
Her Man

Mia dragged Fay towards the end of the narrow corridors, barely giving her time to catch up her luggage. She made a few turns which Fay failed to catch but finally they reached the mahogany doors to the dorm 501.

"This is our humble abode for next three years!" Mia giggled.

Fay return her a nervous smile, she was not good at interacting with new people. "How many others are going to share the room with us?" She asked as Mia opened the door and pushed Fay's luggage in.

"Oh, it's just us. Did you apply for tri-bed dorm?" Mia asked, frowning a little.

Fay shook her head. "No, I was just wondering."

Mia nodded in understanding. "Well, I think that two people in a room are enough. We get enough privacy and bonds are stronger."

Fay, for the firat time, cracked a genuine and relieved smile. "I hope we make best of friends."

Mia grinned. "That, we will!"

Since that day, Mia and Fay were inseparable. Fay learned that Mia was a year older than her but they still shared a few classes here and there.

She learned that Mia was born and raised in America but her parents were Chinese. Mia had always been a good friend and sister to her. When Dylan had asked her out, it had been at a party Mia had forcibly dragged Fay.

She also helped Dylan ask out Fay in a romantic and cute way and announced herself as the captain of the Dylan and Fay ship. Mia was there biggest fan.

Or so she thought.

Dylan and Fay's relationship bloomed in the three years they shared at their drama school. They were the Golden Couple - the ideal sweethearts and every other couple looked up to them.

Girls were jealous of Fay but more than her, they were jealous of how Dylan treated her. He pampered Fay. Other boyfriends took their girls for granted but not Dylan. He also didn't force himself on her sexually. Fay was grateful to have such an amazing person to call hers.

On the day of their graduation, Dylan made a public proposal to Fay to marry her. It was the most romantic gesture anybody had ever seen and Fay couldn't bring herself to say "No."

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