
unusual wizard uses usual magic unusually

Author: jtarduru
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first fanfic/writing only do it when I'm bored follow Clayton as he uses first year spells to beat adult wizards because a spell with no projectile and no signs basically amounts to a free hit why use a disarming spell when you can just levitate them and transfigure them with no chance to block and no giving your position away

Chapter 1pre warts

It was a chilly day in a regular old house along Devon street ,well chilly for a June day at the very least, when the Abbon couple brought home their baby boy from the hospital. It was a rather difficult birth for her but even more difficult for her panicking husband and child. Not that the earthquake helped seeing as it made them have a bit more natural of a birth than anyone would have preferred.

"Dear we're both quite tired really and I don't mind being the one awake to take care of lil clay but I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with him." Chase Abbon said in his sweetest voice he could

"first check his diaper when he cries, if it's clean feed him, then burp him and wrap him up like a burrito if you can't figure it out you then and only then can you wake me up" said Mrs. Darcy Abbon with a look sterner than even Mrs Kathy his old principle could ever give.

as days went by little Clayton Abbon grew and learned fast. His father was a proud magician preforming wherever he could book a gig and his mother was a nurse and working nights at the same hospital he was delivered. This meant little Clayton turned out to be a bit of a daddys boy.

They raised him with as much patience they could afford and answering each of his unstoppable question chains of why, why, why, down to the very root even if he didn't get it if not too satiate him but to play a bit of trivia against each other both being perhaps too competitive tend to answer where the other got stumped.

When little bit larger Clayton started to go to primary School his teachers were shocked at his level of critical thinking but also irritated by his questions chains of why why why which labeled him as a trouble maker by some teachers as they couldn't understand his genuine curiosity at why "Is the need to reproduce in animals and their need to carry on their species survival important to the animals?" or why "am I to young to know how I was made?"

since he started to go to school he also pestered his father to teach him magic tricks to show off to his friends and his mother would often answer all his countless why's as he did his homework.

Clayton now was taller than an average 7 year old with dirty blond Blonde hair that he wouldn't let his parents cut and a dirty face came home from school after getting into quite a bit of trouble for fighting in school because an older kid got mad when he wouldn't tell him how he did a card trick and ripped up his customized trick deck he got one birthday.

Mr A "Clay I know what that kid did to you was wrong and if you hadn't fought him over a few cards I could've gotten you a new pack but for now mister your grounded to your room for 3 days make sure you do all your homework before your suspension is up."

Clay "why?"

this one word subconsciously sent Mr A into a better explanation "because even though he started ripping your deck you escalated it to a fight and that got you suspended from school which is a no go"

"but didn't you think about how he got the deck? at what point AM I allowed to hit back?"

This quickly stumped his dad but he decided

"Hmm your right what did he do to get the deck? And I suppose no son of mine is going to let people walk on him I'll tell you what if there's more than one and they threaten you you have my permission to make the first strike and if there only one you until his hand reaches for you after you have made a warning"

"so I was in the right and still am being punished? Jimmy pushed me over grabbed my bag pulled out the deck then threw the book bag at my head when I was on the floor although I blocked it"

needless to say Mr A was furious "Those rats told me you just started beating the poor kid after he was a bit too rough with your cards and ripped them didn't you tell them?"

"I tried but it is always the same no one listens when they think they know, and no one answers the question when they think your too young."

"well I'll tell you what forget about the grounding how bout we go for I've cream and I'll teach you some new tricks."

with a sigh of relief Clayton was glad his dad didn't ask to see the cards because after he was completely ignored and being punished unjustly he took a look at the cards and saw they were all in one piece again"

on his way to get I've cream he thought non stop about how it happened and why and in a little pulled out a card which he tried to rip back in half with his mind only to look quite odd being red faced with nothing to show for it.

However after looking away he could still see the card in opposite colors when he looked at clouds quickly asking his dad how and why In ways he was helpless to assist.

Over the next 4 years many strange things happened some seen by his parents some asked in forms of whys and how's to anyone who would listen.

these strange occurrences didn't seem quite to strange for him seeing as many people have stories about seeing Santa clause and boogymen he figured there had to be something out there helping him because many times these things ended up helping him in tough spots, and with his new rules of engagement against oppressors he had quite a few

this didn't stop him from excelling in his classes though and while his scores weren't the very best (still not getting a good reason for why he should care in primary school) he definitely understood more about the subjects than the others

it was finally his 11th birthday and his family had taken him out to the park with his friends here was showing off his magic tricks that his dad had taught him and even some of his own versions his dad was suprised by before quickly figuring out how he did it. Clayton's favorite tricks were with cards and he though not quite as good as his father was getting there slowly but surely and this meant something seeing as his dad was slowly taking off and getting bigger venues though not as big as what he wants.

It was during one of these card tricks that a Dusty brown owl dive bombed towards him slapping him in the face with an envelope before landing nearby in a tree starring at him. Confused his dad took the letter and handed it to him with a cocked eyebrow.

"how did you pull this one off he asked disbelieving"

pull what off I didn't have anything to do with it clay said as he opened the letter as the other kids looked expectantly

(Congratulations you have been accepted into Hogwarts school of which craft and wizardry....)

all the kids started laughing as if it were an elaborate prank however Clayton only emits a small chuckle as he looks at the owl still standing around

{well if they think it's a joke or something no harm responding}

*Clayton hastily scrawls "yes, but please come over and show us some magic first"*

and tossed it to the owl sitting in a tree nearby when it grabs the letter and flys off again.

his dad looks amused at the 'trick'

{I wonder if Dad sent that as a prank or if it's some kind of Summer camp}

deciding to get answers out of him later he continues to play around with the other kids playing tag in which he often drops fake body parts when they tag him

having had his fun everyone starts to head home and no sooner they enter their than an old Stern woman wearing black robes approached the house and knocks

"Abbon family I presume I'm professor Mcgonagal and I'm here in regards to the hogwarts letter, let us go inside because I'm sure this well take a few minutes at least."

although not the most courtious greeting Mr and Mrs Abbon were more than happy to oblige and lead her to the living room with Mr A sceptically glancing at Clayton

"yes so like usual with the muggle family's I'm here to give proof of our school and what we teach, in short terms introduce you to magic."

Mr A "mugg-"

the old Stern woman whoops out a stick and proceeded to turn the coffee table into a pig

"please inspect it" she says briskly

" but ho-" and another flick of her wrists the pig was a table again.

"magic Mr Abbon." states Mcgonagal matter o factly

Mr A at this point was on his knees looking for any kind of setup but couldn't find any and after another couple minutes of explanation and floating things Mr A was begging to go too only to be shot down by the professor.

and although mother was quite flabbergasted and reluctant she gave in and all 3 were whisked out of the house to go shopping for school supplies.

Clayton was quite shell shocked but professor Mcgonagal was to determined to get this done with as soon as possible and everyone subconsciously matched her pace fearing detention as if they were school kids again.

professor McGonagall, as she preferred to be called, lead the way and summoned a bus on the street that seemed so speed in out of no where and stop on a dime. them came the hellish ride that was closer to some twisted space warping rollercoaster than a mode of transportation. After the Abbon family departed the hellish vehicle they would refuse to ever ride again if they could help it they entered a run down pub called the leaky cauldron they had to give in to the reality that this was all actually happening.

the whole shopping trip turned into a blur of curiosities floating objects here and animated toys here mr.abbon buying all sorts of knick knacks that he hardly knows what they do but finally after the sensory overload clay was informed it's time for him to get a wand

Clay "Professor McGonagall why do we need wands?"

Professor McGonagall "because they help channel your magic, very few wizards can even perform magic without wands it other foci though from what I know they tend to train that way in Africa."

Clay "how does it help channel magic?"

Professor McGonagall "imagine it's like your a water source and you need a outlet for your magic to leave through so you can use said magic to interact with the world and other objects. a wand acts like a ' magnet ' and attracts your magic into something not trying to retain your magic inside and then channels and projects it outward"

Clay "Why does the magic resist leaving the body"

Professor McGonagall "why does blood resist leaving the body?"

going into olivanders wand shop trying to answer all of Clayton's why's she switched into a more respectful tone and called out "Mr olivander I have a new student getting a wand."

just then an old man with magnifying eye glasses peeks out the corner of some shelves and starts taking measurements.

"yes and your name lad"

"Clayton, Clayton Abbon sir"

"and your wand hand is?"

"uhm I'm right handed but I can use both hands if that's what you mean sir."


-try and give this one a wave

as he shoved a back twisty wand in my hands looking like it was hewn straight from a tree

a wonderful feeling came through me like a wave bursting through a dam however much of the water and to just disappear only causing a small light show

- hmmmm curious the first try? no that never happens

how about this one

and he shoved a much more blocky square wand into my hand with a light color and spirals going up

I give it a wave and there's a wonderful sensation again but this time it's like a healing light circulating in my body and a wind blowing my face

Olivander "what in the world have you been eating boy?!?"

Clay "I mean I had hot do-"

Olivander "hold these two both then"

he shoved another grey wand into my free left hand causing a pulse of blue light to echo out of my body for a moment

Olivander "ahhh I see now they submit but you do not match" he says as he snatches them away

Clay "what does that mean sir?"

Olivander "well you see every once in a while this happens a person favored by many wands that do not fit quite it makes it quite hard to find the proper one"

Clay "but why sir it sounds like most wizards are only favored by one why am I different."

Olivander "hard to say but I think your magic is so soothing it makes the wands want to give in like a man to a beautiful woman."

Clay "why would a man give into a beautiful woman?"

Olivander "..."

Clay "why is my magic different then"

Olivander "that I can't say my boy maybe it's lineage maybe it's... ah this one."

he rushes back over with a longer gray wand that fits well in my hand and fills me with a fullness no amount of food could compare but nothing outwardly changes

Olivander "shame but I supose not."

before I could say anything he reaches to take it and his hand is slapped away by an invisible force like a mother stopping a child

Olivander "remarkable, remarkable! I do think you've found the one this was an experiment dragon heartstring and veela hair 14½" and yew surprisingly springy no doubt a powerful wand you will find it quite exceptional in whatever you put your mind to I expect great things from you mr. Abbon."

Clay "what's a veela and I've never heard of heartstring-"

Professor McGonagall " 7 galleons right here you are" she pays olivander and steers Clayton out of the shop. no doubt avoiding another question storm to sit through.

Professor McGonagall "no doubt a Raven claw through and through might I suggest books to answer your question Mr. Clayton."

Escorting the family back to the London streets out of diagon alley under the reproachful looks of Clayton she explains as many why's as she can and informs them of how to get aboard the train to Hogwarts.

the whole family felt as if they had been abducted on the way back in a taxi except Clayton furiously pouring over his new books liking for answers to all his questions.

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Table of Contents
Volume 1


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