
School time

This story starts from a boy's dream to find love.One day when he was 15 years old. Wait first, call his name " Daffa esa '' aka Exca. Yups, returning to the story of Exca is known as an ordinary student. Coming from a suburb, what is known is that hicks are not cool and not rich. the story of life to go through a unique school period just started.

Krriingg kriiing 🕕⏱️ ''Hoamzz,,,,it was noisy early in the morning. "Are you saying, this is your mother who told you to wake up, it's already morning I want to go to school? !!

Exca: what's mom, it's 6 🌄! once pat immediately ran to take a shower, breakfast while wearing shoes then ... mom I left first afraid of being late for the bus. You kid, you know, don't eat while running ... exca: yeah mom understands.hehehhe

In the heart, exca mumbled, am I late, I'm too late, bro. !!!!the sun is high. damn it !!! 6:30 I still have time to go to school as long as the road isn't stuck. yeahh finally arrived. Exca !!!! Looks like someone called me ... Eee Jabbriik, you just arrived. (Introducing my classmate, Jabbrik, aka Simon Joe, rather smart, handsome, but stupid. Hahaha) Yes, just arrived. Don't worry, I was escorted by my brother. Why are you so dull your face, haven't been showered ???

Exca:I took a shower earlier, you know.The two of them talked while walking towards the class. Didn't expect to meet a beautiful girl who had just moved to their school. "Whoa look at that, angel bro ??? the jabbrik scream . Where could there be an angel in the morning? say exca. looking back at her .dub dub dub seer --- the heart beats fast, is this a dream ?? said exca.very beautiful and charming. If only her were my girlfriend. 💘 I dreamed and hallucinated huff. Kriing kriing😱 Bro, let's go to class, there is already a teacher. Another time don't dream too high. Falling hurts.Hehe, too many words to describe her face.

One day, a week, a year does not feel like learning at school has been undertaken. But, this story only begins when one another begins to get familiar. Random class begins to be implemented the second year, he meets again  the mysterious girl last year. Who is she, the beautiful girl is a lot of men?Her name is Karen, yups she's one of the smartest students at school,beautiful and low profile.

Exca, who was so innocent, fell asleep in the classroom, sat in the back seat. The teacher unwittingly watched from the front. "What are you doing Exca?emmm "panic was found sleeping. its ok here. Everyone laughs because I look ridiculous . ok children are silent all we learn again. the teacher has a question that anyone can answer ??? everything is silent, no one can !! She is a math teacher ( Miss Patricia is beautiful but killer) . Allright, try exca going forward to work?in the heart of exca"Algebra maybe I can answer it" 2 the minute was over. he sat back down. wow it turns out someone can answer it, Miss Patricia said. In an instant all the students glared at me, they didn't think that I could. Miss Patricia was also surprised, try to explain exca how to answer that question. " Wow, this is the time for me to have charm, I explained it slowly. And I used a parable so that my friends could understand. I didn't realize that this was the starting point for Karen to pay attention to me. So I counted today. Miss Patricia said work was good for you. Don't sleep in class anymore I'm watching you. "

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