

A five year old child standing with her 10 year old sister and her 1 month old sister. Her parents then took their photo. They're not on planet earth though, they're on a planet called Silerco.

A place where these people are called Esmickix and get magic at the age of 13. They have at least one of these powers: Withxer, also known as water. Hevax, also known as fire. Kaxyu, also known as earth. Lastly Nixalcu, known as Night.

Sometimes though one's power may be an offspring from one of the main powers.

Like Nixalcu is night but one of the offsprings of this in Klaxina also known as death; and in this story we will focus on a young girl who has this power, her name is Sntɐɐ (Sintaa.)

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