Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Dragons, each of which are at peace with each other in their own lands. Although the peace is continental, there are those who seek to annihilate that peace. These people are the Villains. Those whose jobs are to annihilate the Villains are known as the 'Swords'. There are 100 Swords for each race, equalling to 400 Swords in all. There is a Sword leaderboard for each race as well, the lower your number, the more you're respected. Our protagonists; Ameri and Hilo, of which both are from ancient races. They both strive to become Gods, and to destroy the peace that they assume is forged by each hierarchy. Ameri and Hilo must protect their identities, even from each other. Not because of distrust, but because of their Clans Rule: "The removal of the mask is the removal of your purity".