
Chapter 1

Running through the forest leaving clouds of breath behind her, as she tried to get away from her pursuers. She only had to glance over her shoulder to know that they weren't far behind. Continuing to run she decided to sprint to find a cave to hide in. It was not long before she found one. Quickly she entered the dark cold cavern and made sure to hide every trace of her. She held her breath when her pursuers came near to the entrance of the cave and once she was sure they had left she exhaled in relief. Slowly emerging from the cave she started running again to make sure to put some distance between her and her pursuers. It was nearly midnight when she came upon the outskirts of a small village and collapsed out of exhaustion.

When she awoke she found herself inside someone's home that was filled with a delicious aroma making her stomach growl. Slowly shifting she winced and let out a little gasp due to the pain from her legs from running for so long. Suddenly someone spoke "I see you have awoken. Who are you?" This made the young woman turn around to the voice and freeze. The person who spoke was a large man with scars on his arms from battle. He was stirring stew in the pot over a bright warm fire while waiting for her answer. "I am Kiara....Kiara Johnston" she said nervously. The man gave her a smile "Hello Kiara, my name is Harold. I found you outside of the village early this morning, would you like some stew?". Calming down Kiara nodded and while Harold filled her bowl she began to look around his home "Where exactly am I?". Harold handing Kiara the filled bowl with bread and a spoon answered "We are on the outskirts of Thornbury village in the province of Carthantea"