

Choices decides the outcome of the past,present and future. The Choices you makes you make not only impacts yourself but others around you. The concept of choices is the supposed ability to freely decide between alternatives. Choice is a corollary of the traditional notion of free will, understood as the supposed power or capacity of humans to make decisions or perform actions independently of any prior event in or state of the universe.

So knowing this why did I accept his gift. Why did accept it while knowing the consequence of it,was it the anger that I felt, The pain of losing something dear to me or was it revenge. Revenge against the disease that plagued my people, Yes that was the answer I told myself because in actuality none of those answers were correct I didn't make that choice because of of the pain of losing my light in the darkness. No no no no it the answer was simple.

I was weak

To weak to fight against that disease.to weak to defend against it while I watch as is ravished my people.to weak to carry out their last wishes but because of that weakness it lead me to to my salvation, My salvation in the form of a man a being of unfathomable power.Power that I needed to purify my people of the disease

So on that day I made my choice even if I condemned my soul to a eternity of pain in the deepest parts of hell. After all everything has a price even power but at that time I didn't realize that I was trading from one master to another.

Bessarabia, Romania ;13th century

In a mine of the Turkish Ottoman Empire.

We see countless slaves mining ores ranging from Iron, Tin, Lead and in some rare cases Gold. You can see rows of malnourished slaves ranging from the ages of 10 all the way to adults tirelessly working with Ottoman guards keeping a vigilant eye on them.

In one of these rows a boy by the age of 14 can be seen using extraordinary amount of force for someone with his body breaking a section of a wall with ores peeking through.

Nrvnqsr Trotman was a farm boy turned slave when the Ottomans invaded Central Africa laying seige to this country side of what we came to know as Egypt for resources and slaves for their conquest to conquer Europe. Because of this he and my slaves like him hold a deep resentment towards the Turks remembering the faces of man and woman running in terror while so were subject to cruel fates.

Thinking about his past he grips the handle of  his pickaxe while tears run down his face his eyes hold great amount wrath.

With each swing of his tool images passes threw his mind. Images of his father and countless villagers fighting back trying to defend their land ultimately falling they were impaled with spears,his mother's face crying while a soldier tears her clothes trying to escape while he hid in the closet that she pushed him into to hide watching it happen unable to do anything. While he remembers these events his swing power increases with strength the sound of the rocks breaks with intense precision

The Binbaşi noticing the sudden increase of noise turn to his Kol Aghassi.'go check that sound and report back' saluting his commander he walks to the row that Nrvnqsr is in what he came to see was a boy mining away but that's not what caught his his it was the way he was doing to the wall.

In his mind he was wondering how can the malnourished boy exert so much force. Noticing nothing out of order he reports back

'Sir the commotion was cause by one of the younger slaves mining, but i thinks its best if you come see for yourself'. With his curiosity peeked he follows him to the boy.

Upon arriving the soldier point his commander to the boy dressed in brown rags to big for his body. With eyes widening in disbelief he watches the boy works for a couple minutes. Summoning one of his Kol Aghassi he tells him.' Write a letter and make on of the messenger birds deliver it to the sultan'. Noding his his the soldier goes to complete his orders while Mohammed smirked thinking of the future of the boy.

As some time pass a white pigeon Flys towards a palace made of Quartzs and Gold a man a soldier is walking toward to doors made completely of gold as he enters a large table with the maps of enemy territories with a man dressed in gold armor talking with his general.

The soldier knees in front of the sultan 'sultan I have a message form Binbaşi Mohammed he said it to inform of a new development in the mines that would peek your interest'.

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