
Melody is back?

When Gideon reached the floor where the party had stilled and everyone was looking at the elderly woman donned in a royal blue elegant dress, looking every bit like a woman of superior birth that she was. She was standing on the stage with a microphone in her hand, her eyes on the crowd, studying and reviewing them, and that wicked smile playing on her lips were making people submit to her unconsciously. 

This was what Lillian Hawthorne was capable of doing! 

Lillian had waited seven years for this day. Finally, Irene was going to be her granddaughter-in-law. It was just like a dream come true for the old lady. 

Everyone present inside the hall was staring at the older woman, holding their breath. They had an inkling that a shocking announcement was going to be made. 

Hawthorne family had been in a mood of throwing one after another startling news today, from the collaboration on midnight Lily with Spencer house to announcing Marilyn's engagement with Lucian. 

Now they just had to wait for one more… 

"Good evening everyone. Thank you for attending today's banquet. As you all know that Hawthorne Industries had already announced two pieces of good news, I wondered why not add one or two more?" After speaking this Old lady laughed at her own joke at the expense of Gideon's misery.

After giving enough suspense to the people attending the banquet, she added, "Taking this opportunity, I would like to announce that my eldest grandson, who had brought great honour to our Hawthorne family with his incredible leadership for the last seven years, has chosen an incredible woman to accompany him throughout the thick and thin of life." 

People were not that shocked in honesty as they were letting people see. Almost everyone who followed entertainment news knew that Irene and Gideon were a thing. Although it was not true, still people believed it as it was what Irene wanted people to know. 

Now after hearing that Gideon was going to be engaged or perhaps married to, their guess straight went to Irene.  

Lillian continued her speech much to everyone's speculation,"  No one knows better than our generation the importance of a right woman by a man's side. Only a right woman can lead man to further success." A fond smile bloomed on her face as she announced, "And that beautiful and incredible woman is no one else but Mr Callahan's beloved daughter. A round of applause to welcome Miss Callahan!"

The lights of the surroundings dimmed all of a sudden and a tall, slender and elegant figure entered the doorway, making people feel for the first time ever that a silhouette could be this beautiful. 

Her face was still not clear but from her figure and gait, it could be estimated that the person was elegant and beautiful. 

And who could be this much more elegant and beautiful other than Irene? 

Irene Hawthorne was a supermodel, known for her seductive beauty and grace. 

When the lights fell on her face, Gideon heard his grandmother gasp loudly. 

It was not only his grandmother but almost everyone was looking at the incoming person as if they were looking at the wrong person.

The only exception was Lucian. He was controlling himself from bursting into laughter. Truly, it was an impossible task to do when all you wanted was to laugh and laugh and laugh until you were left with no laugh to laugh. However, it was a pity that he just couldn't. He too had to act all shocked and troubled like the whole of the Hawthrone family. 

For a long time, Gideon didn't know what was happening around him. He was looking at everyone's confused, startled and angry faces. He didn't even know what triggered such reactions.

It was only when a soft figure crashed into his back and wrapped her warm arms around his waist, he came out of stupor. 

This feeling of softness against his hard body was familiar to him. Way too familiar. His youth was spent in those arms. 

This soft fragrance of lavender mingled with cinnamon was reminding him of the mistakes he had committed in his teenage years. The same mistakes, he wouldn't mind committing ones again. 

He blinked his eyes as a word escaped his lips like a bitter taste. "Mel?"

The beautiful woman hugging his back smiled against his body and spoke in a sickly coquettish voice, "G, I missed you so much." 

Immediately, Gideon acted and caught her hand and removed her body attached to his back. 

Now both of them were standing face to face, looking at each other's eyes. 

His brown eyes were staring right back into her pitch-black fiery orbs. 

Gideon was looking at her in confusion and bewilderment, not in anger and shock like everyone else. Yes, he was just as shocked as everyone else. But most of all he was confused. 

What the hell was his ex-wife doing in front of him after seven whole years? 

Did he not tell her never to appear in front of him? 

Who called her here? 

Why was she here when she didn't need her? 


It wasn't only Gideon staring at her. Every single person standing there was looking at her with weird gazes. The women were envious after seeing such an extraordinary beauty for the first time and the men were dreaming of attaining her for at least one day, even if it meant losing their everything for once! 

Melody was wearing an A-line black and white dress with an open back. This particular piece of cloth might have looked vulgar or crude on someone else if they were not able to rock this backless dress but it wasn't the case with her. 

She looked as if she was the embodiment of grace and elegance, completely different from what she was seven years ago. Sure, she was beautiful seven years ago too, but the wildness and wickedness flaring in her eyes that was masked by phoney coyness were not present all those years ago. 


Author Note: The Ex wife is finally back! 

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