
Meeting the boy-who-lived.

*Sirens* Trigger warning...

If you are extremely homophobic then don't read.

JK, but I thought about the powers and the word seduction doesn't really only work with just a single gender so I decided to keep it with both, Considering Natasha is one of the users.

But don't worry, this isn't a BL or whatever. MC likes girls. I repeat, he likes girls.

Also, some people have been asking me about the romance and stuff so I want to make some things clear.

I haven't thought about Harem or anyone in particular. It'll all be flirty and stuff considering MC's character and how young they all are until I make up my mind.

Also forget about any fanfiction that has corrupted your mind before you read this, since I am developing characters my way, it will be totally different. You might even come to like characters you hate.


*Cough* Blaise coughed heavily looking at the lost Miles who seemed to be nearly drooling thinking about Merlins knows what but he knew it was something to do with his mother.

Miles awkwardly laughed, as this time he was the one that was avoiding Blaise gaze on him.

"So what does this 'Art of Seduction' do?" Draco asked confused a little by the title as his mind went to some weird things.

"I can't tell you about it since it's a family secret but to satisfy your curiosity, I'll give you an example." Blaise said, "Imagine two identical rubies, they are both the same color the same weight and are worth the same but the only difference between them is that one of them shines bright while the other one doesn't, so which one will you choose?"

"Obviously the one which shines." Pansy replied in a simple-minded way, "I mean why buy a ruby if it doesn't even shine."

"That is exactly the 'Art of Seduction.'" Blaise said, "It makes you shine different from the rest even if you're just a normal looking witch or wizard. The effect will only increase if you're more good looking and in his case, as you can see he is all ace."

"So basically it increases someone's charm." Daphne added from what she knew about the magic art, "Like making them smell naturally refreshing and wonderful."

"That's a good way to explain it." Miles said, "But it's kind of annoying if you don't know how to control it. Imagine people swarming you, left and right. It always makes me wonder about what Veela's feel like."

"People?" Draco asked focusing on one word.

"Yes, People," Miles replied smiling as he let off his control focusing directly on Draco.

Though the girls felt something, it was Draco who started blushing furiously. Miles seeing his expression looked at him with a bit of disgust in his eyes as he took back control. The moment he did, Draco quickly rushed outside making excuses no could understand as he was talking too fast. Seeing him leave like that everybody laughed even Daphne who held her hand against her mouth.

"So how do you keep it in control?" Pansy asked controlling herself, "I mean when you just did that, it felt so refreshing and great, it felt like you were the only one in this room."

"That's the shininess effect, I was talking about." Blaise said, "Now can we please stop talking about my family's secret art."

"It's more of a switch, to be honest." Miles said at least answering the final question, "I can turn it off and on whenever I want to."

"I knew you could seduce girls but I didn't think it would be enough to do so with the people of the same gender as well," Daphne asked barely taking control of her laugh.

"Humans are all the same." Miles said, "As long as all your senses are affected you'll be seduced no matter what or who you're. To be honest, I've never met someone who can completely resist it but it's not like I try it on every person I see as well."

Seeing Blaise expression all of them stopped talking about it, as they continued the chat on what it was like living in the US.

"Where's Draco been?" Blaise asked as it had been a couple of hours, "He's been gone for so long, do you think he's still embarrassed about it."

"Not likely, you're underestimating the weird arrogance he carries around. Believe me, I have never seen him embarrassed about a thing for too long." Pansy said, "He starts making up stuff and believes the things he's told everyone himself while he acts as if the thing never happened."

"He's probably visiting the boy-who-lived." Daphne said, "Didn't you hear him talk about it all the way here."

"Talking about the boy-who-lived, I need to have some words with him as well." Miles stood up, "Anyone of you wanna come?"

"Not interested."


"No, thank you."

All three of them rejected his offer. Miles just shrugged his shoulders as he went out to find the boy-who-lived, Harry Potter.

"So what do you think?" Pansy asked. "I think he'll definitely be in Slytherin."

"Though I hope he won't, I think he'll still be in Slytherin." Blaise answered going back to his calm self for the first time after he met Miles.

"I think it's going to be something different," Daphne added as she went back to reading her magazine.


As Miles was walking through one compartment to another he heard Draco's voice,

"You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."

Draco held out his hand to shake Harry's, but Harry didn't take it.

"I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks," he said coolly.

Draco Malfoy didn't go red, but a pink tinge appeared in his pale cheeks.

"I'd be careful if I were you, Potter," he said slowly. "Unless you're a bit politer you'll go the same way as your par--"

"And cut!" Miles appeared out of nowhere patting Draco's shoulder who looked back at him normally as if he didn't just run away before. "Keeping a calm business mind is the only way to go, Draco. Remember, in business, no one is a friend and no one is an enemy."

"What do you mean?" Draco asked a bit calm.

"Think about all the things you can do with his fame." Miles whispered, "As long as you know how to play your cards right, you can both get profit out of one another without having the need to be friends."

Draco nodded, "That's what father always use to say."

"Your father is a brilliant man of course," Miles said in a way that sounded completely honest but sarcastic at the same time, but Malfoy didn't really get the sarcastic part as Miles was using bits of his powers on him.

"You're right." Draco nodded as he looked back at Harry, "I think we set off on the wrong foot and I don't think any talk will be really useful now but let's talk again in the future again, with a bit of modesty perhaps." Draco sent a nasty glare Ron's way as he left with his two bodyguards.

Miles was honestly surprised, that Draco knew what to say in this situation but considering he was a Noble born, he was probably taught all this stuff beforehand.

Inside the compartment, Harry looked shocked as to what happened while Ron, on the other hand, was looking at him with a pair of shining eyes. And there was another person at the opposite seat, Hermione Granger who was also looking at Miles.

"Sorry about Draco." Miles said entering the compartment as he sat next to Hermione nodding at her, "Though I just met him, I know he needs a bit of growing up as he is still a kid, so don't keep it in heart about the things he said."

"Bloody Merlin's pants, you're Miles Rakepick," Ron said as Hermione looked a bit uncomfortable with his language.

"Nice to meet you." Miles nodded at Ron as he looked towards Harry who was doing the same. "It's good to meet you as well, Mr. Potter."

"Harry would do," Harry said still unsure after the incident with Draco, after all, it wasn't the first time they met and he had insulted Hagrid even back then.

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