

She was shown to her quarters located on the north side of the keep above the stables. From here she could keep an eye on her mount, she saw him now grazing with two other horses, one black Friesian mare and her foal, he lowered his nose to the young one and the little one lifted his head to meet his muzzle. Quelastia walked from the window, she found her eyes gazing at her new surroundings this was different to her home in the forest. The walls were made of stone, there was tapestries hung on the wall, a four posted bed sat in the middle, a wine rug sat underneath.

She had a chest of draws and a wardrobe. She walked further back in her chambers and came to a bathing area, there was a deep dip in the floor and on either side she had different oils to choose from, to her this was foreign she couldn't fathom why she couldn't bathe in the lake nearby. She collapsed on the stall and stared at herself in the mirror. 'What am I doing here?' She runs a hand through her hair, and decides to explore the keep, she keeps to the shadows even if her eyes betrayed her hiding place but the last time she was in a place like this she had been caught, and almost killed so people could get to her unicorn.

She was cautious and kept her footfalls as quiet as she could, she found herself wandering out onto a balcony, it had an arch of ivy above the door, and it twisted around the stone in and out of the holes, Quelstia rested her elbows on the stone, it was uncomfortable and rubbed her youthful skin, she fidgeted till she was comfortable and happy. She gazed down at the bustling town no one aware who she was, she saw children running and up and down, playing with wooden hobbie horses, some even had unicorn ones, the boys were dressed as knights who were chasing the girls who were dressed as the elves, her kin.

This both made her smile but also made her eyes glitter, it had been a while since she had been around her kin, it was rare these days to find a group of elves or even a family. In the great war for the territories between Mercury falls and Whistling Willow most of her kin had been slaughtered, hunted, she was injured but lucky to escape, the bear man, the spirit of the forest took her in and cared for her, healed her. He even took care of Babylont to the best of his abilities, he had been stabled with the snow stags they had migrated down from the mountains to the bear man to be taken care of through the summer.

"Quelastia!"a voice exclaimed from behind and made her jump. She turned, and there stood the kings advisor.

"How may I help you?"she asked.

"The king has asked for you to meet all the men, they're in the courtyard waiting."He said. She nodded and followed the man back through the keep and outside where every man was lined up and in armour, she looked them over and noticed how thin their armour was.

"How do you expect them to be protected in such flimsy armour?" she asked turning to the king.

"This is the best armour in Valhalva," the advisor said. Quelastia scoffed to herself. "Just because you're the last of your kind doesn't mean you can criticise us." The king bellowed.

"I apologise sire, you're right."She answered, her gaze still not meeting his. The king rested a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay child you will learn our ways," he said and gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. She looked up and gave him a soft smile, the king walked up the steps and stood above everyone else. "Gentleman this is the famous warrior I have been talking about, she will teach you everything you need to know." He paused as a soldier lifted his arm into the air. "Yes Cedric," he called.

"Do we get to see her mount?" the boy asked.

"Not until. . ."the king cut her off.

"Yes, call Babylont." The king demanded, Quelastia sighed. She closed her eyes and lowered her head and using her mind she called him, the unicorns eyes opened immediately he pushed himself to his legs, used his teeth to open his door and then galloped to the courtyard, he came from behind them, the soldiers all turned their heads; as he walked closer the crowd parted and allowed the beast through, everyone staring at him in awe. Quelastia found herself smiling. A soon as he was in front of her she touched his snout and he bowed before her.

She gripped his mane and pulled herself onto his back, she turned him and now he faced the men, she gave a gentle tug on his mane and he reared up, all the men cheered and knelt before her.

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