1 Walk to remember

Minding my own business as my mind keeps drifting was always a problem. I walk around the world like I've been asleep the whole time. Just waiting for something to happen is a pain that never goes away but, continues to grow the more I try to forget. living in New Orleans isn't the best place to be when your always distracted. Everything's a distraction. I get out of bed with a headache and wonder though my life less house. I get to the kitchen a fix some food while listening to classical music. Father loved classical music... As I began to stare off, I catch myself. I look at the stove for the time and realize its noon. so I get dressed and leave the house with the feeling of dread on my shoulders. " just anouther normal day", I sigh to myself. As I walk through the city, turning a few unnecessarily long corners, I come before the cafè. My mothers favorite. As I walk into the coffee shop, only to stop for noticing, a white cat with emerald eyes looking into what felt like my soul. I pay it no mind and continue through the silver painted wooden doors. When I walk in, I became paralyzed. That's when I saw Him for the first time. The one person I'll never forget...
