

It had been a long day training, both Babylont and Quelastia were sweating, she had taught the men in the heat of the morning and they had both stood in the sun observing and walking around every now and then, even though her armour reflected the heat it was still hot. They took a break taking shelter under the trees, a few soldiers bringing her water. One soldier, in particular, sat next to her. His long wavy brown hair tied back, stubble shadowed his cheeks, he was dressed in light brown leather and had a scorpion on the breast plate. 

"Recruit you don't need to sit with me or Babylont." She said looking at him. "Go train!" she snarled mounting Babylont and riding him back onto the field. The two were beginning to suffer and Babylont fidgeted an awful lot but they both got their wish and the sun became shielded with clouds and it began to rain, she whistled and Babylont followed her they both ran into the armoury, Quelastia began to remove her armour and placed it on the wooden model before changing into a white dress with blue gems around the waist,  and pulled on silver gauntlets with sapphire gems in.

Babylont waked to his stall and joined the other tired horses, Quelastia walked to the throne room and knelt before the king. "The men are coming along nicely," he said. 

"It's hard to train humans," she said.

"They are willing to learn," he said. "Rise." Quelastia stood and rested her hands together. 

"I am aware of that," she said. 

"I see, Dwayne has taken a liking to you," he commented. 

"I'd rather he didn't," Quelastia said and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Why?" he inquired.

"The last person I loved was killed and held at ransom for Babylont," she explained. 

"I see, but you're protected here." He reassured her. 

I hope these walls are high enough." She said and tucked a strand of white behind her ear. 

"You have nothing to fear," he said and rested a hand on her shoulder. "Go, rest." 

"I will take my leave," she said and returned to her chambers but found Dwayne leaning against the wall outside, he had an apple in his hands and was peeling it with a knife. 

"We meet again," he said.  

"Indeed, but this is my room." She said and rested her hand on the door handle. She opened the door and walked in, Dwayne followed her. "Can I help you?" She asked. 

"I wanna talk and get to know you more." He said. 

"I don't wanna talk to you!" She growled and pushed him out of the room and slammed the door behind him. "Men are all the same!" She walked over to the bed and collapsed down on it, the cold sheets caressing her skin, and she let out a sigh of relief and relished in the silence, she always enjoyed her own company and now that she had a suitor she was willing to do everything to avoid him.

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