1 I’m healing you.

The man tried to calm her when he noticed the fear and shocked in her eyes.

" W-what are you doing? " who is he? And what is he doing. And first of all how i end up here?

Still in shocked, she asked her self, slowly calming her self letting the man do his thing.

" I'm healing you. " he slowly looked at her. Noticing that a her golden eyes is staring at him. Studying her eyes he observed that her eyes is golden, gold like a sunshine, burning and so unique. He's lost in his world he felt something different.

" You're healing me? But how? " breaking their stares and turning her eyes to the hands which is still on her stomach, watching it slowly changing position moving to her waist.

" Yes. I did healed you. " Taking his hand off her and sit at the side part of the bed, close to her.

" How come I'm here? Sir. " my mind is still lost. I'm trying to collect my memories to find the answer. How did i became unconscious? And who is this man?

" I see. You don't remember. I'm walking at the school. When i saw you unconscious and lying on the floor. I decided to bring you home. I also noticed bloods on your stomach which there's a wound." The man explained things from his point of view, at first he hesitated to bring her, but seing her current situation his heart some how felt something.

" Actually. You've been unconscious for 3 hours. I decide to watch you for a while, and I'm hoping to find answers about your earlier situation" He continue explaining. He keep his narrowed is to her.

At the same time Precious eyes are staring to him to. She observed and notice his face, he's handsome, he looked calm and yet feels like the kind of person you wouldn't like to mess up. His eyes are dark blue just like the deep part of the ocean. His hair is short, messy yet it fits his look.
