

In wide open grassland seem to a pale man laying on the ground. A soft whisper is heard "Have you forgotten?". The man seems confused shouts with confusion "Who's here?". He looks around and finds no-one .The voice again asks "Have you forgotten? ".The shouts "Who are you and what do you mean by have I forgotten? ".The voice replies "Your identity, your dream". The tries to think about his identity but it seem he has forgotten his identity. He asks the voice "who am l and why am I here? ". The voice replies "you never told who you are so I to don't know but I do know why you're here ". The man full of curiosity asks "then tell me why I'm here? ". The voice answers to man "you're imprisoned here". The in great confusion asks "IMPRISIONED?WHY?".The voice replies "You were a threat ".The man asks" I was a threat? to whom ". "l can't tell that to you here we have out of here" the voice replies. "escape from here how I have wandered here for ages and found no way out it seems as this place is endless .And you want me to escape from here! "the man shouts. the voice replies "this is a illustration in your head it like a bad dream that was made to trap you .you just have to wake up to escape ".The man replies "wake up! Are you nuts ? if I just wake up I would have escaped already ." .The voice answers of course you can't just wake up from here or how would you be traped here you have kill yourself to wake up from here. The man irritated replies "what kill myself that's it ! you're definitely trying murder me . And even if it was true how can kill myself with nothing but plain grasslands around. The voice replies "trust me you know this isn't real think about it you all alone with nothing but flat land around "

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