
Chapter 40: Are you also the jealous type?

"He look so suave. A 9/10. If not for that permanent scowl on his face, he's definitely a home run honey." Catherine shrugged her shoulders ever so slightly and looked a bit disappointed with the fact that the man wasn't her type at all. Yes the man was quite a looker himself which for her was indeed a plus but not as equally important as one's personality. She does not like her own man to appear cold-blooded and ruthless. She prefers the compassionate type, not to mention docile and tame. 'Hehe!' She smirked with the thought. She would never allow herself to be the one on the receiving end.

Laurice: " ... "

Catherine propped her head on her hand that was resting on the table when she received no reaction from her and continued blabbing, "He doesn't seem like a regular here. I mean, i've been frequenting this place for awhile now but it's the first time i've seen him. The rest are familiar faces though." Her forehead creased. She was getting curious with these men's identity in general. They were emitting an air of style and grace, authority and wealth.

'Eeh. Not bad.'

Catherine smirked. She was already looking forward to having a good time later tonight. If only her little friend would cooperate then all is well on her end.


Laurice just stared blankly and appeared as nonchalant as she could be towards the person in front of her for the whole time, hoping she would stop talking already. She was looking rather indifferent as if she wasn't listening to Catherine at all. And it was a given that she wasn't really interested with gossiping about men in particular. She did not come here to find herself a guy to flirt with. Laurice did not pay attention to Catherine's tittle-tattle anymore and intercepted her chattering.

Laurice: "I think i'm about to faint from being starved."

Sensing the dangerous aura around Laurice, Catherine laughed awkwardly and said, "Hehe, go on honey. Help yourself."

Finally. Laurice stood up immediately but after two steps she halted and turned back at Catherine.

Laurice: "You. Behave yourself." She paused and emphasized the words to warn her not to do anything stupid without her knowledge. She know the both of them could be impulsive but Catherine is way beyond comprehension. She's perky, bold and daring and loves to have fun. Like all the freaking time.

Laurice turned around and left failing to see the faint smile curved into Catherine's glossy lips.


About half an hour ago at the Cosmos Buffet Restaurant in The Cube.

Five prominent men, all from prestigious families in the business world occupied their seats on a round table and has already begun eating dinner when an odd momentary silence suddenly filled the venue. Only the sounds of footsteps can be heard as two beautiful women appeared and entered the place.

As if on cue, a beautiful soft and melodious jazz instrumental music resonate across the hall while the two woman walked inside swiftly with grace, one wearing a high-inched pumps looking all posh and stylish while the other was pretty laid-back and casual but both possess a distinct sophistication and charisma that is bewitching enough making everyone around glance towards their direction unconsciously.

All men were enthralled by the sight of the two oblivious women including the ever cold and distant Liam Walsh.

Liam only followed his instincts but the moment his eyes fell towards a particular shapely figure in plain white shirt, his gaze instantly fixed towards the woman who was peeking across the chafing dishes as she passed by until she sat to their assigned table only a few feet apart but just across theirs. His sharp friends caught him eyeing the beautiful stranger.


The moment he heard his friends groaning, he immediately retracted his gaze and focused his attention back to eating as if nothing odd happened to him just now.

Craig: "So that's your type. Well, i can't blame you. I like eastern women too. They're special."

His remark earned a glare from Liam.

Craig felt the a streak of panic from his glare but did not held back. He was even pumped up and a sudden realization flashed in his mind.

Craig: "Wow! Can't believe you're actually territorial. Are you also the jealous type?" He probed. Craig was getting more curious. Out of all of them, only Liam remained passive towards women and relationships for years. He was never interested with dating or any of that sort. He was a business freak. 

The three others were hesitant to speak their minds. Only Craig has the guts to talk back against Liam. But it certainly is the first time their dear brother was showing interest towards the opposite sex.


Lucky enough they chose to dine here instead as per usual together with Liam who was initially planning to head home right after they were dragged out of his office.


Liam have already regained back his composure and levelheadedness while ignoring Craig completely. He must be insane to think the woman was attractive and beautiful for a minute there. He wouldn't care anymore. He was well aware that women only knows how to cause trouble and he could not tolerate that. He was a busy man.

Eric saw beyond his indecision and thought of a brilliant plan.

Eric: "Actually both women are equally attractive, but i don't like petite women. I'm more into the one in white shirt. Haven't you seen those curves? Damn! I'm pretty confident that under those baggy clothes is one he*l of a body!" His sultry eyes added emphasis to his statement making all the men around the table a bit uncomfortable. All of them saw exactly that and sure enough their interests are perked to some degree. The woman was indeed sexy despite wearing such loose fitting clothes and their imaginations are running completely wild with the thought. The pretty face was a major plus, too.

The fiery atmosphere melted away abruptly when an oppresive and chilly aura suddenly emerged from somewhere. The aura seem to emanate from Liam who was holding out a steak knife on one hand. The temperature around him instantly dropped a few degrees.

Before things went out of hand, Karl broke his silence and tried to subdue the situation only to make things worse in the end unknowingly.

Karl: "Well i must say she wasn't all that pretty actually.The woman in suit is way better. She's classy and chic. A first rate beauty."

Eric scoffed and ignored his praise. He's not letting Karl ruin his plans. Just this once, he wanted to get even with Liam. This is in exchange for the property he and Karl lose from the last bidding with Walsh Group. They've been eyeing that property for a long time now. But Liam was still able to obtain that piece of land even through blind bidding. They don't usually compete with one another but their families are both in real estate industry where competition is crucial and tough but necessary.

Besides, the way Liam was acting strangely right now was also somewhat interesting and amusing. He could not help but play his cards.

Eric: "What nonsense?! I'm sick of socialites. We need fresh new faces. Just like Paul's fiancee. Domesticated beauties are rare jewels."

Paul: "Don't even mention it."

Craig: "I agree. Docile women are better. They are pure and innocent."

Eric: "Right? So what the he*l am i still dilly dallying here for?" He looked around and found the woman next in line in the japanese cuisine station waiting for her ramen. His gaze deepened. He strode towards her direction and while looking at the woman's back, he uttered, "Wait for me babe, your future husband is coming for you."

His shameless words were audible enough for the rest of the other four men to hear. Liam's expression turned ugly in an instant.

Karl: " ...!!! "

Paul: " ...!!! "

Craig: " ...!!! "

Deep shi*. The three men felt they were boiling in their seats as they watch the scene unfold before them.


Becareful what you wish for. Lol.


Paul and Craig are both American

Karl and Eric are both Chinese

and ofcourse you know Liam

He's half Irish and half Filipino

msgelcreators' thoughts
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