" The old man suddenly started laughing catching us all by surprise. "You can choose to believe in anything you want. To believe that what I say is true or false it's all up to you. I want to share these stories with you because I believe that such a world exist. That is it." He said as he rub his dirty unkept beard with a pinch of laughter

Although I felt bad for the old man I couldn't help but smile. He was true to his own beliefs and that me admire him.

"OW OW BRO STOP THAT" Cory yelled as Jacob pulled his ears. Rightfully so I thought. George besides me starting chuckling and I raised my brow at him.

"Amusing sight as always." He said.

"Now, you young 'uns better start moving or your parents will get worried Old man Grison said as he took a puff of his pipe.

"Aw already over?" one kid said. "if Cory hadn't said all that we've could've gotten more" another declared. "Yeah you're right" Another said.  Cory look at every one anxiously and he started sweating and his eyes was getting teary.

"That's enough. I would've stopped either way." The old man said. Even though Cory made the snarky remarks earlier he still defended him. The old man was like that. I knew it, even when people call him insane I know there's more to him.

"Now get out. I gotta go get my Beauty sleep hahahaha" 

With that we all started to take our leave as we got up. I was full of excitement like usual and the old man's story made me feel like I had no worries.

"Hey guys!" I heard a voice came out.

"Hey Jacob!" George answered as said person was approaching us with his younger brother Cory who kept looking away.

Jacob and Cory Branson were red heads Jacob being around my age but had a bigger build that did. Cory too was a red head. But he was more scrawny looking than his older brother.

"Sorry about him. You know how he can be" Jacob said with an apologetic look on his face.

"It's alright this little bugger will grow up eventually one day." George said as he gave him a hard pat on the back. "geez that hurts Big brother George." Cory said as he tried to rub his back with his short hands.

Jacob laughed and agreed with George statement. He was fairer than his parents and had a sharp nose along with greenish eyes and he was taller than me. Well most people were taller than me. I was around 5'6" and George along with Jacob were around 6'.  

Is it unfair? Of course it is. I grunted at my unfortunate predicament and faced my fate and accepted it.

"How's your Aunt?" Jacob asked George. George yet again gave  a sadden look the moment he heard that. "Um maybe I shouldn't have asked that."

"No no, It's fine. Honestly I can't tell anymore. She's getting weaker by the day. I'm afraid that.."

Jacob stopped George before he could finish his sentence by placing his hand on his shoulder and gave him a smile. "I understand" he said with a hint of compassion "I can't offer you much, you know we don't really have that much. I can't even offer you words of kindness because I'm so bad at it. But if there's anything that only I can do. Don't forget to tell me." 

George smiled back at Jacob and nodded his eyes looking teary. "Hey that's what I said. Are you stealing my thunder" I said jokingly to lighten to mood.

"Hm maybe I am" Jacob replied as he gave me smug smile. George let out a chuckle after our banter and so did we.

"Thanks guys. I really appreciate it" George said as he wiped a tear from all the laughing.

"Hehe, well we have to go now. See you guys around. Say bye Cory."

"Bye guys" Cory said as he waved lazily at us at started walking forward. Jacob could only shake his head and smile apologetically as he took his leave. 

As we prepared to take our leave old man Grison came to us. he gave us a greeting and spoke some very strange words.

"You never really miss a day do you boy" He said to me with his brow raised. I chuckled nervously as I tried to answer him.

"Your stories are interesting. I can't help but come here every time and listen to them."

"Stories huh?" he said as he stared at his pipe on his left hand. "Say boy, if the stories were real. If they weren't just stories. If everything I told you truly existed and you could see it all. What would you do?" he asked me.

I paused and tried to think of an appropriate answer. I've always dream of running around in such a world and explore all the things that it could offer me. Even if it may not be real I still. Dream of it.

"I would try to find it. And bask in it. If such a wonderful world existed I would try to gain as much knowledge from it as I can." I answered confidently. My answer was met with a laugh from the old man and he started patting his grown belly a result of all the alcohol he'd drink everyday. He even reeks of it.

"I like you young 'uns. You sound like you have the heart of an explorer."

"An explorer?" I asked with  confusion.

"Yes an explorer. That's what we call people who got out of their way to explore the unknown and let themselves be written in history. Even in the midst of danger they tread on and let the stretches of human kind go far and wide."

"Are there any explorers here in Subterria?"

With that Grison stopped laughing and he gave me a serious look. "I'm afraid not. No one is allowed that" he said as he inhale his pipe. "No one knows what are beyond the walls of the upper floor or why they forbid us from entering it"

"If that's the case then how do you know so much of this outside world?" i asked him

"Haha there are many mysteries in this world boy and there are some which you shouldn't poke your nose into." he said and before i could ask him more questions he started laughing again. 

"Here this is for you." he said as he handed me his 'lighter'.

"Why would you give me this isn't it precious?" I asked as i hesitated to take the strange item.

"It's for coming here all the time. Just take it you brat" he said trying to hide his embarassment.

"I um-.. thank you then. I will cherish this" I said as I gave a bow of gratitude.

"Yeah, yeah go before your father comes here to shout into my ears again. Im already started to go deaf he's just making it worse" he looked terrified as he said that. My dad ttulybis something I thought and I once again bowed to apologize. With that we took our leave. And left for home.


Some time later.

Grison was sitting on his porch as always with his pipe and a bottle of rum. He sat there and watch the people passing by. There weren't alot as most of them were asleep.

Grison thought about many things. Things he didn't want to think about. He drank his wine to try to wash away any unnecessary thoughts. But it only made it worse so he drank more. He stared at his reflection on the bottle of rum and thought about how pathetic he was to be in such a condition. He carresed the scar on his eye slowly and wondered about how one could change the past if they had the chance too.

He then thought about the world he always tell people about.

"It's a wonderful world sure. But we're better off here than there" he whispered to himself. "If such a world existed then we..."

"Are you trying to kill yourself with that bottle?" A strange voice came from behind. A voice with no hint of emotion whatsoever. The voice rang from inside the house. Grison however didn't even turn towards the voice. He sat there nonchalantly almost like he was used to it.

"What brings you here?" Grison asked un caringly as he took a sip of his alcohol.

"How cold." The voice replied again without the slightest hint of emotion. "Not even a simple hello?"

"Not in the mood for that"

"I see, you've changed alot." Grison put his bottle down and stared at his reflection again after the mysterious person said these words

"What would you know?" Grison asked in annoyance.

"Oh I know, I know everything. Why do you still continue with these stories of yours?"

"Haha, what about it? Are you going to make me shut up?" Grison questioned the figure mockingly.

"Are you still bitter about what happened?"

"OF COURSE I AM! DON'T YOU SEE WHAT IT DID TO ME. WHEN THAT FUCKING GATE OPENED ALL THOSE YEARS AGO IT MADE ME UNDERSTAND WHAT TRUE HELL IS." Grison couldn't help but let his anger out. He knew too the alcohol was playing a part in letting out his frustrations but he couldn't help it. He held the scar on his eye and gave a defeated look.

"Even after all that, you're still willing to face that hell again?" The voice asked him curiously.

"You may not understand this, but humans can be more vicious than any monster you know of. They will go to any lengths to satisfy there greed. When it comes to it they won't hesitate to cause destruction for the sake of what they want"

"Are you trying to fight against that?"

"I won't let such a tragedy happen. I believe that is my purpose. I'm human too remember. I too am driven by my own emotions. But it's not like you could ever understand."

"That's a shame." The voice was saying it in an almost mocking tone but Grison didn't let it bother him. Till the end, he chose to stay true to what he believed in.

"So why did you give him the lighter?"

"My, you really have a lot of questions huh?"

"Just curious"

"I just wanted to give him something as a present that's all."

"I see". 

After a bit of silence the voice proceeded to change the subject and touch on a another subject.

"He is on the move"

"Already huh?" Grison said with a sad look.

"Yes. I'm afraid time is running out for you"

"That so" Grison stared aimlessly at the people who were walking in the distance. He thought about what his life has amounted to and about his fate. There are many questions. He hope he could find the answers to them soon enough.

"Take care" the voice said as it left. The hint of no emotion in their voice never left. And Grison knew they cared little for what was to come.

"Fuck you too" he said he drank his alcohol.


As I entered my house slowly after bidding farewell to George I saw my mom sitting on the table in the living room. She was drinking a cup of tea.

"You're back" she said as she stared at me.

"Um yeah. You didn't have to wait for me" I told her.

"Shush, I am your mother if I don't wait up then who will." She said as she held my cheek. A smile crept up my cheek as I held her hand and whispered to assure her

"Thanks ma, we should go sleep now" I said and she nodded and left for her room. I thought about George and how he was left with only his aunt whom he left dearly.

I couldn't imagine how I'd feel of I had to go through the same thing he's going through.

I was grateful to my parents. No matter how stupid I may be they still love me unconditionally and always want what's best for me.

So I thought about Grison's words earlier.

"What I believe in huh?" I whispered to myself as I layed down on my bed and thought about the wonderful world with the sky full of stars again.

I was excited about a lot of things. The festival and then meeting my friends

'It'll be fun.'


Or so is what I thought. It wasn't fun at all. Life has a way of pulling us into different scenarios so unexpectedly. It hits you like a punch when your caught off guard. It doesn't hold back and it doesn't care what you're doing at the moment. It just happens.

Life, can change in an instant. And you're down there on the floor wondering what the hell just happened. You're beaten and you're bleeding and you don't know the way up anymore.

I learn this that day.

Hell came to me.

To us.

And it was only the beginning.


In the underground city, exist a council of elders. The council was task with running the city and all its different levels. Each elder was given specific tasks for specific levels. Some were handed out with different tasks other than being in charge of a level.

For example, Elder Ivan a descendant of one of the old elders from generations ago was a leader of the Merchant faction whose responsibility was to regulate and keep a watch on the merchants.

Elder Ivan was a snobbish and selfish man whose only interest was to fill his big round belly with the best food possible and decorate his person with all the grand and precious stones and metals he could find although there wasn't a lot. The man with an average height had a baby like face with an almost non existing neck which showed his excessive gluttony.

However, for elders like Ivan who only cared about his own wellbeing there was a catch. Elders like him were often purge. Ivan knew this clearly because of the last elder of Harvio, a man, purge by the Councils and hated by the people. A man whose head had long roll down through the floors of Harvio.

Leone Giovani the infamous previous elder of Harvio was that kind of a man. Ivan thought that he and Giovani was no different in their goals and intent, after all they were friends.

However, there was one key difference, Ivan unlike Giovani was a cunning individual. Ever since rising to his position he had been trying to gain the favors of almost every influential merchant in the city. He slowly amassed favor and likeability from the rich and powerful giving them what they want and letting them feed his fat belly in return.

With such kinds of people backing him, it was almost near to impossible to purge him. Just the thought of it would bring heavy resistance from the wealthy ones. This was the difference between him and Lione Giovani. Unlike Lione, Ivan was willing to lick the boots of those who could give him power. A tactic his late grandfather the previous Elder, taught him.

"We must understand that as humans if we are to get what we want we must not be afraid to give something in return for that. Even if it may be our pride" was the words his grandfather told him. Ivan would never forget it.

Perhaps it was because of this that the merchants heavily looked down and trampled on the people of Harvio. They were giving free Reigns to do whatever they please from the man who was suppose to keep them in check. Ivan did not care for the unfortunate masses, all he cared about was the delicious three course dinner he was having tonight.

The council was filled with different men and different personalities. Like the Elder Hurazio of the 4th floor Arcadia. A man said to possess some of the finest and greatest sword ability known in Subterria. A man in charge of the university and leader of the city guards. A man said to go through any lengths just to attain perfection in his swordplay.

This is how most of the Elders were unlike what they portray themselves to be. They were selfish, driven by their own desires and uncaring towards the masses. To them the citizens are the same as sheep and they are the herders.

Elder Kito, the man who intervened in the scuffle between the boy Aexial and the guard captain who got demoted to a messily foot soldier was the same. He too was driven by his own ambitious goals. Goals only a few knew about.

Kito stood in the corner of his room staring outside the window of his mansion which was situated on an elevated plain that oversaw most of Harvio.

He scanned his surroundings with indifferent eyes and an emotionless expression on his face. There were farmers, miners, blacksmiths and commoners walking about their day and as Kito stared at them there was only one thought in his head.


He could think nothing more of them. To him they were all beneath his feet. But as much as he was disgusted by them he could not hate them. For Kito too, was once a man like them.

From the lowest origins, an orphan born in the dirtiest streets to a mother who only lived till the day Kito turned 6.

'Died of malnutrition' was the only thing he remembered of his once frail and fragile mother. He couldn't even remember what she looked like, not even her smile. Her vague warm smile which was slowly being erased from his memories.

He reminisces over the time he had uprooted Giovani from his seat and took it for himself. A grim smile came over his face when the memory came to his thoughts.

On the surface it looked like a simple purge of the vile Elder that was Giovani. It had the image of justice being upheld, of a man who stood with the people ready to vanquish the unwanted evil and give peace to the unrest in Harvio all those years ago

It was, however, far from the truth. It was all according to Kito's plans.

If it wasn't for a certain unknown individual his plans would've been executed perfectly but alas it wasn't meant to be. Kito grimace when he thought of what he could've achieved back then.

"This time" he spoke softly "this time I'll surely succeed"

His true goals are unknown to the common man or any other except for him self and one other.

The man was clear with his decision and he was determined.

The people looked up to Kito, after all he saved them from a disaster and gave them what they wanted.

"How disgusting" he spoke out. Kito was not like Ivan, who would not kneel down and lick the boots of others just to get what he wants.


To him, there were better ways. Much better than bowing than to those insignificant peasants.

He hated the idea of putting on a show. To give out a warm smile, to speak out in assurance and to let the people know he was on their side, he hated all of it. He was a snake with eyes that never forgot its prey and fangs that would give out poison on the right time. He'll wrap the whole of the city under his fingers.

That was the kind of man Kito was.

He would use underhanded methods to get at his enemies and to achieved his goal. He would decieve others just to make sure they wouldn't get his true intentions.

He was a wary man. Cunning and ruthless. If he wasn't Kito would've died long ago.

Kito was a man with many enemies. Most of them from the council. They were resistant to the idea of a commoner from low birth turning into an elder. But the previous elder, Kito's foster grandfather was a powerful man with many powerful backings. They could only throw complains when he elected Kito as his successor but they could not act against it.

'All elders of the council are equal' such bullshit and utter nonsense. There was clearly a ranking among them and Kito's grandfather was among those at the top.

That's what the other elders thought anyway.

"They have been turning restless and increasing their hostility towards you by the day" Spoke a man in a cold tone. He was seated in the corner of the room, basking his body in the warm fire from the fire pit. A glass of wine on his hand as he stirred it slowly in a circular motion.

"That doesn't matter" replied Kito as he turned around to face the man. The man had sharp looking blue eyes and hair as white as snow along with a well kept white beard. His wrinkles were showing and anyone could tell that the man has seen better days. His small build was apparent and he sat on a wheel chair while covering his legs with a small fur cloth.

"What gives you the confidence to face the council head on?" he asked "You underestimate them" he continue with a mocking tone.

"They are nothing but greedy men. Selfish and vile. Throw them a bone and they'll sit down quietly.  Men like those, as long as you give them what they want, they won't be any trouble to you." Kito answered as he took a seat positioned to opposite the old man.

"What makes you different? In my eyes you are the same as them. Greedy."

"I never said I was unlike them" Kito said. Then a grin emerge on his face "I am greedy yes, but my greed is different. It is logical. Also I would rather bite off the hand of the one who throws me the bone. I will not bow down to anyone" Kito said calmly.

"Ah, you and your pride. Those eyes of yours. Just like that day when I saw you in the slums, they are still the same." The man then quietly took a sip of his wine and laid the glass on a table besides him.

His blue eyes reflected the fire as he watched it in silence, only but the sound of the wood crackling and burning filled the room.

"But then again, this is why I took you in that day and made you my successor." after this sentence by the old man Kito reflected on the memory of the day the old man came to him. 

At that day he was covered in dirt and torn clothing along with a frail and thin build yet he bared his fangs at a man who was wearing a silver armor.

He stared at the young Kito with the same cold blue eyes, but his hair was blonde and his wrinkles almost non existent. "You, bow down." The man said coldly. But Kito only became more aggressive and he showed his hostility.

"You dog!" a guard beside the old man shouted as he threw a punch at the young Kito. Kito flew in the opposite direction and because of his frail body one would think he was dead. But Kito got up even while wincing from the pain.

"You dare get up!" the guard  shouted again but he was stopped by the man with a simple wave.

"Enough" he spoke in a commanding and intimidating tone.

"Y-yes my lord"

"You" The man said as he pointed at Kito "I like your spirit, from today onwards. You'll be coming with me." he walked towards Kito and then kneeled so he'd reach kito's height.

Kito was heavily by the man. He was huge to him, almost unfathomable. Like a moving mountain. A destructive moving mountain. Kito cautiously tried to move back but his legs wouldn't move.

He was frozen in fear. He was afraid, yes.

But Kito was far from a coward. He mustard up every strength just to turn his chin up and look at the man directly.

Amused by this the man smiled.

Kito looked at the old man and saw his face in his eyes. The blue pupils reflected his dirty and ragged body but then he saw another thing.

Kito thought to himself 'I don't understand what this man wants from me, but he looks sincere.'

'...Maybe, with him. Maybe I finally can.' with those thoughts Kito slowly calmed himself and submitted to the man with a small nod.

"YES! YOU! I SEE GREED IN YOUR EYES TOO!" The man suddenly shouted with a large wicked smile spread across his face. A smile so. wicked and evil it would make the ordinary man piss his pants at the sight of it.

He put his hand on Kito's head and spoke "You and I, we're gonna accomplished many, many things." 

The man started laughing as he pounded his chest. He got up and told the same guard in a commanding manner.

"Bring him to the Mansion and clean him up." he commanded. The guard nodded nervously in agreement.

"Also.." he said as he suddenly stopped his maniacal laughter and looked at the guards with a serious expression.

"I want this guys arms chopped off, do it for me will ya" he said simply in an uncaring tone. The guards saluted all at the same time. All except for the guard who punched Kito. He was shaking and tears filled his eyes.

He had committed a grave sin of carrying out a task without receiving an order from his lord

He was going to lose not one, but both his arms because of it

The order was given. The guard who was aggressive towards Kito suddenly fell to his knees and he started rambling.

"MY LORD PLEASE THIS MUST BE A MISTAKE!" He pleaded has he kneeled on the floor his face covered in snot and tears.

The man looked at the guard on the floor and showed a disgusted face. He could only be disappointed. 

'He broke down so easily after one order. What a shame, he failed instantly' The man thought. 

"Disgusting, get this thing out of my face"

"PLEASE MY LORD!" The guard continued pleading but his cries went unheard as the man turned around and said a simple thing as he walked away. "Onto the next task"

The guard continued but he was dragged away. 

His fate unknown. 

Kito, after witnessing all of this could only stay silent.

But eventually..eventually a small smile broke out. The old man saw this too as he peeked a Kito. 

"Good" He said softly with a smile of his own. 

"Its not a fond memory" The older Kito said as he ended his reminiscent. 

"Hm, that so? Well I don't really remember most of it except for meeting you." The man said with a confused expression.

"Please, you had a man have his arms cut off." Kito responded.

"So that's why I received those severed arms that day."

"Stop the show, you clearly remember all of it"

Then the man gave out his maniacal laugh again "Ah my dear boy, you saw through me." He continued his laughter. Kito could only sigh.

"Anyway, tell me about earlier. I heard you demoted a guard who got into a scuffle with a Farmer's kid." He said as he tried to stop his laughter

'This old man, it's barely been a day and he knows about that already.' thought Kito.

"Yes something like that happened." 

"Perhaps you too, saw something in him? Is that why you let this boy go?" With that question by the old man Kito thought about the boy called Aexial. He thought about the look he gave Kito.

He thought about how Aexial wouldn't backed down even after being beaten badly by the guard. He thought about his younger self.

Unconsciously without knowing it he had exposed these thoughts to the old man by giving a puzzled expression.

"Hoo, what an interesting young fellow" The old man said with a smirk "I must meet him myself one day."

"You'll be surprised" Kito responded and he thought about the earlier events.

"Hoo what an interesting little fella indeed"


"And what about the Grand elder?" The old man asked seriously.

"Still nothing from him. At this point maybe the rumor that he doesn't exist is true after all" immediately after that remark A glass of wine flew passed Kito's faced and shattered on the wall behind him. The old man who threw the glass looked at Kito with dead cold eyes.

"He does exist alright. You can trust me on that"

Kito wiped the wine that spilled on his cheeks with a white clothe and gave out a chuckle "I see"

"Even after the whole mess a few years ago. A civil war almost breaking out. All the chaos and death and then a commoner getting an elders seat by usurping a tyrants throne. You'd think he'd show up. My plan was perfect. Yet that bastard didn't as even acknowledge my hard work. You'd think he'd show his ass but alas, it was all for naught." The old man let out a sigh to display his disappointment after saying all this but Kito only laughed in respond. Kito laughed hard with his hands on his stomach.

"You're a cruel man you know that, a very cruel man" Kito said as he continued laughing.

"What do you ever mean?" The old man said while trying to make himself look innocent and confused. 

"Cut the bullshit, how could you say such a thing???? That tyrant I usurp? That man I had killed? That man I replaced in the council?"

Kito stopped his laughter and stared at the old man. 

A man who finally showed his true self. 

A man with a wicked smile plastered over his face the same wicked smile he showed Kito when he was younger.

A dangerous cunning man. The same man who had a man's arms removed because he annoyed him and simply because he wanted to amuse the young Kito by displacing his power, the same man who adopted a young boy because he had the same greed that he had.

He was no different than a devil. A devil who sits in the dark. A devil who plots his mischief. That was the old man. His true personality. He didn't care about anyone. All he cared about was his own amusement.

Kito knew this well. He knew what he was about to say to the old man would not change one damn thing about him. The old man, he was a monster.

"You say such a thing about that man like he's no different from an ant." Then with a deep breath Kito said "That same man I killed, was your son"

The old man's wicked smile only deepen.

'A devil' thought Kito. 'A nasty, dangerous devil'.

"SO WHAT?" He asked mockingly.

"As expected of you" Kito said with a smile of his own

"You're still the same as ever, Arlan Giovani."

With that only the maniacal laughter of the old man followed.

"This time I'll make so much noise. That not even one person in this damn city wouldn't be able to hear. Not even that man."

Arlan Giovani declared.


A pair of feet could be heard running through the crowds of Harvio's tunnel way.

The person held something in her hand and had a desperate look on her face. She ran and did not caring for the people she bump shoulder to shoulder with, she just kept running.

Tears filled her eyes and she getting breathless

She could hear the sounds of people complaining and telling her to be careful and watch where she was going, some even swearing at her.

She did not care. Her feet was bare but still she kept running. Her muscles were aching and tired ayet still she kept running. He head felt like it was going to fall any moment

Yet she ran and ran. She would not stop.

She was a mother after all. A caring loving mother who had one of the most important things in her life taken away from her.

So she ran and ran. Until finally, she reached him.

She looked at him and he stared back at her with a confused face. Breathless , a face full of tears and a tired body. The women was moments away from losing herself. And before she could break down and cry she said

"They took him."



Fellow readers, how are you? Im good.

Thank you. How long has it been? A year or two. Hm not long if you ask me......

Alright alright I'm sorry.

I know it's been a while see I had issues. But I'm back now. And I give you unveiling's latest chapter. Do leave your thoughts on it :3


Hooligan90creators' thoughts