

I stretched drowsily on my small bed, scrambling for a suitable position when the alarm came blaring so loud into my ears. I shut my eyes tightly as if to quieten the sound, blaring from the alarm.

How come it's already 5pm.

I'd remembered lying on the bed to take a short nap around 4pm and gosh! It feels like I'd only slept for two minutes.

My head ached like hell and my eyes were still heavy and sleepy.

Mother didn't let me rest all day, making me work till my back felt like pulling out. And now, even the goddam alarm wouldn't let me be.

I ignored the alarm and shut my eyes to rest for a little while and that was the biggest mistake I made. The next time my eyes snapped open, it was 5:50pm already.

"Holy shit!". I exclaimed and jumped out of bed.

I'm so dead. I'm definitely gonna be sacked today.

I stood like a rock, confused on how I was going to make it to work before 6pm. I had no wings for goodness sake. How on earth will I make it to work at such good time without getting my ass fired.

My boss, Mr Nelson had already deducted so much from my salary, for late coming that I feared if my next salary will be enough to buy even a water bottle.

I searched through my bag carelessly, looking for a suitable dress to wear.

Suitable? How was I even sure what I picked was suitable. I just hoped I don't go to work looking like a clown for my co-workers and customers entertainment.

Sprinkling some handfuls of water on my face, I carelessly packed my hair into a messy bun to keep away from my face.

I actually had a very lengthy hair, which.I think I inherited from my mom. That was one thing people loved about me. Long hair, blue eyes. Which actually makes me unique and I could say pretty.

I slowly giggled to myself, slipped into my slippers, grasped my handbag and ran out into the living room.

My annoying lazy-assed elder brother - Jeremy was there, operating his phone and of course watching a movie as usual.

"Hey, big sis". He snapped with a smile but i ignored him, rolling my eyes.

Well, I'm always a big sis when he wants something. Especially money.

"Can you lend me some money pleaseeee"

Said it. The big sis thingy always comes with a request about money. It's always about money.

"Money that you gamble with and never pay back?". I shot at him, with a glare.

Jeremy is such a pathetic debtor. I couldn't count how many times he had borrowed from me and how much he had borrowed without paying back.

"Please just lend me this once, I promise to pay back". I heard him say as I hurried towards the gate , ignoring his sorry ass.

That's what he always says about paying back and he never pay back but comes back for more.

As I approached the gate, my keys slipped out of my hands and I bent to pick it only to discover I had worn two different footwears.

Gosh! Am I cursed or did I lose my brain while sleeping?

Mr Nelson is Soo gonna deal with me today.

I quickly rushed in, to correct it.

"Hey, I thought you went back in to get me the money". He whined when I came out.

"I don't have any money to give to you". I snapped, not ready to give out a Penny.

Besides I truly had none, the only money I had is the money I'm saving for Sophie's school fees. Sophie is our younger sister. And I couldn't give that out. he'd have to tie me up and squeeze the money out from me.

As I rushed out, he was saying something which I didn't care to grasp. Sometimes I do trek to cover some distance so I don't have to spend much on transport but not today, I'm super later already.

Getting to the main road, I flagged down a cab. Two passengers were already in and I also slid in, joining them at the backseat.

I stared at them, Glad I sat by the window, because the lady sitting next to me was very chubby and the other, though slender was looking scary, like she swallowed a frog for breakfast. I couldn't imagine sitting in-between them. The Fat onees would definitely squeeze me to death while other one would scare the shit outta me.

"Foodie and spice restaurant please". I Mumbled to the cabby and he nodded.

"A very lengthy and pretty hair you got there". The chubby lady said to me smiling.

It wasn't hot but she was sweating so much. I guess it's due to her weight.

I faked back a smile and muttered a 'thank you' not ready for a long conversation.

Moments later, another male passenger joined the ride, sitting in front.


I was glad the cab is filled up. Now there wouldn't be any need for stop and move.

I squinted at my wristwatch , And the time read- 6:10pm.

I sighed.

Good lord, please save me today. I promise not to go to work late again.

I leaned on the back rest shifting my attention to the window as we drove on.

The cabby man later switched on a radio almost deafening my ears and I felt like screaming my lungs out.

The radio played a boring song at first and then later on, the song was muted and an interesting programme commenced.

Then I heard the host mention Miguel's name, making me flinch. My face brightened as I sat upright with a start, instantly paying attention.

Oh my God! They mentioned my Miguel's name. My prince charming!

Host speaking:

Miguel Ronaldo was one of the top celebrities present at the birthday party of Former Vice president Richardson and Nation's Daily news were fortunate to have an interesting interview with him..."

" Miguel!"

"Oh my Miguel!".

The ladies sitting next to me exclaimed, giggling to each other.

"Miguel my prince charming

"i can't wait to meet him".

Can these two just shut up.

I rolled my eyes before taking my attention back to the talking radio.

Host speaking:

"Our recent interview with Miguel Ronaldo has dissolved our prediction about Miguel's love life. He confirmed that he's single at the moment and when asked about when he will be taking off the mask, He reveled that his mask will be taken off on his 21nd birthday coming up in two months time..."


"Why does he keep wearing the mask anyway". Miss Chubby said, instantly asking my unasked question.

"No idea at all, rather it hides those pretty eyes and keeps us from seeing that georgeous face of his". the man in front said and I almost flinched.

Woah! A man too?

"Well it's no big deal since it doesn't stop My Miguel from being so georgeous. Oh my Miguel, Filipinos Most Finest when am I going to see you". Miss Scary said dreamily Slamming her palms into each other, she squeezed them and let a beam spread over her face dreamily, as she stared into space.

"And who said he'd like to meet with someone like you, you don't have what it takes and you got zero class". Miss Chubby snapped insultively.

" what the hell do you mean by that? Are you trying to insult me or what? Not that you're even prettier than I am". Miss Scary shot her a deadly glare.

"Look who's trying to drag a man with me when your hair alone smells like garbage".

"And your face alone could scare a shit out of the toilet".

I almost chuckled as I stared at them in disbelief, so much fuss over someone who doesn't even know they existed. Miguel's mine and that's final.

They should dream on . I couldn't wait to see the looks on their faces when Miguel announces my name as his girlfriend on the radio one day:

"Miguel Ronaldo has announced his girlfriend's name, Myla. He's so much in love with her and he's ready to die for her sake.

So Ladies and crushers back off"


"Miguel Ronaldo proposes marriage to his Beautiful fiancee Myla and she said Yes, congratulations to Filipinos latest couple".

I giggled silently to myself.

"I can't believe you girls are like this over some guy". The man in front said to the ladies.

"Not just some guy some freaking hot Rich georgeous looking guy". Miss Scary said.

"Some freaking hot georgeous looking guy who wouldn't spare you a glance". Miss Chubby mocked.

"Are you...". Miss Scary was saying but the cabby cut her off.

"Enough, ladies else I will turn off the radio". He threatened and they kept mute.

Serves them right!

I returned my attention back to the host who was still speaking.

"Miguel Ronaldo and Alicia Salvatore had just returned from the 2022 international Braniac competition representing Miguel International High school and the city as well as the school has honoured them for their amazing performance in the competition...

I sighed. Miguel International High school-the best in Philippine and my dream high school. The school, though owned by Miguel's parents, Mr and Mrs Ronaldo Robinson, is named after Miguel. Being an only son with two female siblings.

The Robinson's were one of the richest and most popular family in the country. Miguel's late grandfather was an ex-vice president of the Philippine. Hence, the popularity and fame.

As for his parents, they treated him like the only apple of their eyes, especially his mom who wouldn't let any harm come to her only son. After two birth to two beautiful ladies, Miguel's subsequent birth seemed like an answer to her prayers. hence, her over-protectiveness.

As for the mask he always wears, no one really has an idea why but rumors has it that it's his Mom's idea. Being an only son, she wanted him to be so unique and stand out. She wanted her to be so popular as the only celebrity whose face no one had seen and indeed throughout the years no one has a picture of what he looks like.

Even the newspapers, pictures on the internet and TVs only have his picture or interview with a mask. Although his mom plans on reveling his face on his 21st as stated by the radio station and I couldn't wait.

Because of the mask, no one really knows how Miguel looks like since his birth but even with the mask, you could swear that he's so handsome.

My prince charming!

I smiled as I returned my gaze back to the window and my eyes widened in shock. Oh my God, did someone really cast a spell on me or what.

"Please stop, stop". I screamed at the cabby

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