

Chris and Jane decided to go home. Jane feel's ashamed of what he said but she didn't regret it. While Chris feel's guilty not realising the feelings of his best friend. The moment seems so awkward, the two of them can't look in their eyes.

**"Jane, I'll send you home."**

**"No, Chris I'm fine going home."**

**"But Jane----"**

**"I SAID I'm fine Chris."**

A strong and loud voice came out from Jane. Chris can't say a word after he heard that. Then Chris watching Jane slowly walking away from him. Chris is afraid that their friendship will be ruined. Before Chris fell for Anna, he already a special feeling to Jane. He just ignored and forgot that feeling. He was afraid that their closeness to each other will be changed.

Day's and week's passed so fast. Chris didn't see Jane for long. He miss his friend, his best friend. He remember the happy moments his with her. The teasing, the playing, he miss it everything.

One Sunday morning, Chris arrived at Jane's house. Mother of Jane is in outside fetching flowers.

**"Auntie Mae, is Jane inside?"**

**"Oh, Chris good that you are here."**

Chris feel's uneasy because Jane's mother seems worried of Jane.

**"What's wrong with Jane, Auntie?"**

**"She always in her room, after work she won't come out. I'll just brought her food to eat. I'm glad that she's eating but still I'm worried that she won't go out."**

**"Okay, Auntie, let me talk to her."**

Chris arrived at the door of Jane.

**"Jane, are you there? Talk to me please."**

Jane still ignores Chris, Chris keep apologising of what he did. Chris wants to be back like how they were before. No matter how Chris beg Jane to listem to him and came. Jane still upset, she don't want to see Chris. After Chris felt he's being a nuisance already to Jane. He feel's like he wanted to say goodbye.

**"You know Jane, I miss you, I really do. Those days we went swimming, when we were just kids we kept on playing. I miss those teasing from you. Yes, I felt annoyed sometimes but you know it made me happy. I couldn't believe that there's one person who spent time with me, even if it's a whole day. But actually it's just a reason for me to lie. Actually, it's you I miss so much. I want to see your face, see your smile and see your annoying face. Everything about you, I miss it all. But I want you to know that I'm not mad or anything even if you keep on ignoring me. I am here because I want you to know that I'm saying goodbye. Mother told me to resign from work and have a vacation to cool down everything."**

Jane start crying again silently. Then she talk to herself.

*"Okay, it's Anna again why you're doing this, why you want to leave."*

But suddenly Chris start crying and can't pronounce well what he's saying.

**"You know Jane, here's a funny thing. My mother thought that I'm very sad because of Anna. My mother didn't know that it's you are the reason for all of this. I just realised when you started avoiding me. I can live without Anna but I can't live without you. So if you don't want to see my face again, I'm sorry. Goodbye for now, I hope I'll see you when I'll be back."

Anna immediately open the door after she heard what Chris said. She's in a rush while opening it. But when she opened it, Chris wasn't there. She run outside to ask her mom.

**"Thank god you came out Jane."**

Jane ignored her mom and ask her mom right away.

**"Mom, did Chris came into our house?"**

Her mother is surprised of what Jane asked.

**"Just answer me mom."**

Jane face look's annoyed.

**"Okay, okay. No, he wasn't here."**

Jane now is being confused, she was just day dreaming. But why daydreaming like that about saying goodbye. But then her mother suddenly talk to her.

**"Actually Jane, Chris mother was called 3 days ago. She said that Chris was in accident and badly wounded. The boy always went home drank and unfortunately while riding on a motorcycle he was hit by a car."**

Jane started crying so hard and don't know what to do. He blamed her mother for not telling her.

**Why you didn't tell me?"**

**"How can I tell you if you keep on ignoring us?"**

Jane feel's so worried inside.

*"Oh Chris.... please..."*

Jane immediately ask her mother what hospital and goes outside. She want to know how is Chris now....

to be continued....

Sometimes we ignore those people who truly love us. We are afraid to confess because it might broke the friendship. Who knows that they're just waiting.

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