
#Chapter 7: One Stone, One Stand, One Faith

[Miya's POV]

For a short time i have been with alucard, i feel special when he is around.

"Miya, why did you help us back there?" He asked me a question.

"Ohhh, Im a moonlight archer and our goal is to help those who in need." I Simply Replied as i walk beside him.

I saw a spark on his eyes.

"Alucard, Tigreal wants to talk with you." A knight said.

"Miya I need to go now, You should stay here maybe its important what Tigreal Will say." He said while leaving me behind.

so i choose, to walk around.



[Chang'e POV]

"Diggie, Where is Nana?" i Asked him while we walk around in circle.

we suddenly bumbed on someone, we were about the same height.

"Ohh, Hey im so sorry." A boy with a hat said. " are you lost?" He asked.

"Yes we are lost." Diggie Replied.

He have a Staff on his hands and a cards.

"Are you a magician?" I asked while smiling.

"Yes, i am." He replied. " Nice to meet you, By the way Im Harley." He introduced his self.

"Im Chang'e And this is Diggie." I replied introducing my self and Diggie.

"Lets cut this introducing yourself, We need to find tigreals lair and give the stone to him." Daggie said while Standing on the middle of the two of us.

"Ohh, im just new here, we just visited Moniyan empire, Speaking of we im off to go my sister might wait for me." He said while walking away.

"Come on Diggie, we need to go and Find Mr. Tigreal and Nana." I quickly said while Walking faster than Diggie.

we both roam the roads for Hour and finally we have found tigreals Lair.

we both knocked.

and it automatically opened.

"Who are you?" A fine maiden floating in the mid air making an electric ball in her hands.

"We have something to discuss with mr. Tigreal." Diggie Replied to the Floating Maiden.

"He is inside." She replied.

we walked inside the room and saw the maiden i bumped earlier.

"Mr. Tigreal, im here because Kaja asked me to bring this to you safely." i said with a loud tone on my voice showing the Weird looking stone in my hand.

"I- its the DarkNight Stone." Esmeralda Said while looking at the stone im holding.

"Great, Now we have the Fourth Stone well done Young Chang'e and Diggie." Tigreal said while giving us a smile.

Esmeralda gave me a Hug after i brougt the Stone to them.

"What happened to the Celestial Palace?" They asked us.

"Im sad to say, But it is under attack." Diggie replied.

i looked at Tigreal and said. "Please i need to return there! i want to go back there! i safely delievered the stone! please let me help my friends!" I scream as i sat down on the floor begging to go back.

"Chang'e I will make sure that we will go there after all of this." He keept me a promise.

[Kling! KLING!]

a huge sound of a bell that sounded like theres an attack that will happen sooner.

"Tigreal! you need to see this." A knight Said while looking outside.

as i stepped to see.

i was shocked.

A great amount of Fallen Warrioirs and Undead Guardians are outside with Vexana and the Abyss.

"Get ready! the second war between Moniyan and Abyss will occur! Right now! call all the knights and form a defence team outside!" Tigreal shouts as they get ready to defend the moniyan empire. " You defeated us once, and we have learned from it." Tigreal whispers as he grabbed his Sword and Shield.

<=== To Be Continued.

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