
Brain of a grandfather

"But daddy might feel bad if he knows about me being closer to your heart than him" Little pie spoke in a sad accent unaware of the impact her words could put on her mother.

Isabella flinched.

Never once, even in her dreams, Isabella thought one day her dear baby would make such an unexpected comment, that's utterly impossible for a child of her age.

She gaped at her daughter in a daze without speaking.

It wasn't that she didn't want to reply but she doesn't know what to say to her daughter.

She can't bring her child's biological father when his whereabouts are completely foreign and it wasn't easy for her to find that one exact person in the population of eight billion.

And also, It's been a long time since she thought of having a man by her side to share her life with him. She would never bring a stepfather for her daughter unless she's in a state of life and death.

She has no interest in dating someone at the moment and her financial status has been driving her crazy enough. She can't take in extra trouble.

Though her daughter has been craving for paternal love, she can't take a risk at a time when she's neither in a position to date someone nor she's capable of handling a relationship.

Her mother's silence made the little pie uncomfortable and she doesn't know what was troubling her mother for her to think too much.

The little pie always wanted to see her father but she couldn't as her mother too never saw him nor heard of his name.

'Is mommy thinking of my biological daddy again? She must've felt uneasy with me mentioning about daddy again' the little girl thought as she gazed at her mother who stood rooted in a daze.

The little girl decided to ease her mother's heart and to break the embarrassing silence.

"Mommy... it's okay? I can find a daddy on my own. You don't have to worry about that"

'Is she trying to comfort me or blaming me for being incapable of finding her a daddy? Kids these days... where did she learn all these? I should throw out that damn TV first..' Isabella doesn't know why her daughter's words hurt her more instead of soothing her pain.

But what her daughter spoke was true.

Isabella has always been worrying about little pie's future because she can't let her daughter face the world as a child with no father's support and love. She can't tolerate her daughter getting ridiculed and called names for being fatherless.

She can't make excuses to her daughter anymore. She was already feeling guilty for not being a good mother and for not giving enough time and love to her daughter. She has to find a way to make things straight and to cope up with the demands.

Little pie said nothing because she felt her presence around her mother would give her more pain than happiness. The little girl silently walked away leaving her mother alone at the door.

This little girl never had a thought that her mother's suffering was all to make her happy. But the little one always thought her birth brought a great misery to her mother.

She saw her mother having nightmares every night of that stormy night from when her primitive staged existence was initiated.

She always thought of leaving the house every day but she couldn't bring herself to run away because she felt it was her duty to look for a better man to stay with her mother before she could leave from her side.

She has the body of a little girl but the brain of a grandfather. Always thinking too much which was inappropriate for her age.

The house remained soundless for a long time before someone made an entrance into the house.

Isabella fell so deep in a daze she didn't notice her daughter walking away and also the entry of another person towards her.

The newcomer waved a palm in front of her face to bring her back to reality. She did not react until the man said "My dear Bella.... done dazing?"

"Uhh..." Isabella shrunk hearing someone near her ear.

Little pie sat far away from the door and didn't notice the man walking into the house from the location she's rested.

"What are you thinking about so early in the morning?"

the man spoke with concern evident on his face while looking at Isabella.

"What are you doing here? Haven't you done enough to trouble me already? And how got into my house?" Isabella on recognising the man roared like a lioness.

Those roaring sounds coming from the door made the little pie realise that her mother was in some problem. She dashed towards the door and saw the man her mother hated the most.

He was her mother's ex-fiancee, the person she was supposed to get married to but that man was snatched away by another woman right on the night before the wedding.

Seeing her mother's anger and the man's concerned face, the little girl felt like killing him on the spot.

She knew with her personality and little body, it was impossible for her to fight against a grown man.

But she can't keep herself calm when her mother was repeatedly disturbed by him.

Just then she heard him say "What do you mean by 'how you got into my house?' Isn't it normal for the owner to have the keys to his house?" the man smirked.

"What.....?" not only Isabella even the little pie was astonished.

Hello My dear readers...

This story was something my brain worked on just for seconds and I hope you won't mind the way how the plot came up &Hope you will love the story.

By the way suggest a good name for the little piece.

My brain was booked by my sister a few hours ago for her assignments and I lost almost my mind in coming up with a suitable name.Let's hope little pie gets an amazing name just like her mother.

Also provide me with your valuable suggestions and comments.And for now...bye

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