
The Known and Unknown

.....[7:00am Friday 2/17/2021]....


"That stupid alarm what time even is it?" I look at the clock "SHIT I'M LATE!!!" I yell and get ready for school. I grab my bag and run out the door lock it and run to school. I finally get there still late I walk through the door of class and walk to my seat in front of the class, like usual people dont even notice not even the teacher. Shortly after my deskmate Jasmine walks through the door sneaking to the seat beside me being noticed by everyone but the teacher. She sat quietly beside me. "Late and noticed not stealthy at all Jassy bear" I whisper to her and she just smiled and wispered back "Oh I'm sorry Dandy lion not noticed again". I said no as I look out the window i'm sitting by and drift off ending up falling asleep waiting for class to be over. After getting woke up by the bell I say farewell to Jess and go to the rest of my classes. after school I go to the my favorite spot on the roof. I always go up here after school because its relaxing to lay back and watch the clouds. By Nine O' Five I got to my house to find an invite to a party for the following night on my doorstep I picked up the invite unlocked the door and took it in.

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