
The Beginning

On a slightly chilling winter day, Tai Bàoli had awoken in his ram shackle hut, barely large enough to be considered more than a small shed it housed his "bed" a pallet of hay, as well as a small bucket dug into and planted in the ground, most probably to be used as his bathroom. Tai Bàoli himself was taller than most his age(15) standing an astounding 6'4 he was housed in this hut to be a laborer and farmhand for the local villagers. As he awoke Tai Bàoli blew out his long slightly ruffled yet silky jet black hair from in front of his face. The hair itself concealing his vibrant blood red eyes, his body was ripped and defined because he was doing hard labor every day. Tai Bàoli strode out of his hut and began strolling the streets of the village.

The village and streets were rundown and the streets themselves were uneven obviously Tai Bàoli and the village were poor. The most powerful being in the village was the village chief who was only body refining stage (3/9) the Viscera Training stage. With Tai Bàoli having himself just reached body refining stage (1/9) the strength training stage, which was quite profound for a child born and orphaned/raised in a poor village. Of course it was still terrible in the grand scheme of the world as there were probably hundreds of thousands or even millions of children/Teens who happened to be geniuses and were probably born above this stage or could cultivate and master the stages in hours/day/or minutes. But for the circumstances that laid behind Tai Bàoli it was good enough, because it now meant he could travel out of the village and register as an outer disciple in the nearby Hidden Mountain Tiger Sect.

Every year thousands of other martial artists flock in towards the Hidden Mountain Tiger Sect to attempt to register as an outer disciple. However only a select few ever gain entry as the trial to become an outer disciple is a martial arts tournament, held almost like a free for all, dozens of trial goers stand on a platform built by a sect elder. And the tournament itself only has two rules, 1. Be the last one standing on your platform, and 2. Don't Kill any of your opponents. The reason so few ever gain entry is because any given sect elder only makes 100 platforms.

Which when nearly 10,000 Martial Artists attempt the trial means only about 1% actually pass. an unbelievably low yield. However those few who pass are extremely lucky and of course talented as they now can learn many of the hidden techniques of the sect and have a chance to become a big shot. And this year? Tai Bàoli was determined and confident in his ability to take part and win a spot as an outer disciple. Why? because of the mystical screen that filled his vision that of course only he could see.


-Unlimited Experience System-

-Host-(Tai Bàoli)

-Cultivation Stage-(Body Refining 1/9, Strength Training)


-Upgrade Cost- (1, amount upgraded per, .1)




-Upgrading a stat requires experience, gain experience in a myriad of ways-


That's right Tai Bàoli had a unique system of sorts, of course he barely understood the rudimentary basics of its functions but it was good enough to turn him from an ordinary rural village farm boy, into an outstanding potential. Tai Bàoli gained the system around a month ago, and had spent a long time just figuring the basic functions. What it was and how it worked, he realized that he could look at something and he'd be given a notification of sorts, almost like a mission and if he completed that mission he'd gain experience and with that experience he'd be able to upgrade his personal stats strengthening himself.

And yesterday Tai Bàoli had completed one such task and upon doing so gained enough experience to finally get his comprehension, strength, and dexterity all evened out at 1.5, and upon doing so it seemed Tai Bàoli miraculously entered the body refining stage, which he was extremely happy about it. His life might just start looking up from here. Tai Bàoli upon finishing his stroll around the village said his goodbyes and began walking out of the village towards the Hidden Mountain Tiger Sect it was a days worth of travel so he had specifically rationed out some stale bread to help him make the journey. he had an unbelievably big day tomorrow and he didn't want to be famished upon arrival or else it might affect his chances.

Along the way Tai Bàoli actually got a notification from the system


-Mission-(Save the Traveling Merchant)

-Mission Outline-( Save the Merchant from the Bandit)

-Mission Difficulty-(Hard)

-Experience Payout- 5


This way insane, Tai Bàoli hadn't even seen a bandit or a traveling merchant so he had no idea what the system was talking about, how Tai Bàoli had never seen the system give out so much experience before he had only been able to get at most 1 experience point per mission, sometimes just a half a point. And 5 experience was no laughing matter, just getting his strength or dexterity to 2 would probably increase his chances of winning on his platform exponentially. so of course Tai Bàoli accepted.


-Mission Accepted- (Beginning Mission Now)


And very soon Tai Bàoli found out just what the mission was asking him to do as while walking down the rural path Tai Bàoli saw a hooded figure holding an older man with a horse at knife point, threatening the man and clearly about to kill and or rob the man of his things and belongings. Tai Bàoli saw this and immediately ran into action, he was headstrong and didn't think clearly he just wanted his experience, but before he knew it the bandit saw him and shoved the old merchant to the side.

Bandit: "Hmph, Who the Fuck are you?"

The bandit would say as he slashed out at Tai Bàoli at an alarming rate, Tai Bàoli himself had been woefully unprepared, quickly stopping in his tracks and pulling back, however not without the tip of the bandits knife slashing across his shirt and tearing open his skin. it would also be at this point that Tai Bàoli saw a new unique feature of the system


-Yan Guan-

-Occupation- (Bandit)

-Cultivation Stage-(Body Refining 1/9, Strength Training)





It would also be at this point Tai Bàoli would understand the situation, he could die here. He ran headfirst into a robbery situation, and now he clearly saw his opponent was stronger than him and armed. He had made a major mistake, he should have thought about what to do, maybe acted a little to gain some sort of advantage, but he immediately attacked like a barbarian on the battlefield. Tai Bàoli's chest felt a searing pain as droplets of blood dripped out of the slash wound, and Tai Bàoli wasn't allotted and more time to react as the bandit decided to just slash out again. This time slashing towards Tai Bàoli's throat.

Yan Guan: "Come on you shit, why'd you stop in your tracks scared of a little knife"

However unexpectedly as the man slashed out the traveling merchant had positioned his horse to where it's back hooves were aimed at the bandit and then he proceeded to slap the horses ass, where in the horse kicked the bandit in the back of the head, interrupting the bandit, making him stumble slightly and giving Tai Bàoli some breathing room. Tai Bàoli wasn't stupid, he quickly capitalized on the situation, he stuck his foot out sweeped out forcing the already stumbling bandit to fall and then as the bandit fell Tai Bàoli smacked the knife out of the bandits hand, effectively disarming the bandit. Unfortunately the bandit was slightly experienced rolling out of the stumble and immediately diving for he knife, however before he could Tai Bàoli had already kicked out slamming his foot into the bandits face, which with the kick from the horse early ended up just sending the bandit unconscious, as a horse was still a horse even when you entered the first stage of body refining.

-Mission Completed-(Reward: 5 Experience)

Tai Bàoli was ecstatic, he helped the merchant tie the bandit up and then decided to just leave the bandit tied up there, maybe someone would come by and release him but in this rural area there were no officials or guards to look over and protect or provide justice so the merchant and Tai Bàoli deemed this the best action available, of course before Tai Bàoli left he stole the bandits knife, maybe it would come in handy, now Tai Bàoli just needed to think about where to in put the experience he just acquired as it would be extremely useful in his upcoming trial.

Next chapter