
So In Love

Fay was so in love with Dylan that she forgot to love herself. She gave him all of herself that when he left her waiting at the altar, she was left with nothingness. Nothing but the thirst of revenge.

She was just eighteen, right out of highschool when her college sophomore Dylan had asked her out. The baseball prodigy, scholar and pianist of the college had asked her out and she couldn't have felt luckier.

With blond hair and gorgeous blue eyes, Dylan was always the charmer. Fay was the only college freshman who had the privilege to attend rich college parties and higher section of the college cafeteria - all because of her boyfriend Dylan.

Dylan Morris was the son of America's one of the top entertainment producers Jacob Morris. His mother Emily Morris was a renowned fashion designer. He had seen the Korean-American Fay Kim on the first day of college and had been star struck by her beauty.

Her long waist length shiny black hair and big, black doe eyes were so attractive that every male was gawking at her, even his older brother who had come to drop him off. Her beautiful face and skin that looked so soft and creamy white was just as inviting. That day, he vowed to himself to make her his girl and he succeeded in just two months.

Fay was born in New York to a Korean father and Chinese mother. She had lived majority of her days in Beijing and a few years in Seoul too. But it was her dream to become a world class actress which is why she had gone to New York's best acting school to attain a degree and work on her dreams.

It was not on her list to meet a handsome and popular American charmer Dylan Morris. Moreover, he was the son of the owner of Glory Productions - one of the biggest production houses in the States.

She had developed a crush on him thw moment she held her first eye contact. She was standing clueless in the wide yards of New York School of Drama and Music. Her mother was standing by her side while her father and sister had gone to check up on the paperwork and other formalities.

There he stood, her Dylan, with his older brother, as she had come to learn after they had started dating, laughing and talking about something she couldn't hear.

Suddenly, his sharp blue eyes met her black ones and she shivered involuntary. Her heart beat faster than it ever had and right in that moment, she had unknowingly formed a crush on the cute American boy.

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