
I'm sorry...

in that endless road,

I can see myself running,

running at all cost.

even though I can tell that my legs wants to give up, I still ran.

I can't see anything,

but pure darkness.

I run out of oxygen, I stopped.

there's a small amount of light that let me see the cross road ahead of me.

I looked to my both sides several times, wondering which path I will take,

to my surprise I saw you.

I saw you at that dark corner of the road

patiently waiting for your prey.

and at that moment I know I am your prey.

I trembled as I felt a sudden chill in my neck, that gave me shivers down to my spine.

how did I not notice you before?

is it because I'm too busy running?

no. I noticed you before.

that's why I'm running.

running for my life that you want to control.

I'm afraid, but I still took a glance at your eyes before running.

am I hallucinating? did I saw tears?

I felt guilty all of a sudden. I'm sorry.

I know you're not thinking that I am your prey, but instead a treasure that you valued a lot.

but I still thought that you want to control me because of a mere accident.

a accident that we should face together, but again I ran away from it, from you.

why did I think you want to control me?

it's because I need someone to took the blame.

that way I won't feel guilty.

I'm sorry, I am a coward.

After glancing at you, I still ran as fast as I could.

but suddenly, I stop with the thoughts.

Is this the right thing to do? always running from the problem? or should I go back to you and face the problem together?

remembering your eyes, my mind went blank.

why am I running again?

is it because I'm afraid that the history will repeat itself?

this can't go on, if I won't stop thinking, nothing will change.

I made the decision.

I might regret this later on, but I can't imagine you having those sad eyes ever again.

I'm sorry, I ran away from you but now.

let me go back to your arms again, and face that problem together.