
Emily - No One Ever Does

I get off the bus, popping in my earphones. Everyone here is so loud and obnoxious. Best to just drown out all the noise. Weaving through the crowds I make my way to the same table I sit at everyday. The round, black, metallic table laying forgotten in a corner. The paint peeling in some spots leaving gleaming silver pieces of exposed metal. I lose myself in the music, sketching yet another of my own comics to pass the time. The brushing of people against my shoulders and back bring my attention back to the surface. The quad is emptying. Class is about to start, and I'm about to be late.

"Crap" I mutter under my breath as I gather my work into my hands. I turn on my heel and speed walk to one of four stairwells at each corner of the quad. Ring One minute left. I pick up the pace as I reach the end of the 200s hall. I briskly turn the corner in a hurried panic. One more tardy and I was stuck in detention. I couldn't afford to miss another workday over detention. My class was just around the corner. I check my wrist watch. Twelve seconds left. I made it. I turn the corner with a relieved smile on my face. Thud.

"Sorry. Didn't see you there." The guy that dropped me on my ass held an outstretched hand for me to take. I took his hand and let him help me up.

"No one ever does." I turned towards my class door and reached to open the door. As soon as I felt the cool metal of the door knob against my skin the bell rang. I stepped into the classroom. I made it. I was about to take my seat when I heard the voice that belonged to none other than Satan's wife.

"Late pass?" My teacher Miss Steinle asked in her French nasal congested accent.

"But I was in the class before the bell rang. " I said puzzled.

"In my class, you must be in your seat ready for the day or you are tardy." She began to stride towards me as she said this.

"But-" I was abruptly cut off

"Late pass." She pointed her bony finger at the door. I let out an exasperated gasp but did as I was told. I slowly walked my way to the tardy table to get my pass. The same guy that crashed into me and caused me to be late was sitting at the table having a conversation with the dean. I filled out the usual paperwork trying to mind my own business. I couldn't help overhear the conversation.

"This is your fourth tardy this week Cole." The dean looked at Cole with an expression of concern.

"I know, it's just...practice runs late so I wake up late alot."

"How can I be mad at our star quarterback. Take your pass and hurry off to class. No detention for you today." The dean chuckled and gave Cole a pat on the back. He had a big smile on his face as Cole walked away. That smile left his face as he turned to me. "Miss Lemos. Detention."

"What! Why?" A look of astonishment on my face.

"You know the rules. Third offense in a month is a detention." His boredom showing through the monotonous tone of his voice.

"But four is a warning! What kind of bullsh*t is that!" My face was heated. Why was everyone so unfair today.

"I make the rules here not you miss Lemos." I stood up from his chair

"No you don't." I muttered under my breath.

"What did you say?" He leaned in closer to my face. "Say it again."

"I said No. You. Don't. Principal James, your boss might I add, makes the rules. You just enforce them. And I don't think he'd like to hear that your bending the rules and favoring students." Our eyes bore into each others. An intense anger between both pairs of eyes as we glared at each other. His fist slammed on the table making my heart jump. I refused to flinch. He pulled out a pen and signed the late pass for me.

"Get to class or you'll be getting a detention slip along with the pass. " He growled.

"Gladly." I slid the piece of yellow paper off the desk and into my hand. I walked away in a huff. Fuming, I entered the class, leaving my pass on the teacher's desk. I sat at my desk rapidly tapping my foot to let off steam. Today was not gonna be an easy day.