2 Chp. 2

When they are going to the classroom, James noticing some posters of EMINIE, reminding them to always to report of any suspicious activity or any behaviour changes and most of it in the government.

'Wow even here they never miss any public or private place, to stick those things are they paranoid or what? they don't even say what the symptoms or how to identify the specific people are there not even a cure for that?. And they don't even say what they do to them after they detained them'

As the two of them enter the class they see Caelia a college class beauty or what we called her the saint, her skin is like powder snow, her looks have long blond hair that are silky and smooth that reach at her butt, ocean light-blue eyes that can mesmerizing to look, and a mature looks that 18-20 younger and a body of a model that can go toe-to-toe for the Mīßß ūñvërßē. She is pure, kind and approachable that when you talk to her you han hear a beautiful voice that is careering, that all campus she is the perfect girl perfect excellent grades, very good in sport and their family owns a company but with all of those popularity there are always those who going to, envy, jellous and set up elaborate plans to stained her reputation.

But with popular circle we call it, they can only hope or dream them. Or anyother people who like to get close to her can only see her or pass by because. She is always with the popular groups with the guys acting like the bodyguards that if you are not in the circle you will be always be humiliated by the groups of paparazzi that always following their group.

I stare her from the left front row near the stage where all the class student talking and happily chatting(I don't know what it's called but in colleges there some of it in university).

I thought to myself 'A one of a kind beauty, so close yet so far, who the hell even make the rule anyway. In my first year there is no such thing like that.'

Then there someone who I recognize called me, from the group of the paparazzi and goes in front of James and John.

Dray: "James!!!, why are you staring at Caelia don't look at her your going to sully UN beauty only those have the privilege have it." And proceed to block the view.

Almost all the class student but most of it from the group of paparazzi quiet look in our direction, like *you are bothering her, don't look at her, your not qualified*.

'Can't, I even daydream or be at peace for a second or what?, just because you have a group that has been approved for popularity doesn't mean you have the right to stop me!?' with a frown on his face.

Circle(popular group): "Hey Dray if you have the balls to do it, go and talk to her" said by a girl group in the circle.

"Ah!?, no Diana were just joking some of the things that happened last time" he smiled awkwardly, for the circle group is looking him like a dummy. For making a joke He then go to the paparazzi group downcast, because of how can easily get humiliated just in the Saint's group.

After the ordeal the two of them go to their seat next each other, from the further to the right the opposite side of the circle. While they are waiting, someone tap James in his shoulder at the back he then turn to his side looking at the girl that tap his shoulder her name is Mia. She has long black-brownish hair that reach to her shoulder, a thin eyebrow, brown color eyes that she wear glasses, a small cute nose and a delicate kissable red lips. Her body is proportional every part is just right. She and I, was the first friends in the beginning of the first college life for the semester.

Mia: "Did you finish the work, that I said you supposed to do?. And why are you even wearing that dark shades, where in class the professor will confiscate that" leaning forward close to his close friend.

James: "Yea, I know but you see this" he began to show his friend his red-ish eye.

Mia: "Are you sick? do you need to go to the clinic?, don't tell me you work all night just for you to look like that?." Shen then began to bombard question from James the latter only smile at her friend. She always there for him and his classmate friend John.

John: "Dude common..... please, let me copy some of your work, I do a favor for you. And " His classmate friend began to beg for the answer, only be persuaded in the end.

James: "Alright, alright already.... But you have to buy me food in the cafeteria in break time. And my eye look like this when I wake up, It's been itching lately" He smiled for their oversight of his condition for they always intended to their health and problems.


As the bell rang, everybody goes to their seats and settle-down. The door then open and comes in the professor, his looks is between the range of 30-45 with his blackish-white hair from the stress he has been dealing with. And his small eye that mean he's half American-asian. He wears his blue long sleeve white stripes in the inside and the outside is his brown sweat shirt, and brown pants. (I don't need to say the name it irrelevant)

Prof: "As you know class, student Dex is not going to this school anymore. They said, that he's been transferred to a different school, so they can deal with those people with EMINIE cases". The professor then explained that everyone must distance themselves from those people for their safety. And proceed to begin his lesson in class

James: 'Hmm.... What kind of power will I have if I become a EMINIE. That will be cool if that happens.' He then begin to listen to his professor in the mid-end of the lecture, slowly his body experiencing pain but bearable. He then put his hand below his stomach in which the pain is accumulating in the middle.

James: 'Ouch...' while he is holding his stomach the teacher spot him crouching.

Prof: "Mr. James do you need to go to the clinic? you look unwell."

James: "Oh... ah please can I go? I don't feel good." He look to professor sweating a little.

Prof: "Ok, John go with Mia he is your close friend after all." He the proceed in his lecture.


Note: Very slow update because of school and other stuff

Words: 1140

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