
Your Misfortune My Salvation

Freaking out about his situation Little Soul tried to calm down and think logically. "Shit what the hell was that? Bugs aren't supposed to be able to do that it froze such a large chunk of the forest in seconds. Can all bugs in this place do that? If they can I'm fucked, if not then maybe I have a chance to take one of their bodies for my self. I hope that cicada looking thing was just the oddball out in this entire forest. Well even if it wasn't I'm still going to have to find me a body soon"

Moving away from the frozen part of the forest Little Soul quickly found a new creature, well more like a dozen they looked like gray baboons with fur that shined with a metallic luster.

They howling loudly and thumping their chests "maybe I can take over one of their bodies? Their not releasing any cold from their bodies like the last one". But, not wanting to get injured again like the last time he decided to wait and observe.

Quickly finding out he was right to do so, when the baboons he was watching started to leave the area they swung from branch to branch so, fast they were creating sonic booms with every swing. It was like seeing a ninja create after images. Were ever their paws grabbed the bark from the tree would get completely ripped off. Some trees even toppled over from the shock waves, he was left their completely stunned his mouth would have dropped open if he had one.

"What the hell is going on why are insects and other creatures able to do these things?" it just isn't right floating in the air for a few minutes in utter disbelief Little Soul heard a strange snapping noise looking around for the source he found it was coming from the trees. Upon closer inspection, he saw the trees sprout new buds and branches at an amazing rate. Before long the entire area he was at was restored to its former state. While the broken branch and leaves that fell off before turned to dust.

"Amazing simply amazing are all the trees able to do this?" wanting to confirm it Little Soul flew back to were that blue insect was to check. A bunch of trees were still frozen but, he still saw some new branches poking out and one of the trees that shattered had already grown back.

"How is this possible?" the more Little Soul saw of this world the more he couldn't believe it. It was absolutely amazing the stuff of dreams. He got lost in thought for a bit but, was forced out of it when he was suddenly in complete pain. It didn't last long only a few seconds but, that got his mind back on track. He could fade away very soon if he doesn't find a body.

Scouring around for hours it was already the next day. The sun rose up from behind the mountain range illuminating the Little Soul but, the light from the sun hasn't lifted the fog of despair off of him.

He had been searching erratically for a body to take over all over the place only to be met with utter failure as the creatures in this world are too bizarre even for his standards. There was a swarm of bees that turned the ground around them into lava, a bear the size of a hill with crystals growing out of its back that could make earth spikes shoot out of the ground and even swim in it. A snake that teleported from shadow to shadow and so, many other strange things. He couldn't take over any of their bodies even if he tried he learned his lesson from last time.

As Little Soul's spirit grew weaker he pondered "is this it, am I going to die forever? I was thrown in here with no explanation and now I'm going to die here". The soul that now looked like a small flickering flame in the wind sadden by the gravity of his situation now floated there in the air above the trees awaiting to die. When finally he heard the key to his salvation. It was a thunderous boom that brought with it the crash of lightning and the miserable cries of some poor soul.

About to die anyway Little Soul decided to take a look, where the smoke rose from the burnt trees and grass around it he witnessed a majestic golden electric wolf feasting on its prize for the day. It was a man, an old man chard a little from the lightning strike turned a bit brown on the rest of him. He was now dead and had had his guts torn out and limbs eaten by the wolf. The beast was done feasting on its pray after 30 minutes and promptly ran off.

The body was left there a complete mess bones gnawed at and broken, guts have been eaten and spread all over. "Still quite a bit of flash left on the body guess the man must not have been that tasty, but forget about that this was an opportunity".

Little Soul was going to fade away and needed a body the body may have been beaten up beyond recognition but, it was a body none the less.

Not wanting to waste a second more Little Soul entered the mangled body were he was going to have to fight for his life. Upon entering the body Little Soul discovered the previous owner's Soul was still not gone. It was incoherent and a bit crazy probably from the shock of death and not being able to accept it.

The Old Man's soul was wailing when it suddenly discovered Little Soul's presence and attacked him in a blindly furry. He tried to dodge, but battles between souls were different then battles between people, Little Soul and him both were weak souls Little Soul especially. Little Soul might as well be a malnourished child trying to fight a fully fed one.

Both of them have little in the way of form and presence so, trying to throw out something like a fist is nonsensical. So, what do you do? What else besides wait, observe, and try to fend off what ever comes your way. Little Soul may not have ever fought another soul before and didn't really know how, but he did know one thing he was not a complete idiot. He had been a soul for a few days and could kind of tell how that old man's soul was able to attack him.

"Is that it? could it truly be so, simple for me to dish out an attack?" Little Soul had been watching the old man's spirit chaotically attacking him and was able to guess how he was able to do it despite the old man not even being a spirit for 40 minutes. The answer was his rage, hatred, and regrets all coming at him like a storm.

"Are you kidding me are you telling me emotions was the key, all it takes is for me to be angry I can be angry I have plenty of anger in me. Being tossed in this place with no clue as to why, being the smallest soul of the group, not being able to keep up, then being left while they went knows were, and almost dying for not finding a body".

All the experiences that Little Soul had been through the past couple of days made a force that he had not felt before swell up inside him gush out. It was unusual to control at first, but Little Soul quickly came to realize was that force was a part of him like another limb that could bend and shift in every direction.

He had not mastered using it, but he got the basic principal down just like that Old Man's soul, point and shoot that's all he had to do. Both of the souls clashed head-on and Little Soul quickly realized he was loosing. They may be using the same ability yet, the power output wasn't the same. The Old Man's soul was normal-sized about the sized of a fist mine, on the other hand, Little Soul was like a bloated looking candle flame the size of a golf ball.

"Damb if this keeps up I'm definitely going to loose I have to try something else but, a frontal attack is all I'm able to do," thinking for a minute Little Soul thought of something, he had been copying the old man's soul who had gone made without reason. "For what? Spreading out my spirit when I have so little will only get me killed. Why don't I condense it instead?".

The Old Man's spirit is indeed larger and more powerful, but what is all that power if you don't use it right. "Spreading out your spirit may seem like a good idea and sometimes it is, but now it's just a weakness course that old man did not know his attacking aura is paper-thin I doubt it would even care in that crazy state its in".

This is my chance to win in a hurry Little Soul drew back his spirit while the old man charged forth. Condensing most of his energy down into one point was a bit challenging so, he wasn't able to do it perfectly, but it didn't have to be it only had to reach. Little Soul couldn't multi-task so, he wasn't able to set up a shield to protect my self from his retaliation. As the Old Man's spirit drew closer a beam of light shot forth it wasn't straight and had obvious imperfection, but it was devastatingly effective. It parted the old mans relentless attacking him dead center.

His soul was in pain it wailed in fury, but it did not dissipate it forced the spirit beam back with its soul body and tried to resist. "He's pushing my attack back in the most insane method I have ever seen".

Seeing things were not panning out as he had planned he opted to do something just as insane as him maybe even crazier since he couldn't last forever.

Little Soul stopped shooting the beam and bum-rushed him as fast as he could float over there while following as close behind the energy as possible as it quickly receded. As he made his way next to the old man's spirit he was able to feel the madness radiating off him. But, he guesses doing what he about to do without any proof it would work would make him even crazier right.

As his spirit body floated next to him he did the stupidest thing possible he forced his way inside his spirit. It was like putting hot oil in boiling water the reaction was explosive.

The Old Man's spirit exploded and scattered into little specks that just hovered there he had won, but not without paying for it. His own spirit suffered it was flickering, so much it looked like he was having a spasm. "Is this it, am I going to die fighting so, hard for a half-eaten and charred mangled corpse of an old man just to die in the end?."

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