

The meteor was consumed with no trouble at all. Plenty of mass was squired, lots of materials to create a ship. Making a ship is another problem. According to Author, Annilus normally gives information from generation to generation. However I have no old generation. The other Annilus does. I asked where the Annilus was, Author said it was in the Dead Worlds zone. Apparently Annilus consumes dead worlds and makes barren worlds in their place. These barren worlds are filled with different cells and bacteria and left alone. Eventually things will rise from these worlds. There is also a zone where four different hive minds have created a artificial Sol System. Meaning humans! However author said I can't go there yet as the humans there haven't gained space flight.

So for now I've put a new goal. Find a Dead World.

Dead Worlds are completely incompatible to all life. It also has absolutely no resources on it what so ever. No life can even be made on a dead world. If I can find one, I can consume it. Of course I will have to replace it with a barren world. But consuming worlds gives us a lot of energy. From what I've been told by Author, the Annilus can consume a star in order to make a Annihilator. A invincible and immortal warrior. However in order to consume a star I need three dead stars worth of mass. Although Annilus is resistant to energy based attacks, Fission splits the very cells of Annilus. So it takes a lot to consume a star. From what Author has told me, the other Annilus only has two annihilators currently. However it makes up for that with the Dimensional Space. Which I also have access too... But mines empty. According to Author, that Annilus and I are from two completely different strains of Annilus. Although we do the same thing, We don't have access to the same things. Which is sad because I would have loved to have access to the 30,500,300,532 ships that is apparently in the other Annilus dimensional space. Of course he didn't mention the size of those ships though. Anyways, using the meteors mass I was able to make small ships. I had to follow the instructions of Author, due to my lack of experience. But I was able to do it eventually. However without energy I will be unable to take off from a world if I land currently. I also have barely any energy left, the solar absorption of my cells aren't that powerful right now, so I have to be world side in order to get a decent amount of energy.

I haven't decided what I want to look like yet. My humanoid appearance I mean. Currently I'm just a giant mass of cells. I originally believed I was a hive mind, but according to Author I'm not a hive mind at all because I am the only mind. I am a singular mind organism apparently. Which is why I refer to myself as I. According to Author I currently look like RedLight Virus from the Prototype series. Then he said I wasn't the RedLight Virus cause I wasn't actually a virus. Which was confusing cause what is the RedLight Virus in the first place?

Anyways thanks to Authors advice I decided to change my color scheme. Red blue and black. My major colors was blue, secondary was black, and minor was red. It made me a bit purplish. But author said that was ok. I now look completely different than other organisms like me. Although he did say that my ships look like a arrow version of a covenant ship, he actually showed me an image this time. I have to say those bulbous ships look nothing like my sleek ships! But they are apparently bigger than my ships.... I will have to rectify that.

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