
Unrequited Love



LOVE? It's the most beautiful feeling that every living creatures experience at least once in their life.

His sharp eyes, his smile, the way he talks, his looks, his body, his seductive smell. i couldn't resist myself to feel deeply in love with him.

He love nature, he always refer to it has his first love. Hiking, trekking, camping doing wild things. "Capturing nature beauty was always been his first priority.

Obedient elder son to his parents,

Supportive brother to his younger sister,

Child to his idiotic friends

He is 3yrs elder then me,' but as per my observations his behaviour can be compared to a child, his stubbornness and his cold attitudes sometimes it hurts" at the same time it provoke me to tease him more.

Myself Lizzy I am from a small town, I am 23yrs old, a fashion designer, I live in a city now' working towards my goal to be a successful entrepreneur. Single but yet have someone I like in other hand love. Samson! Sign of relief will always comes whenever I think about him. Typically he is a stress buster.

"Samson" also been called as 'The king of forest'. The man i just described earlier.

The boy who got my attention. I mean in my home town compared to the guys I have seen, he is the best. His height, perfectly shaped masculine body, cold yet dumb personality and his attractive face, I guess for me it's like finding gold fish in a sea full sharks. Even his family background is not that bad I don't know much about it. But it was enough to be called as the perfect husband material.

I met him online. We started texting, making calls. Shares our daily experiences, like pictures and thoughts. The most things he share is his knowledge about his journey towards the jungle. 'At first it was boring, but later on ' even I was drawn into it. as our conversation grows day by day our friendship keeps on growing and we became much more closer to each other.

"Sharing our thoughts, feelings & experience each day," I really don't 'remember when I started to like him, but as I get to know him better and Better day by day my affection towards him starts to grow.

So I couldn't wait any longer, I don't have any idea that he liked me or not?

"I took the initiative and confess to him first.

"He is single but he rejected me instantly. Giving me reasons that he is not interested in all this love stuffs.

I was bit embarrassed also disappointed. Still "I was not completely heartbroken. it's my first time confessing a guy in my life ,due to rejection I was disappointed but I also not bothered that he didn't accept my feelings. I thought it's a crush "infatuation "that it might go eventually.


Things didn't happen like I planned , even though we live in same home town as me, we didn't get a chance to meet him in person .

I thought maybe that's the reason why I was not that much into him at first.

CHAPTER.2 Trekking

"Few months passed "Samson called me out of the blue" invited me to go a trekking with him next month.

But' not alone but with the group of people he is familiar with. "I got pretty much excited, because I am going to see him in person for the first time & it's also going to be my first trekking experiences with him and maybe I will be to know him better.

he added me to his group chat , were everybody who are go in to the trekking and I introduce myself and got to know about each other.

The previous day everything is set to go. They share the whole planning about all the transportation and what things we should carry by our self. And they told me to wait near the subway station that they would pick me up." I had to come to the city to join them. it will be far away from home and its a three 2days and 2nights . I got all pumped up...

7.30pm my work hour is over I got permitted for two days leave for my trip. I left the company and went to the subway station, ' after a few min they came to pick me up. I was the first person no one is the bus except the driver and the guy names Robin who is also known as the captain of the group .i looked around Sam was not there. Robin said that "he will arrive bit late and join us in a different stop.

I eagerly waited to see him. And with lots of expectation with his phone calls and text messages that we had I literally couldn't control myself think I about him. I used to talk allot like a chatter box and even flirt with him sometimes when I am in a good mood but now I don't know how to behave in front of him , I was scared that just by thought of him my heart started to race. i want to live a good impression for the first time so i controlled myself . And patiently i waited calmly...

Finally he joined us on. He wore a black jacket with blue stripes and black hat with black Jeans pant and a white snicker. He put a mask that covered his whole face except his eyes. "I didn't get to see his face at first.

"He sits in front of me showing his back and it got hard to see his face.

I tried to peek now and then but still failed to see his face. "He didn't remove his mask. ' it is a long journey through the night. Everyone is the bus fell asleep .so I decided to sleep so I will be more energetic tomorrow throughout the trekking.

We reached the half of the way and stopped, nearby destination to rest, get some snacks and for a bathroom break. I took that opportunity at that time to make my first move on him

I poke my finger on his hand to call him.

"I am feeling cold " i said to him by covering my body with hands act all shivering like helpless goat. he noticed I wore a thin shirt.

"He removed his jacket and lend it to me, "here wear this it will keep you warm".

His face expression were blank he didn't show any act of feelings on his face. But I got completely moved that's when my real affection started.

True all guys do that it's not new in movies dramas hero will give his jackets to the heroine & that's how the love story will begin between them. Its little dramatic but still his one action made my "heart skip a beat".

His Smell and his warmth in his jacket, I felt a pervert sniffing like a dog all over his jacket but it's ok If it's his stuff I don't mind being a perverted dog. I wrapped his jacket around my body and try to get some sleep throughout the journey, "imagining myself sleeping in his arm, until we get off.


" Its 6am" finally we reached the total destination, in our bus including me there were 3 girls and 6 to 7 boys but there was lot more member's In another bus but we reached their first and they came after few hours later ,

we got off the bus, looked around the place it was cold and wet," it's a raining season and we Can hear water flowing , birds chirping and even met few friendly dogs to accompany us. I spoke to him little by little. Try to know him little. He removed his mask after looking at his face clearly; I was not that much satisfied with his looks even felt few faults in his facial features. I can say that time he is average.

Everybody decided to get ready and freshen up. We found a small flowing lake the water is fresh and transparent we got our self ready till that another big bus arrived.

" As soon as we got ready they arrived they told us to pick our stuff and walk through the mountains in half way we will find a home stay where we can relax and keep our things and stay for the night.

I met few new people they are all friendly and I didn't felt like an outsider at all. Especially my group, they treated me nice and stayed with me thorough whole trekking.

As for Sam he got over excited and ran before us and reached the place at first where we will stay tonight. After reaching we took a warm shower. Got our self ready again to climb the peak, I was wearing black tees with Gray hoodie and also a rain coat in which I was looking like a clown but it felt warm and comfortable.

Sam he wore simple tees with a jersey track suit and jersey jacket which he gave me last night. it was simple but looks cool. we all started to head out after a small group discussion among the people who are taking part in this trekking. And we started climbing; I tried to match up with his speed. Thinking I might impress him and he might fall for me." I know I am pathetic fool,' but what to do? Young age, young love, makes us do all sorts of nonsense stuffs to those who won't even value our efforts.

Along the way I tried to make small moves by acting strong sometimes and week sometimes but that guy he is completely clueless.

"He didn't get a clue that I am trying to approach him. Instead he left me and went up ahead.

I tried to catch up with him but lost his sight . I got tired like hell and almost lost my entire energy. I felt like I wanted to go back by thinking "simply why am i wasting my time by doing all this stuff to the guy who don't even notice my effort.

The Devil in me saying "screw you Sam, I came for u but u left me and went agreed of Me." now I am dying here middle of nowhere between strangers.

"But the Angel In me saying "common Lizzy you can do this, your strong independent women. Climbing a mountain is a piece of cake.

'When you reach the top first ," not only you win over the guy you like , but also get the first real feeling experience & satisfactions of climbing a huge mountain all by yourself.

I cheered myself up & I listen to my Angel in me and continued my climbing towards the peek . Along the way I lost few people I have known and met new people on the way.

It started to rain and the ground got slippery. One wrong step will lead to danger. it is a huge mountain and i am in middle of the forest , with sweats and even fell for few times got bitten by hideous bugs and I was completely drenched in rain.

Somehow finally I reached the top. Unfortunately i thought i will be the first to reach but I was wrong. Already many people have been reach the top and sat in groups relaxing themselves by having snacks and water,

I looked around and I saw Sam busy taking pictures. I went to him he saw me from head to toe and praised me for reaching the top of the mountain by myself. i got happy but I couldn't get his affection much he is still gives me the cold shoulder. But the view made me relaxed and made me feel better.

I thought climbing is the toughest part but never knew getting down is most hardest and difficult part ever. As it was continued raining the grounds is still so much slippery that it's easy to take fall even though being very care full while climbing down. Lucky me, while I was getting down" I met up with a guy from my group" his name is Vicks he is quite funny and he is from our bus only and also he Is a friend of Sam. We spoke allot about each other and also about other people who are in the trekking group but I am more interested in Sam that I didn't listen to any other things he said. I even pointed out some hints that can show my crush towards Sam but I guess he didn't understand much.

with many ups and downs falls and bites finally we went through allot and climbed down and got back to our shelter . I got so tired. My energy got completely drained out , my legs started to shiver and also I was freezing with cold .

I took a hot bath, and washed myself clean .and decided to take a nap with few girls. In the shelter room ,'I didn't try to look for Sam or thinking the way to seek his attention. My only goal at that time is taking care of myself and restoring my energy back.


it got dark and its 7pm I got up after taking few mints nap . I looked around few of the girls were still resting inside the guest house and few of them enjoying outside.

i came out ,everyone scattered into small groups and continue having a good time by dancing , drinking , cracking jokes. I looked around for my group they already started drinking. They called out to me. I went to join them my entry didn't restored completely I was still so tired that I remained silent the whole night. They asked me few questions and tried to make me speak up but I felt bit like an outsider that moment and remained silent .

AND as for Sam he got fully drunk and started to act like an idiot. He bought up some personal stuffs that we discussed on the phone and even behave like creep which made feel bit uncomfortable. I stick around him making sure he won't do or say something silly while he was fully drunk and i tried to get close to him..

After dinner and few dance and chats in the camp fire! Sam went to sleep in his campaign tent. I looked all over but he was nowhere to be found. I asked few people they said he already went to sleep .foolishly I snuck into his tent without thinking. To see him, he slept soundly without noticing any disturbances or my presence in his surroundings. I tried to wake him up by scratching his head and pinching his cheek and nose but he is in a deep sleep, it got very difficult for me to wake him up. I took out his hat, and took few of his pictures in his abnormal sleeping positions & making his face look funny. I thought using these to make fun of him someday.

It's just me and him inside the tent. I didn't know what to do. I decided stay with him for long because it got very noisy outside. i just didn't have the heart to go out with others. I just want to keep on starring at his face thinking to me ""damn he looks so hot even when he is sleeping. Even though at first i felt average but later on I just couldn't control myself. I know 'what I was about to do is sexual harassing. But who care, no one was around and I took a chance.

I went close to his face. Blow some air to his ear to check whether he is sleeping or not. He is completely gone to his dream land. Shamelessly i made a move. " l went close to him to close that I can feel his breathing and placed a " kiss" , first on his forehead , second is the toughest part I was scared that what if somebody will show up or caught me doing illegal stuff to a sleeping person. But I got lost in him." that I couldn't help myself kissing him. at first I just gave a peck like a bird kiss on his lips then I started to kiss him seriously , surprisingly Sam reacted to my kiss in his sleep and we just continue kissing each other .

Even though that kiss was not real but I am happy I got a chance to kiss someone that I like even it's a sexual assault I kissed him without his permission.

Just like the phrase says" when things going smoothly something or someone will mess things up, A guy suddenly showed up. i didn't panicked though I got scared to death . I slept beside Sam like nothing happened. And acted like fell asleep, the drinking party got over," it's time for everyone to go to sleep. Robin arranged the places for each one dividing us I a group to share all the tents. As I already got my place to sleep beside Sam they didn't woke me up. They even let me sleep beside him. I was happy but also disappointing Because not only it's just two of us even Robin and Vicks will get to sleep in the same tent we did.

Sam didn't wake up even during and after the kiss. And as for me I couldn't sleep the whole night. Even though i am bold enough to sleep beside him,' But didn't have guts make a move since they were two more people beside him. So i stayed still and hoping. Sam to take initiative this time, but unfortunately he slept like a rock that he didn't even turn side to side.


It's almost 4am early in the morning i wanted to go to pee. I got scared to go by myself. So I woke Sam up .the stupidest thing I did. I thought he might say something cheesy or romantic to me as I was sleeping beside him but instead he said something unpleasant as soon as he woke up & see my face. "What the hell? Who let you to sleep beside me? He said in bit loud voice with angry face and irritation look in his eyes. I knew he is not happy. That I am sleeping beside him. As soon as the Sun rises he left & went out. I felt really bad and stupid and embarrassed. I mean I put a lot of effort to get close to him but he ignored me completely. Said something mean that made me break.

8am it's time to live. people's who slept beside our tent Heard him saying that and started to tease him by repeating the same word " who let you sleep beside him " I got i irritated & annoyed but still managed to stay calm as it was my mistake to do something that stupid.

to clear that annoying behaviour I gave them a direct hint that I like him by saying " hey guys "can you let me sit beside Sam. That actually made a big fuss in the group. Ever body started to tease him forcing him to sit beside me. He was behaving like a child. It was so annoying that I felt so stupid that I even liked this guy who is not willing to sit beside me. He was treating me like an untouchable. I got so frustrated that I told them to stop and live him alone. But at some situations they keep teasing him again and again even though his reaction was an eyesore. I kept myself strong and to avoid being hurt by his action. but I couldn't handle myself . I cried few times in silent not letting others to see and decided to avoid him completely till I reach home.

We arrived in the city , they drop me off and I returned home alone in the middle of the night .

The Next day he called me and apologizes for his rude behaviour but sorry cannot bring a dead man alive right. His apology didn't make me feel better it even made me feel worse about myself. I seriously got humiliated in front many people the feeling is worst then dyeing. But it didn't make me hate him though. But I did start to avoid him completely. No text no calls anything. I continued focusing on my work and even he didn't contact me for many days....


As days & months passed went passed still there was no calls or messages between us. Later that day when I am on my way to home, after running few errands with my roommates, suddenly I got a call I changed my cell phone couldn't saved many numbers so it was showing unknown numb. I picked it up" "

Hello who is this?

Wow! You forgot me already ah? I thought you liked me but you didn't even recognize my voice I guess you deleted my number, is it because of the way i treated u last time." i felt this voice is very familiar. I knew its someone I know but at that moment I got bit confused and didn't get a clue, so I responded respond him by saying " I am really sorry ,I changed my phone recently so I lost few contacts. if you don't mind can tell me your name ?I was not sure who it was but I got the feeling that it's not just a familiar voice.

"It's me Sam ' I can't believe you don't have my numb? The way he asked I think he might felt bit disappointing that I didn't recognize his voice first. But I felt relieved they he called me by himself. But also I know without any reasons he won't call me. so I asked what's up ? Hmmm carelessly he asked "didn't anyone tell you, we are planning to go on a night camp this Sunday. And this time we will camp in our hometown,. I just called you thought they told you and your coming .I felt like he was inviting me indirectly. and this kind of things made get a wrong Idea that he does likes me .this kind of actions are like sending positive signals . Anyway as I know him a little also based on his last behaviour. I didn't have my hopes up on him but still i made a call to Robin to know all the details.

At last I got an invitation to join the camp with them and I got 1 day to prepare myself. It's my home town so there is no need to worry. As I know the place and the location is Decided by Sam ,I am sure he picks an amazing place to camp also it's my first time going for only a night camp.

it's not like before , no need to climb a mountain and not that many people are joining us its camp with people who was with me last Time in the bus and we are just going to kill some time and getting rid all the stress . With some drinks and barbecue"

Plan is all set; we decided to meet up in one place and to go together. I called Sam to inform him that we are about to leave 10 am in the morning & reach there by 4 in the evening.

Last time it ended up with bad experience even so I am still so excited that I get to see him again. I know ' I am pathetic even being treated like a total shit by him; still I am looking forward to see him and spend some time with him.

" what to do , like people say " Heart wants what it wants " no matter how much I convince myself ' I couldn't bring myself to hate him ..

I packed my stuff got ready put some make-up on. Even though it won't work but he will notice me at least once or twice so it's better to keep my appearance pretty''

I called out my trekking buddies to pick me up and it's almost three hours of journey and everyone felt kind of hungry. We thought of grab a lunch until every one show up. I got the news that Sam already arrived they just mentioned his name to me and my face just turned red and I can't help myself. I keep on blushing and my girls noticed and they started to tease me and ask me questions about is there something between us. "I accepted the fact that he doesn't like me as much as I do. But I do know he likes me even just a little bit and I was happy. I am selfish and stupid even after all that i still was not ready to give up on him.

After our lunch every one arrived. I saw him standing with few of his friends. His looks always deceive me and again. That I started day dreaming about him "he took a glance twice and pretend like he didn't but noticed anyway, and felt happy inside''


The Sun almost down and its getting dark," we set to our camping destination inside the thick forest. I went with Vicks the guy I met last Time. The person who helped me to climb down that huge mountain on that trekking .Sam went with Robin in his vehicle to get some stuff. For camping and told that he will catch up with us to our final destination. They are also few people from our hometown came with him there face were not that familiar but I guess few of them know me. Because when I was working here for few days I used to stalk him almost and caught few times near his gym. It's an embarrassing experience hoping that no one would ask me that in front of everyone.

We reached the final location and started building tents and preparing food.

everyone got busy doing there given work to them , like some people were in charge of cooking , some are in charge of maintaining people and some are like Me who does nothing just simply sitting watching all over and admiring my own crush. .

It's almost 9pm cooking & barbeque is almost done and everyone started drinking.

I felt bit lonely, girls who were with me last time are not single anymore they were busy with their boyfriend in their own world. As I was the only girl who were single among them,

On the dark night, surrounded by chilling weather in a romantic location of a hill station'' I can notice couple snuggling each other in their own comfort zone, in between I was like a lone wolf in heat but unable to find a mate .

Even the mate I want," is in front me but I don't have the rights to make a move. But that didn't stop me. Shamelessly I tried to approach him & talk to him. His words are little but it's enough to make me happy. As the night goes,' all were fully drunk. So am I, but I was in my conscious.

Everyone having a great time," Drinking, dancing, chatting. The atmosphere was amazing I really had fun. It's a long night to remember as it's my first time camping out. But i focused on luring Sam by trying to act cute and sweet and crazy at the same time. Hoping this time he might feel something even just a little bit. Everyone in our group supported me, trying to motivate me and even teasing him a little calling him by my name ,'and trying to get us along with each other and the more they try the more he was getting distinct from me. Trying to avoid me and my topic more,' and again he behave same way as before.

At first I respected it for his loyalty or some gentlemen shit. By telling myself ok! He is not like all other guys. he won't take advantage of my liking and he don't see me as a woman or maybe he is saving himself for his true love or wife, some shit like that .the more he over act the more annoyed I got,' it was up to the level that I Decided myself to Give up on him and move on . I mean common they were lot of hot guys out there. He is not the only fish in the sea right.

With all this fuss happening around me," I did notice one guy hitting on me. He is from the same group but it's my first time meeting him. His name is mason. His looks were ok. Straight short hairs, he was not tall but he does work out a lot his body was in good shape. He even told that he is a gym trainer. He keeps on trying to get close to me, 'trying to building a conversation and his body language were also bit obvious. I tried to avoid him but it didn't work.

I had enough; I gave him a direct sigh that I am not interested in him. I like Sam but he was not getting that into his brain. He used to come to me & sits beside me talking shit about things I don't even care.

No matter how I ignore him, he still got all over the place trying to comfort me " don't worry he seems he doesn't like you, I guess u will get some one better that you deserve to be with " and yes! He got drunk. He had few bottles of wine and I can see his body movement." he couldn't even stand properly and he keeps on trying to hold my shoulder as a stand to avoid falling down.

I got irritated and wishing Sam to notice my struggle to come & save me from this guy.'' Like in movies hero saving a heroine from a villain but it isn't a movie and he didn't notice even if he did i know he wouldn't care less.


Its 3am time to get some sleep. Everybody split into group of two or three according to the tent size. Sam already went & slept in his tent and there were lot of known people this time & I wouldn't dare to repeat the same mistake I did last time and I know I won't get an opportunity to be in the same tent with him this time. So I asked the girls who came along who kept me company .but they were already occupied with their boyfriend. As a lone wolf I didn't had a choice to share a tent with a guy other than Sam. Luckily I got to be with Robin. He is a descent responsible guy; he maintained his distance even though it's cold as hell & he didn't took any advantage of the situation. He didn't even touch the blanket even I suggested him due to the cold weather i didn't want himself freeze to death. I didn't sleep well I got so nervous that I couldn't predict what would happen. i do trust him but he is been so good to me and well behaved .i am also glad that I didn't end with any weirdo or perverted in the end.

In a blink of an eye the night got over it's already 5am the sun is almost up. Everyone got up. Started packing, my face gotten completely swallowed due to lack of sleep and I was looking hideous. I came out from my tent robin was already up & he was helping others packing all the stuffs we bought and I figured even he didn't get much sleep he might felt uncomfortable sharing the tent with me last night. Few people mocked him because of that reason. He just smiled and kept quite. He kept his cool and didn't make a scene like Sam. later they quit teasing him and got busy on their own work.

Its Early in the morning the Sun is almost up the weather is greeting us with its cool breeze at same time I can warm sun light on my face shooting from the sky I stood near the corner of the Cliff of a mountain the view is like feast to my eyes, I can see small, small villages, I can hear birds chirping, peacocks singing it's really a beautiful sight. And the atmosphere of our camping already cooled off everyone got sobered but still in yesterday hangover.

Few people were Chitchatting about what happened last night,' few taking pictures & packing there stuffs and some were even making breakfast for themselves. I took a few pictures with my girls and to capture some awesome memories of this beautiful sight.

I failed to make him fall for me .but" I am glad I had fun and enjoyed a lot this experience will always remain in my mind & my heart forever.

Everyone returned back to their home and our lives become as usual....


True love is just an experience every living thing will undergo in some circumstances and many do get my interest lot of time but they will never lose for long. i think true love is something that I didn't experience yet and maybe in future if I am lucky enough i might find someone who fits into my criteria and as for Sam I think it's better to lose focus on him and move on with my life.

After few months passed I return to my normal life working to make a living. Not much exiting stuffs going in between i am alone but happy.

My shift got over and I was about to live home i had few errands to run. I rushed to the super market it's already 8pm I bought few things and some snacks i got on a bus and arrived home.

My roommates already finished their dinner and were busy doing their own stuffs," I laid back on the coach holding my latte and put something on the TV I sipped my latte and relaxed my selves that when I my phone ring.

Hey! How are you?

That familiar sweet voice rubbed through my ears' looks at that name and its Sam again he called me after many months passed. I controlled myself and answered him in a very relaxing way.

Oh! I am fine. What's up?

I tried not to sound like I am excited or happy to get his call, after so many days. I acted cool and responded in a normal manner, the way he might realize that I am over him.

No i just came to the city for some matters to deal with anyway I will be staying here till tomorrow so do like to grab a coffee or something.

Ugh! Just when i decided to give up on him," Why he always do these kind of stuffs and ruin everything. It's not fair why? God why?

As i mumbling to myself and thought about refusing his invitations,


Sure why not. Let me know the time and place," I will be there.

Great! Then i will text you the details so see you tomorrow.

The moment he hung up the phone, I took my pillow in my hand and started to beat myself up.

Dang! I am such hypocrite,"why the hell did I accepted his invitation.

The whole night I didn't get a wink of a sleep because of thinking about a big date i have today i dolled up myself and waited patiently to his text.

My roommates all went out and I was alone. I put on some romantic music and sat on my couch and telling myself. It's just a coffee it's not a date so relax, chill i got up and started a ball dance to a romantic beat.

A blink of a light vibrated my phone and I got a text message from Sam, Hey, Lizzy I am so sorry but I don't think we can meet today it's raining bad outside," I am worried maybe you get stuck in between.

Crap! I know I acted like I dint want to go but still what a rotten luck i have. After getting all ready to move out he cancelled the plan in the last minute.

I typed a message saying, "fine! It's ok there's always a next time"


When I just about to click on the send button i got another text from him.

How about you send me your locations, i will come to your place ,maybe we could spend some time watching a movie or something ,'


It's ok with you?

Is this me? Or it seems like; this guy is actually trying to make a move. After so many years of me chasing him around finaaly this guy took my efforts to his heart and gave me chance. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Without giving it so much of though i sent him my locations and waited his arrival patiently.

I was getting so nervous, my hands literally started to sweat and my heart started to race it's like its going to come busted out of my chest.

The moment he called and said he is arriving at ay second, my heart started to pounding like hell, "my mind went blank I rushed to see myself in the mirror, and hoping to live a good impression this time,' by making myself look pretty.

Even cleaned my entire apartment, after few minute my phone rang. He said he is standing in front of my building; I came out to pick him up. And there he was, "standing in front of my gate, wearing a dark blue shirt and a black slim fit pant. Even though, I was panicking inside" but I remain calm & cool I called him in. We spoke casually for awhile then he showed some stuff he shopped. He bought two shirts and three pants in different colour with different pattern. I felt it's little big for his size so i asked him whether he tried before buying it. But he was not smart as i expected so said he bought it off because he liked the colour.

Just when i thought if giving him a big lecture about fashion he was unbuttoning his shirt which he was wearing.

I got shook by that scene and asked" what are you doing?

Oh I thought of trying it on. I will return it on my way back, if it didn't fit.

I didn't know how to react to that I just stood there watching getting naked in front of me. The situation was way out of my imagination. And I couldn't help myself getting tempted by his hot sexy body.

He tried all his shirts that and asked my opinion on how he looked in them. I tried to look away or sometimes try to peek while he was changing & avoids getting noticed but somehow I got caught few times by him. When he was changing, the situations between us getting more awkward and both of us were felling bit uncomfortable , he decided to live because he was realised that I was not being comfortable around him.

Ah? Anyway i think i should leave now. I just remember I got something important to do.

"I didn't want to send him away," I tried to make some excuses by asking him for coffee or lunch but he Denied & rushed towards the door. I didn't want him to go away I held his hand and our eyes met, that's when everything changed,


I shook his hand to say good bye I even asked him for a goodbye hug shamelessly. He put down his bag & opened his arms I am glad he didn't deny this time. I went up to him and hugged him tightly. I felt so comfortable safe .he didn't touch me at first though later on, he hugged me and after few seconds. "His hands started to run all over my back, that feeling of intimacy between us were getting strong. Later he continued touching me from my tummy and then my back shoulder and started to tease me by saying "i have loads of fat in my body. Then he slipped his hands to my breast. The intimacy level between us was raising .I can feel his hands on my skin. He slammed me to the wall and holds my face he placed a kiss on my lips. I felt bit shy & felt embarrassed, I can feel his breathing, he got so close to me ,"he pressed himself against me and I lost my defence & started reacting to his actions. I struggled a little because his actions are unexpected.

" I didn't know how to react, his touch his body warmth, even i lost my control, I knew at that moment some thing will surly happen between us. He took me in his arm to my room placed me on my bed and remove my shirt,"and started to touch & feel my whole body, I can feel his body weight on me and his Smell our intimacy was off the charge.

"My body started to feeling hot it's like I have been drugged by an aphrodisiac" I can feel his thing getting hard. As he pressed it against me, what we are doing is completely wrong,, we are not In any particular relationships but he knows I like him and I still don't know he likes me or not 'but at the moment I confessed to myself that his action was giving me the answer," that I was been looking for from many days, so I let myself go to him. I gave up my struggle ....he never had serious feelings for me "

"Still he let me feel his warmth that was enough for me at that moment. He had seen and touched every inch of my body & so am I. we are almost close to having sex. But I snapped out of it "his action was not gentle but violent, I pushed him away and grab a blanket & covered myself.

I am so sorry! I think we should stop", I don't feel like this is right thing to do. ''I mean you didn't even expressed your feeling to me yet.

Sam, I love you, do you love me back?

With lots of expectations and hopes for his answer i waited many years. Unexpected things happened between us. As i know him without any specific reason he will never get close to me so i felt finally i got in his heart and we will become couple from today. With loads of dreams in my eyes i stood there waiting for his answer.


Lizzy! Ahh...? Hmmm I already have girlfriend from almost 6years now. I am sorry 'i tried to tell you but I felt you may feel sad so I didn't. Please don't get me wrong I really didn't want to hurt your feelings.

When you hit by a lightning every part of your body will get stroked & burned his answer just made my heart got struck by a big lightning. The dreams, hopes i had everything smashed into peaces i couldn't help my poor little crying with disappointment even after all this things happened,'' I still got used & rejected.

Ok get dressed I will be back. 'I rushed to the bathroom; I couldn't stop my tears falling down my cheek. Or the storm that hit my heart, it's my fault I let him. I cried my heart out , i let my sadness and grief and took a bath to wash it off, my feelings , my hopes my love everything.

I came out he got all dressed and sat in the living room, he noticed my eyes "its red and swallow and my face which sucked all the emotions.

He got irritated when he is about to leave by the door he said something i never thought he would say to me in my life.

Lizzy?!I hope your satisfied i know your feelings but i cannot return the same to and what I did now is wrong but the situation get the best of me but you get a chance to feel my body right I hope you will get satisfied and get over me soon. I mean

Like every people say," when you wanted something so badly but you don't have the power to get it and make it yours. Will end up regretting their entire life"

Just like that you liked me for so many years you also knew that i will never be yours. But you never stopped so I want you to cherish every moment we had, many times I have hurt with my reaction to make you hate me but you never did. I hope you will hate me from now on." I did something unacceptable to you today," I feel so sorry but if this helps you to get over me I would be really happy i hope you will find someone worthy of your love. And I am not that person." I already have someone who i cherish with all my heart that person cannot be replaced even though she is will never be mine legally but i still love and we have each other . So good luck!

Thank you! Sam, if you don't mind can I ask for a last hug?

I hugged him for two minutes I closed my eyes and tell myself to be strong & it's time to let it go.

I felt somewhere in corner of his heart he may have little feelings for me," but it doesn't matter its love or lust. But I was happy to experience his touch and his warmth and the moment we had and the things he said.


He went by taking all his love with him whom I had for him now," I feel like I am a different person "a new one '' after that incident I love myself more and I don't feel like a lone wolf anymore I have so many people around me who likes for who I am and I am happy . i decided to wait for love instead of chasing it.

My love for Sam will never get despaired,"those memories of us feeling each still lingers inside my house, my wall, my bed " I keep on thinking about the same thing again & again his touch, his Smell, his aggressiveness its hot and tempting... but it's not mine.

Slowly as time passed I tried forgetting him & we never contacted each other ever again.

"I hope that one day," I will find a person who is born to me mine, will get married, and have adorable kids and lives happily ever after....

The end...

A girl who is in deeply in love.....

Deekshacatz1996creators' thoughts