
Chapter 49: What Rules? Escaping the Bone-Devouring Wasteland?

"This is your locator badge, which also contains a distress signal talisman. Once activated, it will create a temporary defensive barrier around you," He Guang explained.

"It can hold off the creatures of the Bone-Devouring Wasteland long enough for help to arrive. However, activating it means you forfeit your qualification and are eliminated from the assessment."

"Additionally, the talisman will assess whether you can withstand incoming attacks. If it deems you unable to, it will automatically activate the defense."

"You may attack others to steal their points, but you cannot kill anyone."

"Three thousand Cloud Ships are constantly watching the exam from the skies above. Your locator badges will also record your battles."

"Here are your Featherlight Talismans, one per person."

"For the next part of the assessment, you will board Cloud Ships and parachute into the Bone-Devouring Wasteland. You have one month to reach the extraction point, at which time your points will be tallied."

"Those who meet the minimum scores set by the registered academies will be admitted, while the rest will be eliminated…"

As the soldiers distributed the items, Zheng Mu's expression turned peculiar.

Boarding Cloud Ships and parachuting from high altitudes?

Zheng Mu eyed the blue talisman in his hand skeptically. Could this really save him from a fall from such a great height?

Upon hearing that they would be jumping from several hundred meters, Cai Shengkun's legs gave out.

"Boss… please, help me. I'm terrified of heights. What are we going to do…"

His expression immediately drew mocking laughter from several students in the Beiwu University line.

"Ha, check out this guy from Southwest Martial Academy. Such a coward, and he dares to participate in the assessment for a top-tier university. I bet someone will have to kick him off the Cloud Ship."

"Ha, even the creatures in the wasteland would shake their heads at this coward."

A young man, unphased by Cai Shengkun's angry glare, grew even more insolent.

"I'm Wang Long, an S-rank Beast Imitator. You better not fall into my hands, or else… Hahaha…"

Zheng Mu's gaze sharpened.

An S-rank professional? They encountered one so soon.

Information about Beast Imitators appeared in his mind. By killing creatures and absorbing their souls and blood, they could modify their own bodies.

As long as they had some backing in the early stages, they could easily take off by absorbing powerful creatures suitable for controlling.

Zheng Mu could tell from Wang Long's arrogant demeanor that he had significant backing.

"A Beast Imitator, huh? If I could figure out his ability to absorb creatures and evolve himself…"

Zheng Mu turned his head, greed filling his eyes as Wang Long remained unaware.

The Blood Phoenix Seal had finished its month-long cooldown and was usable again.

Soon, the Cloud Ships descended from the sky as everyone prepared for the exam.

These ships were not technological creations but rather the products of top-tier Life Professionals such as blacksmiths, array masters, and talisman masters.

Zheng Mu was unimpressed by their grand appearance.

"Follow me when we jump."

He issued a simple order, and both Leng Bingyue and Cai Shengkun nodded.

Cai Shengkun's legs were bent, and he clung to the side of the ship, looking as if he might collapse at any moment.

As the Cloud Ships ascended, piercing through the clouds, an hour passed.

A voice came through the loudspeaker.

"Cloud Ships will now descend to the assessment height, and candidates may officially begin the examination."

As the voice faded, Zheng Mu and the others felt their bodies become lighter, and the Cloud Ship began to descend rapidly. As the clouds parted once more, they could see nothing but sand below them.

Not waiting for the reactions of the other candidates, Zheng Mu grabbed the two people beside him.


In the next moment...


Cai Shengkun's entire body was distorted by the wind as he fell, his face twisted and contorted.

Next to him, Leng Bingyue held onto Zheng Mu's hand tightly, her face pale. Despite her bravado, her body's instinctive fear was evident.

Above them, several candidates from Bei Wu University and Sheng Qing University laughed when they saw Zheng Mu's group jump so quickly.

"Hahaha, look how scared they are, afraid to jump later and land with us."

"This year, there's not a single S-rank candidate from Southwest Martial University. These little ants aren't worth our attention. Our priority is to quickly kill the monsters and collect points..."

On the other side, aboard the thousands of Cloud Ships monitoring the assessment...

Standing behind General Qin, He Guang exclaimed when he saw Zheng Mu's group jump so early.

"What's wrong?"

General Qin frowned, and He Guang hurriedly pointed at the screen in front of him.

"General, these three are our candidates. I recruited them in Yun Tong City. Two are A-rank professionals, and one is B-rank, but their levels are all above 15."

Upon hearing this, General Qin immediately looked at the screen.

When he saw the location where Zheng Mu's group was falling, his brow furrowed instantly.

"With levels above 15, their combat strength should be decent. Why did they choose to land at the outermost part of the desert? What can they do with the meager points from the monsters in the outer area?"

In the screen, Zheng Mu and his companions' location was clearly marked as the outermost part of the Bone Swallowing Desert, closest to Huangsha City.

He Guang, faced with this question, was at a loss.

"Well, the young man leading them is Zheng Mu, an A-rank Mechanist. He seems quite intelligent and possesses a strong leader's presence."

However, upon hearing Zheng Mu's profession, General Qin was taken aback, then sighed and shifted his gaze to other screens.

It was apparent that after learning about the Mechanist profession, General Qin had given up on Zheng Mu in his heart.

In the early stages of the assessment, everyone tried to form teams and land in the center of the Bone Swallowing Desert. They killed high-point monsters as a team to accumulate as many points as possible.

Who would think of moving towards the evacuation point right from the beginning?

He Guang wanted to put in a good word for Zheng Mu, but he didn't know what to say.

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