
Unlimited Rewards In Parallel Universe

Russell traveled to the comic universe, received an infinite reward system, and became the boyfriend of Wonder Woman Diana. [Infinite Ultron] [Dark Doctor Strange] [Venom Symbiote] [Endosymbiotic Armor] [Kryptonian Bloodline] [Wonder Woman's Blessing]... "I want them all!" Thus, Russell began his career of becoming stronger.

Chanjan · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 27: Hard to eat soft rice

Bakshi did not answer Russell's question directly, but said with a smile: "I wonder, Russell, what do you think of official organizations like SHIELD and superheroes like Spider-Woman and the Fantastic Four?"

Bakshi quietly changed his name. Instead of calling him Mr. Bradley, he called him by his first name.

Although this is just a small means of talking, it can be seen that Bakshi is a person who knows how to build relationships with other people.

"I'm a killer, what do you think of me?"

Russell picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip.

Not whiskey, but champagne.

"What is the name of our organization? I can't tell you right now. However, I can assure you that we are definitely not an organization like SHIELD."

"In terms of behavior, we are more like the Continental Hotel you are working with now."

Bakshi still had no intention of telling Russell the name of Hydra and said with a smile.

"Mr. Bakshi, if your organization is so mysterious that you can't even name it, then forget it."

"Although I'm not a good person, I don't like to live in hiding."

"Thank you for your hospitality, farewell!"

After saying that, Russell stood up directly, ignored Bakshi, and walked straight towards the restaurant door.

The reason why he came here tonight was to find out which organization was behind the anonymous call.

Although Bakshi never revealed Hydra's name, it had no impact on him at all.

The moment he saw Bakshi, he already knew the answer.

Bakshi watched Russell leave without any intention of getting up to retain him.

Like Nick Fury, what Hydra is really interested in is not Russell, but his live-in girlfriend Diana.

Russell does have some extraordinary abilities, but now he is far less valuable than Diana.

What Hydra wants is not a killer with extraordinary physique, but an invincible warrior as powerful as a god.

Four years ago, the scene in which Diana wielded a sword and a shield and swept through the SHIELD capture team with irresistible power not only left a deep impression on Nick Fury, but also made Hydra understand something. That's called high-end combat power.

After leaving the restaurant, Russell took a taxi back to the Continental Hotel, retrieved his car, and drove towards the apartment.

Although Bakshi disguised himself well and didn't even say Hydra's name, he still guessed what Hydra was planning.


It wasn't him that Hydra was interested in, but Diana.

After yesterday's confession game, he knew that when Diana first traveled to this world, she had some "minor" conflicts with SHIELD.

Knowing this, and confirming that the anonymous phone call was arranged by Hydra, it is not difficult to guess what Hydra has in mind.

To put it simply, this is a test to test how important he is to Diana.

Diana, who had not used her extraordinary powers for more than three years, knew that he was in so-called "life danger" and without any hesitation, she immediately put on her armor and went to rescue him.

After confirming that Diana would rather risk her peaceful life being completely shattered to save him, Hydra knew how to win over Diana.

It's definitely not possible to directly win over Diana, and SHIELD has proven this.

Four years ago, when Diana first traveled through time, SHIELD's plan was not to capture her, but to absorb her into SHIELD.

But later the talks collapsed, and the talent introduction plan turned into an arrest plan.

But unfortunately, the arrest plan also failed, and it failed more completely than the talent introduction plan.

With SHIELD's lessons learned, Hydra would certainly not choose to contact Diana directly.

Therefore, Russell became the bridge in the middle.

By wooing Russell, the effect of wooing Diana from the side was achieved.

This approach of Hydra is in line with their obscene and sinister style.

The only thing they didn't expect was that Russell was a time traveler with a "prophet" aura.

Sky Apartments.

Diana, who had already had dinner, was sitting on the sofa in the living room, holding a boring anthropology book in her hand.

After seeing Russell come back, she put down the book in her hand, stood up, came to Russell, and gave him a hug.

"Have you finished your overtime?" Diana asked softly.

"Well, the anonymous call was found out and it was from Hydra."

Russell briefly talked about his meeting with Bakshi.

As soon as he finished speaking, Diana frowned.

Obviously, she also guessed what Hydra was planning.

"The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. came to see me at the museum today and told me that you have been a little restless these days and wanted me to take care of you."

Diana quickly recounted what happened in the museum.

After listening to her story, Russell suddenly realized a problem.

In the underground world and the world of killers, he is a notorious traveler.

But in front of large organizations like SHIELD and Hydra, he became Diana's weakness, a weakness they used against Diana.

In terms of hard power, Diana is indeed much stronger than him now.

In a serious battle, if he faced Diana now, not only would he have no chance of winning, but he would only have a slim chance of winning.

It's so slim that you may not win one out of ten games.

Can not be done!

If you continue like this, you will be suspected of being a soft rice!

Although it is a skill to eat soft food but hard, but eating too much will not be good for your teeth.

Diana noticed Russell's emotional changes, stroked his face, and said slowly: "Do you mind these things?"

Although Diana usually looks like a royal sister and a heroine, that is just her image in front of other people.

In front of Russell, she was still very gentle and considerate.

"Well...a little bit, but don't worry, this situation won't last forever."

"Don't forget, my superpowers will continue to evolve and awaken!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Russell's right hand fell on Diana's round and straight peach buttocks, which felt great.

Diana rolled her eyes at him charmingly, with no intention of moving his right hand away.


the next morning.

After having breakfast prepared by Diana in the apartment, Russell, who had not done detective work for more than a week, drove to the office.

The original office was still under repair, so he came to the temporary office on the seventh floor.

The landlord, Sean, lived up to the money he paid.

Although the temporary office on the seventh floor is not as good as the original office, it is still well organized and has everything it needs.

Even the "Octopus Private Detective Agency" sign at the door, Sean helped him customize a new one.