
Ch.7 Creating Myself part 4

I stare blankly at my status, what does it mean Male with a Question mark also Human has one too. The skills are absolutely broken but the part of one of them being related to Entertainment of the gods(plural) also they patched a loophole I thought of before finishing reading skill.The shop and task system is pretty lit, but the coolest thing is the system customization however it takes another dig at me there because of the fact I had no real life friends on earth and even the system is worried about me being lonely. But anyways.

Me: what's this on the third skill about Entertaining the Gods???


Me: *Glares into nothing because the god hasn't shown himself*


???:* Cough* okay I can explain the way you died was just too ridiculous and if I found it funny other gods would to..

Me: So all that waiting was just so you can literally post a video of my death to all the other gods???


Me: what was that??

???: ....yeah but you got a good skill because of it the gods even though they found it hilarious they pooled together to come up with this skill so you cant die such an embarrassing death again

Me: ...so they took pitty on me...?


Me:*eyebrows twitch*

???: ermm I mean no

Me:Good...that's good, however how can you go around spreading my personal info like that if I ever meet another reality god how do you thin I would feel if I'm looked down on or worse laughed at for dying that way how will you compensate me.

???:....you have the skill.

Me: Nope you said that was the result of all the gods taking pity on me for the way I died

a result that would never happened if you didnt share it. I rather have an intact dignity then a skill no matter how Over Powered it is. So how will you compensate???


Me: I'm reasonable how about you kick start my reincarnation with enough of the local currency to live comfortably like a noble.

???: I Cant do that I'm not in charge of that world.

Me: I'd know youd say that so I'll just ask you to give me the appropriate amount of [RP] to Buy the local currency to do so in the [Shop] once it calibrates to the world I goto.

???: shit shit shit

Me: This is my dignity you tarnish this is a very bad thing to do and you didn't even ask me.

???: FINE!!! It will be deposited after you finalize your new body

Me: And why dont I see you yet.

???: because its dangerous for you to.

Me: Will I Go blind or something?

???: No, it has to do with your first skill.

Me: my reality Eyes?

???: yes because if you see through even minuscule amount of my existence the consequences will be dire.

Me: How dire?

???: your being will be erased due to the backlash and it'll feel like an eternity of suffering because that little bit you saw through will increase your power just enough to prolong your doom

Me:Fair enough do you at least have a name?

???: Took you long enough it is *******

Me:what was it again?


Me:I'm not hearing anything.

???: it means you are not strong enough, just remember to ask me again when you complete your new body you should be then.

Me: *Turns back to monitor*

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