Dear Diary,

This is Ander. I've never done anything like this before. I saw my own therapist, Ms. Faraday, today. She is so nice! Oh, how I wish to strangle her when she sleeps. She seems to understand my problem with Crick. Your problem? With me? You're the problem. She says I suffer from a condition called Dissociative Identity Disorder. I've never heard of it, because you never were the brightest, but if I remember correctly, she says I have voices in my head. I told her about my friend, Crick, we are not friends, Ander, I'm stuck in here with you, and how Crick is always mean to me. She says I'm not supposed to talk to him, which you never do what you're supposed to do, but he always finds a way to find me. I don't mind though, because I don't have friends beside Crick, Ms. Faraday, or Mr. Keeper. Ms. Faraday says I should write in a diary, or a journal, so I can write my feelings down so I don't have another episode. Yes, the times I am the most proud of you. So, here I am, writing about my "feelings". I don't know where to start. How about the time we murdeted that little girl, or burned that old man in his house with his wife and three kids? Oh, I know! Food! Jesus Christ. So today, I was wanting food, and this little girl wanted to give me ice cream. I took it, but Crick said he wanted some too, but when I asked again, she said she didn't have anymore. So, I walked away. At least, that's what YOU remember. You were- WE were so angry, that you pushed that little girl into oncoming traffic. She was hit by a MAC truck. Completley obliterated. Oh, what a sight it was to see! Anyways, Mr. Keeper, my other friend who makes sure I eat, sleep, and take my medicine, in other words, our slave driver, told me I have to go to bed now. This was kind of fun! Yes, reminiscing the deaths of those we've murdered. Wonderful. I can't wait to do this tomorrow! So, um... I guess this is goodnight!

Sincerely, Ander and Crick.
