
Dark Dark Place

I should better just clean my bathroom. Hmmm where did I put the bleach. Bleach…. OH BLEACH! I forgot to buy one!!!! urgh! This forgetful mind of me. Urghhhhhh it is already time!! I said to myself that I won't let myself go outside even once. Aishhh crap. I don't have any choice I need to go out. But first alcohol check, gloves check, face mask check, and eco bag check.

'urgh it is so dark in this alley I should definitely report this but it would be rude if I call right now. It is already past midnight. I should probably just report it tomorrow'.

*police siren*

'hold up ma'am where are you heading to it is already curfew hours. Why are you still out? And it's already past midnight it is not safe for you' said by a so young fuckin handsome policeman. 'oh sorry I am just going to buy some bleach, by the way sir here is my quarantine...…. Quarantineee. WHERE THE HECK IS MY PASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS? LOL DID I JUST FORGET IT? ' as I reply what happened earlier in my mind I ask him if he can let it slide at least just for now. But he didn't agreed. And ask me my parents contact information. That hurts to be honest. I said ' Sorry sir but I don't have parents nor guardian. I live by myself next month I am turning 18 so I now legal by then I guess.' Can't you just let it slide today? Please' I added. ' Oh advance happy birthday, ok I won't report you to my superior but at least let me help you buy your bleach it is so dark in here'.

After I bought 10 bottles of bleach and some extra more snacks. I can tell in his face that he is shookt. Probably because of the quantity I bought. I hate germs lol. I always keep my place clean. 'oh that's a lot let me help you carry it' he said. Aww such a gentleman. As we walk on our way to my apartment I asked him. 'how old are you? You look too young to be a police officer' I said. ' Oh really? Is that a compliment? Hahhaha I am 23 years old' he replied. Oh so we only have 5 years age gap. Oh yeahhhhhhh this is cool.

I don't care about age gap. LOL. He is just so fuckin' handsome. My bad that I forgot to ask for his name. hmmmm it's not like I am not able to see him again right? There is a lot of possibilities that i can see him. LMAO.

While cleaning my bathroom he just randomly pop up into my mind like why can't I forget him? This is the first time I felt something like this. My phone rang and it's my cousin Drake. He said that why am I not replying Emannuel. Like do I know Emmanuel. And I replied to him that I am not even interested. Right after I replied to him he called ' hey I forgot to tell you about him. I met him in my university. He is my senior. Please date him so that right after I graduated I can guarantee my work. Gonna pay for your apartment once that happened hahahahaha please? You don't have any friends nor boyfriend. Don't worry I just gave your phone number and nickname. I respect your privacy' what the heck bro am I for sale. 'I don't want bye.' I ended the call.

Huh. I can' believe my one and only cousin would do that to me. I hate it. I just couldn't believe like HOW….. HOW…. HOW????? *Drake sent a photo* with a note this is him. 'oh what the fudge are you fuckin sure that was him? That ….. that tiktok famous guy who jumped on a 3 storey building that up until now miraculously still alive??? Fuck no!' I replied to him. ' oh what the fuck wrong sent that was not him that was my fuckin IDOL he is so cool right? Ahahhahah' he replied and sent a new photo. ' I am so tired now it's already 4 am bye im gonna sleep now just gonna check the picture tomorrow. Bye. Lavyah.' I said.

The next day right after I woke up I took care of my cats dirt as a regular routine and after that I took a shower. Yeap I always take a shower every morning cause I feel like more motivated and productive. And then I did some avocado smoothie and some French toast which taste good. I also did some cleaning because it was too messy last night. After I cleaned I got hungry again since it is already 3 pm. Yep your reading it right 3 pm. I woke up at exactly 1 pm. Whenever I don't have class my body clock is always like this and I kinda like it though. I cooked some sinigang and some bacon. I always love sinigang with bacon even though Drake thinks it's gross. My phone rang and probably it's Drake. Oh yeah it is really Drake 'hey can I come to your apartment?' he said and I replied' ofcourse...........................not! We are in a self quarantine we should take it seriously and your not even taking a bath everyday.' He said 'look who's not really not taking a bath. Bruh you're even rarer to see taking a shower daily.' I replied 'no you can't bye….' Just before I end the call he said 'OOOOOOOHHHHHHH wait did you saw the picture I sent you? ' 'oh yeah I forgot about it ok bye gonna look up on it' he interrupted me again while speaking ' he is a cop. He's not just any cop. He is something like I don' know how to explain this to you since you don't know anything about it but he is so fukin high! I mean their rank. His family has the highest rank in our country. For short they are powerful. Also he said that he is designated near your place. He is so fuckin handsome don't ignore him bye!!!!!.' Then he hung up the phone. Huh. Not because he is handsome then he is already nice. For your information looks doesn't define a persons personality. Huh nevermind I would never ever try to look at the picture he sent. Huh. I am just gonna watch Netflix.

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