6 Trial One

As I fell down the never ending pit, I looked up and screamed back, " AIYA! I'M GOING TO DIE!"

Then from somewhere far away I heard someone (probably Ju-Long) yell back in a cheerful voice," Worry not! In case you forgot, you are already dead! Something like a silly fall won't hurt you at all!"

Down and down I went.

Then... darkness.


I opened my eyes with great effort and as I tried to get up, I felt my body ache all over, as if I was beaten up black and blue. I secretly cursed at Ju-Long in my mind.

I took a look at my surroundings and I was in a forest, just like Ju-Long said I would be. I sighed. Well, it's not like I'll get anything done by just staying here. So I stood up and started to walk in a random direction that I assumed would lead to an exit.

As I trudged along the rough forest floor, my bare feet started to hurt as it stepped on the bark and branches that was littered all over.

After I lost track of the time, it still looked like I wasn't about to get out of the forest anytime soon. A little annoyed at the situation, I decided to start running to pick up the pace. As time passed as I kept running, the light from the sun slowly started to fade away, yet again enveloping me in darkness.

My lungs were burning, I could hardly breath, my feet felt like it was bleeding all over and my muscles aches but I still continued running.

The panicking had turn to desperation. How I miss Ju-Long now.

I stumbled and fell down face first but I didn't care. The adrenaline in my blood kept me going, barely overwhelming the fatigue.

But as the adrenaline started to pass, I felt like I had no control over my own body and I staggered a few steps before I landed with a heavy thud on the rough forest ground.

My vision started to blur and I fought for consciousness as I clutched and grabbed at the forest floor.

I desperately tried to drag myself across the ground but only resulted in my consciousness slipping farther and farther away form me.

The never ending forest started to warp and black spots covered my vision.

Then my whole world went black.
