
Unsold Slaves Have Returned As Warriors

Unsold slaves became warriors. Thanks to this, I'm being misunderstood as a legendary teacher. It's nice to be a professor at the best academy on the continent, but What are you guys doing here? N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 13 - The Academy President's Visit

Chapter 13 - The Academy President's Visit

"The achievement report has been completed. I will escort you all the way home, Lord."

"Good job. Move."

As the sun was slowly sinking past the top of my head, Winston and I rode the horse back to the mansion.

Two-story brick houses run along the outskirts of the downtown area. Then there is a timidly dug side road, not the road leading to another city.

Enjoying the scent of trees and following the deserted single road, I see my mansion in the distance, which does not show much presence.

The only family members are Riella and Winston, and this size is sufficient. Since the county was nearby, it was also noticeable that they built a larger mansion.

Can it be said that the purpose of a leisurely life has been achieved?

But as I lived my life, people's greed was like that. If you can achieve one, you suffer from another thirst, and the things you can't fill keep bothering your eyes.

In my case, it was a nameplate job after all.

Arriving at the front gate of the mansion, which blocked the garden, there was some commotion.

There were a lot of people. Most of them seemed to be commoners of the county, but there were also about five guards in armor.

"When is the slave trader coming? Isn't he hiding in the mansion and lying?"

"Our family head is not a person who carelessly lies. And be respectful when dealing with nobles."

Liella, standing upright in front of the main gate, was arguing with 〈 Guard Captain Harold 〉. I leisurely approached the group of them.

"What is it?"

"Ah, the head of the household!"

Reela's face turned to relief when she saw me. Even though she looked determined, it seemed that she had been guarding her mansion with tension for a long time.

"You have just appeared, slave trader baron. I am Harold, captain of the guards directly under Count Caldwell."

The captain of the guard showed his pride and pointed his thumb at his name tag.

"You know better than I do why I am here. In addition to the illegal slave trade, kidnappings have occurred in the city recently."


"So what is it! Don't ignore the subject of slave traders. It must have been related somehow, so I came here... "


I cut off the captain of the guard.

"The captain of the guard, four guards, and about ten other commoners of the county. You guys are now invading the Fidia family's territory without my permission."

"What? What is the false baron's estate? Don't turn around..."

"This mansion site and the land within a radius of 500 meters are not Countries. This is the land I leased for 100 years after I signed a contract with the emperor of the Empire and paid the price. According to imperial law, a baron who has been sold cannot own a territory, but he can exercise authority over the territory. It's natural. I am a noble."

"What, what are you talking about..."

"It means that even if I cut off your black neck from which the soup drips from you under the pretext of trespassing, the judge will recognize the legitimacy of that. Get out of my front door now, whether you understand it or not. Like rude people."

The captain of the guard gritted his teeth and opened his eyes.

"Don't be bluffing! I am the captain of the count's guard! Do you think the Count will accept you into the county even after doing such a thing?!"

I answered calmly.

"What do you care about? Guard Captain. You won't be able to see what happened because you're not in this world anyway."

"Ugh... !"

The captain of the guard instinctively took a step back. I looked around at everyone gathered here.

"HereIt's the same with everyone standing. See the wooden fence on the other side of the road? Get out of there right now. Now, I will forgive you with a generous apology."

"Apology? It's not even funny..."

"Aren't you guys misunderstanding something?"

I glared at them with fierce eyes. A few flinched.

"I am an aristocrat and you are commoners. It is natural common sense to show respect from the moment you meet. Don't you still feel that I am being quite merciful?"

At my words, everyone in the room became dumb.

There is no way to refute.

Whether it was bought with money or the word slave trader written above their heads, the fact that there is a difference in status between me and them is clear.

The three-letter surname attached to the name tag tells us that.

If there is one thing I realized while working as a merchant for a long time, it was that I always had to be 'A' when making transactions.

The problem always comes from Eul. It is always good to suffer losses and suffer mental pain.

A deal is just a deal. There is no reason why I should be in that position.

"Okay, okay!"

Eventually, the captain of the guard lowered his tail. He approached Liella, who was still guarding the front door.

"You must be having a hard time too, working for an owner who has no blood or tears like that."

"I am not a slave. The head of household hates that title. Withdraw."

"Don't do that, just like I said, get married to me. Are you the head of the count's guard? A comfortable life is guaranteed."

"Get out of here before you see anything worse."

"Ankal Keeper. I like it more."

The captain of the guard gave a sly smile and twisted his body to move. They retreated beyond the fence I suggested.

I looked down at them from the fence, still mounted on my estate. Winston was still next to me, waiting for orders.

I asked them

"Are you ready to apologize?"

"Wait a moment, Baron. If you're a criminal, we certainly don't need to apologize. A serious case of kidnapping the citizens of our city and selling them into slavery. And you are the only slave trader in this city."

"It's a simple logic that even pigeons will cry."

"These people are rescued victims or victims' families. I will testify that you are the culprit!"

"I-over there..."

The citizens brought by the chief of the guard hesitated.


"I saw the slave trader, but I don't think he was him. There was no last name on the merchant's name tag."

"... What?"

"I also look different in body shape..."

"No way! An incident also occurred during the day. And you all saw him come back!"

"If it's today, I went to subdue monsters at the request of the guild."

"What kind of monster is San-nim! It'd be nice if the goblin didn't stab you in the ass!"



Winston showed the report of the request completed today to the captain of the guard. As he read it, his expression grew pale.

"Very well, Captain."

"I don't think it's real..."

Thud! The captain of the guard stamped his foot.

"There is no evidence that he did this! Two B-class quests? Does that make sense?"

"Where is the adventurer who gives a request settlement statement to someone else? It's all performance..."

"Then you must be an accomplice!"

"Captain of the guard."

I called him quietly. He looked up at me with an angry face.

"The apology isAll you have to do is get on your knees, sincerely repent of your actions and reasons, and then bow your head. Oh, did you know? I misunderstood that you lacked basic common sense."

"Damn it!"

The guard's face flushed red. He groaned and clenched his fists tightly.

"Do not be ridiculous! You can't do clowning like that! What will happen if you don't? No matter how noble you are, would you cut your throat right here? We are serving the Count!"

He also came out with a red flag. He had some expectations.

All together, all over—

As I was thinking about what to do with it, I heard the sound of horses hooves from afar.

The sound got louder. Something was coming this way.


The guards also looked there.

A luxurious large carriage. It is pulled by three powerful horses. Beside him, ten soldiers in heavy armor were escorting the wagon.

The flag flutters. I immediately recognized what that sentence was.

It's a phrase I've seen many times on the wiki.

No matter how long I saw it, I couldn't forget it.

"Huh? Where did you come from? Hey, did you get a report?"

"No, there wasn't."

"This guy and that guy know the guards as fucks... ! Stop, stop! Identify yourself!"

The guards came forward and tried to stop his carriage.

However, the soldiers who were escorting the wagon saw the movement of the guards, and instead of stopping, they began to charge more menacingly.

"Uh huh?!"

The long lances held by the soldiers on horseback struck the guards in an instant and knocked them aside.

Wood deok! The sound of their ribs breaking could be heard in my ears.

"Oh my!"

"Crazy guys! Can't you see my name tag?! How dare you beat the captain of the guard in the county?!"

The soldiers did not listen to the guards and put them away like luggage. It was just a feeling that the carriage was blocked and attacked.

Citizens who saw the scene also moved to both sides in confusion. The crowd split like the Red Sea, and a carriage came in between them.

"Whoa, whoa!"

The coachman stopped the carriage exactly in front of me. Soon the door opened, and a middle-aged man in a golden vest with a white robe flowing down walked out of it.

All the soldiers line up and focus on escorting him.

"Ugh! No, I see you are a high-ranking person... ! Noble Nari! I am the captain of the count's guard! I just got injured in an accident! If you don't take care of it right away, you will surely be in big trouble..."

"Shut up!"

One of the soldiers shouted loudly and pressed the commander of the guard with his spirit. He grabbed the captain of the guard by the collar, banging his forehead and growling.

"Your life is at stake now thanks to this person's order to ensure that there are no casualties, so thank you, commoner."

The terrified guard captain asked.

"Oh, no. What kind of person are you..."

"If you have eyes, look carefully."

The captain of the guard slowly glanced sideways.

"Hee, hee!"

He broke out in a cold sweat as if he had just seen the name tag of the middle-aged man, and immediately slammed his forehead on the ground in fright.

I also checked the man's name tag.

Five small blue stars are shining in the upper left corner of the nameplate.

〈 Academy President Bert Mustang〉

There is a job that only one person can have in this world.

Like the emperor, there is only one king or pope on the continent.

And not the headmaster of the academyJob as principal.

This, too, is a job for only one person.

The reason is simple. Because he is the president of the hero academy, the only goddess in the continent, which is the main background of the original work.

The patterns engraved on his wagon and flag point to the continent's only hero academy, 'Caesus Academy'.

"Looking at that name tag, you've come to the right place! Nice to meet you, the 'legendary teacher' of the warriors."

He smiled and asked for a handshake.