
Divinity awakened!

Soon Alex heard a series of system notifications in his head and also felt a new power finally awakening in his body .

-Ding! Congratulations host for awakening the divinity of Asgardian protoss.

Ding! Opening property panel.

Name= Alex

Abilities= 1. Herculean

Physique (S)



3.Super fast

regeneration (S)

4 Teleportation (S)

5. Strange Metallic

wings (S+)

6. God's Domain (SS+)

Soul energy= 3429/4000

Ability chances= 1

Next Alex focused on the God's Domain ability.

* God's Domain = It allows you to create a world similar to the mirror world of magicians of Kama Taj within a certain range. In this are you can control everything including even time and space and have absolute control over everything.

It's current range is a diameter of 500 metre. It will increase with increase in your divine power.

No upper limit.


Seeing till here , Alex almost stopped breathing. This was completely beyond his expectations. This power was almost on the same level as infinity stones. In fact , within his God's Domain Infinity Stones are nothing more than shiny stones without any power.

"Hmmm..... But this ability is a bit consuming ands puts a great burden on the body. I guess it can only be used as a hole card until my divine power reaches a higher level. "

Alex thought after feeling for a while.

At this time Thor and the others also arrived here making Alex return to his senses.

" Wow Alex! You..... Mjolnir... But..... I.... "

At this moment Thor didn't know how to express himself. Even he himself didn't know what he was feeling right now. But soon Thor calmed down and accepted his fate.

"Wow Alex! This is awesome. You were so cool just now. "

Lucy said while hugging Alex happily. Sif and Brunhilde on the side also congratulated him. Meanwhile Raven simply snorted but still showed a smile on her lips.

Jack and Galypso were still in the town protecting Jane and the others.

During this time Phil Coulson and Hawkeye also arrived here along with a few other agents. But they maintained a safe distance vigilantly as the scene where Alex easily thrashed the Destroyer earlier was still fresh in their minds.

Seeing them Alex didn't wait for them to speak and simply cut to the chase.

"Ahh.... I know you, SHIELD right? I was wondering why you still haven't come to bother us for such s long time. But anyway you must have witnessed my power just now. Well my teammates are also bot much worse. So you guys better not disturb us and we can all coexist peacefully. So also inform your leader Nick to not try his tricks. Otherwise....... "

After warning them Alex completely ignored them and turned away. After all since he is planning to develop on earth for the next period of time, Alex didn't want to be continuously annoyed by some spy shit .

Meanwhile Coulson and the others were left dumbstruck. For the first time in his spy agent career till now Phil Coulson faced such a situation. Opposite him was a potential alien God with phenomenal strength who knew almost everything about them. They on the other hand didn't know anything about the other party. And seeing Alex's attitude Phil Coulson also understood that he was not as cooperative as Thor , another alien God.

After thinking for some time Phil Coulson decided to go back for now and report everything that happened here to Nick Fury.

"Alright guys evacuate immediately ! "

Coulson took one last look at the destroyer and left reluctantly. If possible he still wanted to take this alien technology robot back for research.

On the other side.

Alex decided to visit Asgard after such a long time. On one hand he wanted to solve the current crisis of Asgard and help Thor to regain his powers while on the other hand Alex also wanted to look for a suitable gene sample for Jane. During this time their relationship got very close and Alex also liked this strong willed girl a bit. So he decided to include her in the team too.

After Alex proposed it Brunhilde straight out refused as she didn't want to face Odin again. Naturally Raven also rejected.

Ultimately Sif and Thor et al. were the only ones except Alex who decided to go to Asgard.

Next Thor started shouting towards Heimdall to open the Rainbow Bridge for them. After waiting without any response, Alex directly asked Raven to open a portal directly to Asgard and entered it. Seeing this everyone else also followed him.



Loki freezes Heimdall and uses the Bifrost to meet with Laufey. It is revealed that Loki was the one who let the Frost Giants into Asgard to try to retrieve the casket during Thor's coronation.Now he makes a deal with Laufey that he will let them into Asgard again to kill Odin and have their casket, and in return, they will return home in peace.

Although some unexpected events took place in Midgard, Loki didn't care other than annoyance and focused on his plan.

The Frost Giants invade Asgard through the portal, walking past the frozen Heimdall with Loki's help . Next Laufey goes to Odin's bedchamber and, as he prepares to kill the godking Odin , Loki kills Laufey from behind to appear to be the hero and proove to Odin that he is capable of being the king.

At this time a blue portal opened on the Rainbow Bridge just beside the frozen Heimdall and a few people emerged from it one after another.

Next chapter