
1. At the hospital.

"Is something bad going to happen to mother, Nora?". I lift my head from the bench I'm sitting on in the long hallway, to look at Nolan standing in front of me, with tears still running down his cheeks. I grabbed his long hands which were hanging weakly on his side and tapped the space next to me on the long black bench and asked him to sit down. Had it been, I was not his elder sister,  I would be tempted to address him sometimes as my big brother. His intimidating height.  Most times, when we get into a fight, I have to stretch my neck enough to look up at him. And at times, I'll make him sit before talking to him. I would not have a stressful day and then come back also stressed to talk to him.

"Mother would be fine, Nolan". I made him lean his head on my shoulder and my hand rested on his lap, while my right hand stroked the thick black dreadlocks on his head. 

I just hope that the doctors will be able to deal with it. She should have no measure complications because, where I am now, I have no money on me. Tomorrow is the 14th and Ms. Madalyn only pays us on the 20th of every month. 

'Dear God, you alone that answers prayers.  Please don't let this be hard on my side, because I would not be able to go through it. Help me.

Alright, my name is Nora Peyton. I'm 23 years old .I'm from the Peyton's family containing justo me, my mother and younger brother. We are not  a recognizable family here in Chesdom Wells, because we are from the pensant class and have nothing much to offer and it's quite sickening. I work in a small restaurant called TIMES and earn $450 a month which is barely enough for our expenses. I don't associate with people. So, in that light, I have no Friends, not even a boyfriend. Maybe, none of them see me as attractive enough. Well, it's because I Made them see me that way. I'm always a mess most times. Let's end it here, you would get to know further and better 

"Are you Miss Nora Peyton?". A thick voice sounded in front of us. I quickly raised my head to see a man looking like someone in his mid-forties, brown hair, all jelled to the back, brown eyes, long nose, and fluffy jaws, standing in front of us with an overall white laboratory jacket on him, a set of black stethoscope around his neck and his hands in the pockets of the jacket. The look on his face was not a pleasing one. 

"Yes, she is". Nolan quickly answered, with his hands rubbing nervously against each other.

"I need to speak with you. Now". He said and turned on his back and started walking with steady steps in front, towards the end of the hallway. 

I looked at the back of the doctor and then at Nolan. "Just stay here, I would go talk to him. Everything will be fine, mother will be ok". I assured him. He nodded and sat down on the bench.  I hasten my steps to meet up with the doctor. We're now in his office. My body shivers as the cold air from the air conditioner in his office welcomes me. How fancy. It is a big office. The largest glass window overlooked the water behind it. It should be a sea saying as to how large the body of water was. Everything inside the office looks almost white except for a small black buck bed standing below the window, of course, dressed in the white bedspread. As expected from the hospital, everything is white.

"Sit". The doctor ordered, picking up a book from the table, and went to take his seat behind the table, with his white crocs making nice on the silver marble floor.

 I'm now sitting on the sofa, waiting to see what he has to say.

I dipped my hands into the pocket of my hoodie, to get some warmth, as the cold in his office was becoming unbearable.

He looks at the book, before glaring at me with curiosity.  If there is anything I need to know, he should tell me already.  What's it with these weird looks?

"Is my mother ok, Doctor?". I question wIth a raised brow and my heart, beating uncomfortably in my chest.

He did not reply immediately, I watched him take a deep breath, looking up at the paper in his hands, before looking at me yet again. "For how long has your mother been suffering from heart disease?".

Lord, I was not expecting this, I need to know if my mother is fine or not. I couldn't do otherwise, as his eyes were fixed on me, giving me no chance to look away.

"For almost two years now, doctor". I managed to push the words out. "Two years! And you did not bother to bring her to the hospital all this while and you only waited for it to be critical before you could think about bringing her?". His thick voice echoed in the room.

What is even wrong with this man? If I had the money, my mother would not have been in Chesdom in the first place. I would have taken her to some better place in the world. 

"No money Doctor". I mumbled and I don't know if he heard that.

"Couldn't your father bring her to the hospital?". He looked at me with a questioning glare, with the  book silll in his hand. Was this man serious right now, was this helping?

"I don't know where my father is. Could you please go straight to the point and stop asking me all these". He nodded.  Thank God he understood and did not push further with any more questions. 

"Your mother's heart is not in a good shape. We need to undergo a surgery as quickly as possible.  If not, your mother would not make it". He explained in a quiet and calm tone. I was fine until he mentioned my mother would not live to see the end of that week if she is not operated on. 

"What do you mean by that doctor?". I stood up from the sofa and started pacing too and fro in the office.  "Your mother would be able to live longer, if only she gets an operation, if not then I'm afraid; she might not make it alive before this week comes to an end". And from my calculations, today is Wednesday. 

God, this is not what I wanted to happen.And I know just the amount of money involved. 

I tried asking him, with my eyes all watery. 

"H-how much are we talking about, doctor?".

God, please let me survive this.

I shot my eyes closed, with hands now digging into the soft sofa next to me

"$20000". He looked at me. As if doubting his own words. 


"20 what doctor?".

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