
Chapter 1 - Surrae


Trying to regain some form of consciousness, I awoke to find a white world before me. As I looked around to try and find my bearings, I could only see nothing. No object of any form, kind or sentience was present.


I tried to stand but strangely, I only rose. I didn't move a limb; I didn't have any limbs to move. I don't even have a need to breath or feel my heart. Wait…


Seriously. What is going on? Where was my body!? Wait…? A body? What's that? Why can't I remember? I'm trying to recall what happened to me but… Who was I? I didn't have any idea of who I was, what my life was like, or what my world was like. I contemplated over and over.

Question after question popped into my head. If I didn't remember anything, how can I speak this language? How do I have the ability to think, or process thought? Why do I have these emotions that feel natural and never new? How did I understand the concepts behind these words?

After a long a period of panic I slowly calmed down, and after long moments of contemplation, I organised my thoughts and went to what I know:

1. I have a conscious, meaning I was a sentient being.

2. I have emotions, meaning I was a complex being that was beyond mere primal instincts.

3. I have a formed personality, meaning I experienced a life beforehand.

4. I have no body, but am a soul, meaning I died…

After constructing these thoughts, I understood that I was not a 'new' soul. I was a 'soul' that had their memories extracted by some cosmic force, I lived through and 'experienced' a life.


'Is this purgatory?'

Strangely, I understood what this word meant. I understood that it meant a state of death prior to 'judgement'. This 'judgement' depended on how I lived my life. Having no knowledge of said life, a sudden feeling of fear at the unknown swept over me. Yet, despite this fear that was rising in me, I also felt a voice in my subconscious say 'well… Fuck it.'

I wholeheartedly agreed. 'Fuck it' was exactly how I was going to approach this. There's nowhere to escape. There's not even a point to honestly. I was obviously dealing with a power that was far beyond me. I didn't even fully understand how I knew this; it was more instinct that told me about this situation. Almost like what I learnt before I was in this state was deeply rooted within my being.

So, I decided to simply accept the situation as it is, and wait for what will happen, to happen. Once I understood more, I could plan better.

Almost what felt like an eternity went by. I pondered over many topics and roamed about the white space to see if there was any change. Nothing, entirely nothing. There was literally sod all to do. It was infuriating. Just as I was about to question my sanity…


A sudden sound penetrated existence, almost as if a light was turned on the white world instantly changed. In this new would, I found that, straight ahead of me, was a being sat on a grand leather chair. Propping his head up with his arm on the armrest with his eyes closed, with his other hand slowly falling onto the other armrest, I could tell that this man just brought me to this space with a snap of his fingers.

As I looked him over, I saw a fairly skinny white man who looked well into his fifties. He had white hair that was styled to an undercut. I looked at his clothes that he was wearing and was impressed to see him dressed a stylish black three-piece suit, which perfectly complemented his hair. I looked around the room to find myself in what looked to be a living room from the Victoria period with its dark oak furnishings and floor.

Windows were in the back; however, outside was complete darkness as if it was night. To my left there was a fire crackling every so often. Truly, it felt pleasant and cosy.

As I was admiring the environment, I turned back to look at the man who I found was looking at me deeply with a small smile on his face. In that moment, I felt truly naked. His eyes were anything but normal. Where the sclera would be white, it was pure black. His iris shone orange that emanated power. Real, true power. He felt primordial, he felt… Omnipotent. I understood at this moment that I was being judged in front of a god. I understood that in front of him, I was a mere thought away from ever existing. Though despite this, I said.

"Shall we get this over with then?"

Yup. I didn't give a shit. Honestly, I really didn't. My thoughts went through this process in multiple scenarios. I honestly partly expected to be in front of a grand council where I would be seeing a feather and my heart being weighed on a scale and being told how horrid a life I lived. I mean, I'll be honest, I spent a long time in that white expanse of space, I slowly understood what feelings were as I looked deep into myself, from there I could tell what morals were good and bad, and my instincts told me that despite the bad morals I remarked upon, meaning, the concepts that were ingrained in me that stayed with me in this state, I could tell I was a bastard.

From this, I watched the figure before me stare at me for a moment before…


He was laughing. Like I was trying to be funny. Fuck you, I'm being serious, I don't like being judged and I have honestly no reason to be existing anymore in a world without purpose so hurry it up I'm sure you're busy.

What did take me off guard was how 'normal' he sounded. He didn't have a powerful essence in his voice. It was indeed deep, but it didn't feel like my soul was being shaken by it.

After watching the god laugh for a while he slowly calmed down as he wiped a tear from his eye. From that he continued to look at me smiling and started talking.

"You're certainly an interesting one!" He said merrily.

"What do you mean?"

"Of all the souls I've met passing from the expanse of worlds in the universe, they'd always start with questions and tried to make deals. Some even tried to run frantic in here or threaten me. Never have I met someone so willing to make my job easier!"


I chose not to speak. I didn't know what to say. He was talking about concepts that were currently beyond me. I was still trying to process half of what he said. Worlds? Job? What was he talking about?

"Well, I'm glad that you're quick to the cut. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Scurrae, the Overlord of Chaos and Order. I am one of many gods that exist among many worlds. In fact, alongside my siblings, I am what you would call the 'Upper Echelon' of the Gods."

"…Who are these other siblings?" I asked, pondering to who the other gods were. Something about this topic interested me. I knew that despite wanting to hurry this whole show along, I did find that learning a thing or two about the cosmic entities that put me here did somewhat grab my attention.

"Oh? I don't often get asked that one. Well, you interest me, so I might as well explain this. There are only three other Gods in the Upper Echelon. First is my sister Reginae, the Overlord of Life and Death. Second is Rexae, my brother, and the Overlord of Virtue and Sin. Lastly is Dynastae, my other sister, the Overlord of Space and Time."


'So, from this I can infer that there are multiple levels of godhood, with these guys being above most, regardless of if there's anything above them, they're still powerful entities. However, something is bugging me…'

"If you're the Overlord of Chaos and Order, then why am I here with you? Shouldn't I be meeting with your sister Reginae?" I asked in a way that hinted at an ulterior motive. It doesn't make sense.

"Hmmm, quick witted too? I have to say you're turning into a very promising candidate…"

With his eyes squinting slightly, he seemed to be getting more interested in the conversation.

"To put it simply, you're right. Usually, you would be having talks with my sister, or rather, the gods under my sister, however, there is a reason why you're here with me. As you've noticed, your memories are gone, but you still hold a fully formed 'conscious' or 'soul'. To put it simply, it's as if you were a rock, with dirt and grime covering you. You can think of the 'dirt' as your memories and the 'rock' as your soul. Over time, that 'dirt' with the surrounding environments, turns the 'rock' into its new shape, meaning, the current personality and thought process you had. What we've done is cleaned off the 'dirt' but left the 'rock' itself alone."

"Why?" I continued, savouring every bit of information he has given me.

"Simple. You're going to participate in a game."


"Mhm, We call it the 'Ascension'. To put it simply, it's a game we create when we need new soldiers in our ranks for a war."


"Well, you'll find out more about it if you win the game. For the moment I'll explain it to you simply. In this game we have 'players' that try and gain strength on a world they are born on. You will be a player. In order for you to win the game, you must gain enough strength on that world in order to reach a level where you'll be selected and recruited by a certain god."

"Why me?" I asked bluntly, trying to dig as much information as possible.

"You… You're a special case."

My expression, or at least, the expression I was making as best as a soul without a body could, became confused.

"I did say I was the Overlord of Chaos and Order after all… I wanted to spice things up and throw in a wildcard, more specifically, you. You see, I often find this all boring. As a God, I lived through eternity, from the start of it all to now. I want to be entertained. I want to throw in some sort of 'unknown' variable, because, why not? After living for awhile, the role of godhood gets very… bland… Usually, when we play the game, we select a world and its inhabitants and create a scenario where there's a sudden existential threat, and we wait to see the strongest who come out on top. The strongest are who we are interested in as we want them to join us. I will be sending you into this world. You will be my 'unknown' variable."

"Why would I give a damn?"

"Well, that's up to you. Strength? Power? Wealth? You can even become a god. Who wouldn't?"

'This was the usual sinch that would drive people to become gods, I've done this countless times before. It's always the same with these souls-'

"Fuck that." Replied the soul.


The god's eyes opened a bit in surprise. That was a usual motivation and drive for these souls.

"Why's that?" Surrae asked, intrigued by the souls refusal.

"That's the single most dumbest thing I've ever heard. 'Get strong enough to fight in our war?' I don't even care about that. What? Existence is going to crumble away if I don't? Even if it did then what? What's after we win? Live for eternity? Bollocks. I can imagine myself going insane. Why put all that effort in for nothing in return? Nope. Nada. Never."

Listening to the soul's rant. Surrae just smiled. He honestly agreed with the soul. He even agreed that it was insane. He didn't understand why these previously mortal beings couldn't see the bigger picture. It was essentially a scam. An eternal scam. It wasn't unusual for corrupted gods to turn on them and try to end all existence. Even now, there were plenty of gods switching sides with 'that being' in order to eradicate all life. Yet, that didn't mean he wasn't going to at least throw in one final offer to entice this individual.

"Well, I can't seem to refute that point, however, I can make you an offer based on it. Should you win Ascension, and hence win the war with us, I will grant you a life you choose. You can even set the terms of what happens after you die: Heaven, Reincarnation, even just eternal rest. Essentially, I'm writing you a blank check. I can even make you the third son of an emperor on a world without conflict and you can indulge yourself to whatever desire you may have until you die with no responsibilities. It's well within my power…"

At this offer, the soul flinched. Indeed, he wanted to live in luxury, it did stir something in him. He wasn't averse to sin, it was just the thought of immortality sounded like more of a curse than a blessing. Pondering over this, the soul's form wriggled.



"No bullshit?"

"No bullshit."



It didn't even take that much convincing to change the souls mind. Surrae had to admit, he found this one amusing. Never had he met one so foresighted but so easily swayed. If he refused again, he would've just asked how he wanted his after life to be and would've sent him to the respective god that could grant that version of said after life.

"Well then!" Said the god rising from his seat. He immediately snapped his fingers and the luxurious living room vanished in an instant.

"Let's start planning your new life…" He said with an evil smile slowly forming on his lips. An ominous feeling washed over the soul.

At this, the soul thought to himself, although briefly.


Chapter 1---- End