
Chapter 2: Unreal

In the dead of night, on a lone island somewhere in the pacific, the ocean brought an unconscious girl wearing tattered clothes to shore. She was deathly pale and was quite clearly exhausted, from the arduous journey. After leaving the girl to be, the ocean seemingly waved to the girl at its departure.

At the arrival of dawn, the blazing sun made its entrance, bringing with it a scorching heat.

The girl was soon disturbed by the sun and stirred in her sleep.


"It's hot n cold...ehehe...ice cream..." Colette mumbled, as she rolled over to her side to reach out for the imaginary ice cream.

"AH! NOOOOO my ice cream..." however, she jolt upright after getting a burn from the heated sand.

Upon opening her dry eyes, she found that they stung as if she had cried for days.

"Woah, woah, it's hot and I have double vision??"

In her state of confusion Colette uses her arm to shield her face from the sun, squinting to see. However, the shining sun made it difficult for her to see very far, thus, she mustered all her strength and attempted to get off the sand. The first few attempts failed, she tried again eager to move out of the sun, and then she finally succeeded.

After successfully standing up, she weakly wandered to the palm trees further into the island, where the shade was.

After what felt like a hundred years, she finally reached the closest palm tree, immediately dropping to the floor in exhaustion.

Taking in gulps of air, Colette is finally fully awake and her drowsiness finally gone.

She took in the beautiful view with awe.

"My God! It's so beautiful here! I could almost live here forever." Colette exclaimed, while clearly not understanding her current situation.

Snapping out of her trance.

"Man that nightmare I had was terrible, haha, actually it was quite wild.

I found my love, my best friend ditched me and my own child was killed before birth. In the end I even died. *sigh* ...

Hang on... why am I here?? I should be in bed, AND why does this place look so familiar?!" Upon the realisation that the unknown environment was actually familiar, Colette became alarmed at the peculiar situation.

2 hours later ...

After a few hours of pondering about the "nightmare".

"It's fake yeah it's fake hehe...it was all a dream...


It's definitely not possible for something like a rebirth to happen. IT CANNOT happen."

Little did Colette know, there were issues with her memory.

Unable to come to terms with the second opportunity at life again, Colette huddled herself into a ball and began to tremble, perhaps from shock.


*GRRRR* *grrrRRR*

"...I'm so hungry!! These problems can come after, I want my food now!" Decisively standing up Colette inspects her surroundings for food.

"Hmmm, I think remember now!

This is the island that I landed on when they decided to...to...

Whatever I need food right now, if I recall there would be a few mango trees deeper within." Following that Colette took a step into the forest.

"OUCH! That smarts, I stepped on some small twigs, and it looks lik I have sun burns...well whatever, I'll soldier on. Wait... soldier??" puzzled at the familiarity of this word but unable to exactly pinpoint why, frustrated her. So she decided to ignore her lingering suspicions as her rumbling stomach would soon go off again.


Making her way through the forest, she began to recall the familiar paths, reminiscing her previous struggle to survive. Living on nothing but some knowledge from 'Law of the Jungle', she found out first hand that not everything on screen was so easy to replicate. Her near death experiences were numerous, moulding her into a strong and independent young woman.

At last Colette had reached the mango trees, feasting her eyes on the ripe mango's she began to drool. Unable to resist the tempting smell of the ever ripe mango's natural sweetness, she dove straight into the mango's. Taking her first bite into the juicy mango was a heavenly sensation that ripped through her body, causing her to crave for another bite, then another. The mango juice ran down her chin glistening in the sun.


The taste of naturally grown mango's without additives and fertiliser just could not compare with store bought ones. She finished her first mango within a few minutes and greedily grabbed another, when she bit into this one it was even sweeter and almost caused her to moan in satisfaction.

In her desperate hunger she failed to notice a gathering troop of chimpanzees watching her...

Law of the Jungle is a South Korean reality show

The first part of this chapter I was definitely thinking about Moana.

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