1 Brought Back

(Kirsten POV)

Im sapposed to be dead. I was murdered why is it that I can still feel the frantic beat of my heart? "Help is anyone here?!" I screamed into that darkness that consumed me. No response. "Please! Im lost amd confused somebody help!" This time a light flickered on. It buzzed with electricity, so much that my dark red hair frizzed up at the top. "Hush little one everything is fine now." she heard a rough voice say. "W-Whos there!?" Can you help me!?" A man dressed in a black, and gold cloak came forward. His long, dirty, sharp nails ran on the wall sounding like nails on a shalk board. The man had white blood shot eyes and dark circles around them. His skin was olive toned and he had a sickining grin that made her sqirm as he stared her right in the eye.
