

You'd thing having a omnipresent being giving you advice would allow you to get places faster... You would be right, but it still takes me a long time. I asked Author to point me in the nearest available place to gather energy, He showed me a direction, and I used a burst of energy to move forward and now I'm stuck in a singular line to the location. I don't have enough energy to even change my direction. I did have to store one of my ships in my dimensional space. Which gods can't even access without my permission, well, I'm not sure about that. But Author said they couldn't.

Anyways, I realized a bit too late that I could have just stored most of my mass in the dimensional space and fired a even smaller vessel at twice the speed, I can't do so now though. According to author if I decide to connect pieces of the vessel to my dimensional space I will lose all my propulsion, apparently it breaks something called the Law of Physics. Which is letting me move without any energy.

So now I'm stuck in transport. But at least I'm not completely bored. I've been working on a possible new race to attempt to grow on a barren world. Although I'm not sure if I'll be successful or not. Creating a sun is a difficult thing to do, I'd have to sacrifice a large amount of mass in order to create enough fission for a star. Then again, the lure of humans is a great thing. I asked Author about it, he said that humans are a incredible attraction for Annilus lifeforms. He hasn't given me the reason why. But he said some of it is due to human culture. However, in the back of my mind, I always have this urge, to find the humans in my dreams. For now. I develop. I grow. I learn.

Author just gave me an idea... A generator. Mass is made up of atoms with no solid element. In order to make a barren world we throw mass together and create different elements, starting with a small fission in the center in order to make a gravity well around the planet. We then add these elements to the world. These elements can be turned into machines. Machinery, while not the focus of the Annilus, isn't something the Annilus is indifferent too. From what I know from Author, the other Annilus combines Mass and machines to create warships. The other Annilus also has his own generators.

I only know a small amount about generators from Author. But I should be able to make one with enough experimentation. For now I should work on a piston mechanism. Which will help me create my first generator.

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